Samsung SC-DC173U user manual

User manual for the device Samsung SC-DC173U

Device: Samsung SC-DC173U
Category: Camcorder
Manufacturer: Samsung
Size: 20.58 MB
Added : 10/4/2014
Number of pages: 128
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Samsung SC-DC173U User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Samsung SC-DC173U. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

DVD Camcorder DVD 摄像机
SC-DC171/DC173(U)/DC175/DC575 SC-DC171/DC173(U)/DC175/DC575
Auto Focus 自动聚焦
Charge Coupled Device 电荷耦合器件
Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示器
Owner’s Instruction Book
Before operating the unit, please read this
Instruction Book thoroughly, and retain it for
future reference.
Use only approved battery packs.
Otherwise, there is a danger of overheating,
fire or explosion. 使用非正品时有过热,起火,爆炸的

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

ENGLISH 中 文 Contents 目录 Notes and Safety Instructions ...........................................6 注意和安全说明 .....................................6 Getting to Know Your DVD Camcorder .............................9 了解您的DVD摄像机 ..................................9 Features ........................................................................................................9 特点 ............................................................ 9 Learning available Discs and Their Features ................

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

ENGLISH 中 文 Contents 目录 DVD Camcorder: Before Recording ................................39 DVD摄像机:录像前 ..................................39 Using the Viewfinder ....................................................................................39 使用取景器 ..................................................... 39 Using the LCD ENHANCER ........................................................................39 使用 LCD 增强器 ................................................ 39 Various Recording Techniques .

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

ENGLISH 中 文 Contents 目录 DVD Camcorder: Playlist ..................................................69 DVD摄像机:播放列表 ................................69 Creating a New Playlist (New Playlist) .......................................................69 创建新的播放列表(新建播放列表) ............................... 69 Playing the Playlist .....................................................................................70 播放 .......................................................... 70 Deleting a Playlist (Delet

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

ENGLISH 中 文 Contents 目录 Recording Moving Images (MPEG) on a Memory Card ............................100 格式化记忆卡(格式化) ......................................... 99 Playing the Moving Images (MPEG) on a Memory Card ..........................101 在记忆卡上录制动态图像(MPEG) ................................ 100 Recording Still images onto a Memory Card during .................................102 播放动态图像(MPEG) .......................................... 101 DVD playback ...........................................

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

ENGLISH 中 文 Notes and Safety Instructions 注意和安全说明 Notes regarding the Rotation of the LCD Screen 注意旋转液晶屏的角度 Please rotate the LCD Screen 请如图所示小心旋转液晶屏幕。 carefully as illustrated. 过度旋转可能会导致用来将LCD屏幕 Over-rotation may cause damage 连接至DVD摄像机的铰链内部损坏。 to the inside of the hinge that 1. 用手指将液晶屏旋转至与摄象机呈 connects the LCD Screen to the DVD 90度角。 Camcorder. 2. 旋转到最佳角度进行摄像和观看。 1. Open the LCD Screen 90 degrees  如果您将显示屏旋转到与镜头 with your finger. 方向一直向前翻转180度,您 2. Rotate it to the best angle to 可以将液晶显示屏面朝外的关

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

ENGLISH 中 文 Notes and Safety Instructions 注意和安全说明 Notes regarding Disc Cleaning and Handling 注意光盘的清洁和取放  小心不要用手指接触光盘的记录面(可以看到彩色镀层的  Take care not to touch the recording side (the rainbow 一面)。盘面上有脏东西或者指印会影响正常播放。 colored side) of the disc with your fingers. Discs contaminated by fingerprints or foreign substances may  使用软布清洁磁盘。 not play properly.  Use a soft cloth to clean the disc.  由内向外清洁磁盘。清洁的过于猛烈给光盘造成划伤,甚  Clean lightly from the center of a disc to the outside 至影响播放效果。 edge. Circling o

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

ENGLISH 中 文 Notes and Safety Instructions 注意和安全说明 Notes regarding DVD Camcorder 有关DVD摄像机的注意事项  Do not leave the DVD Camcorder exposed to high temperatures (above  请勿将DVD摄像机暴露于高温环境中(高于60°C或140°F)。 60 °C or 140 °F). 例如,受到阳光照射车里或直裸露在阳光下。 For example, in a parked car in the sun or exposed to direct sunlight.  请勿让DVD摄像机弄湿。将DVD摄像机远离雨水、海水,和任何其它的潮湿  Do not let the DVD Camcorder get wet. Keep the DVD Camcorder away 环境。 from rain, sea water, and any other form of moisture. 如果DVD摄像机弄湿了,可能会损坏。由于暴露于液体中

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

ENGLISH 中 文 Getting to Know Your DVD Camcorder 了解您的DVD摄像机 Features 特点  DVD Disc Camcorder  DVD光盘摄录机 DVD-VIDEO recording with 3 1/2inch (8cm) DVD-RW/+RW/DVD-R/+R 制作3½英寸(8厘米)DVD-RW/+RW/DVD-R/+R DL(双层)光盘的DVD视频 DL(Dual Layer) discs. 标题。  High Power Zoom Lens 高倍变焦的光学镜头  Offers you High Power Zoom Lens with 34x (SC-DC171/DC173(U)/ 为您提供大功率变焦镜头,包括 34x(仅限SC-DC171/DC173(U)/DC175) DC175 only) Zoom Lens, 26x Zoom Lens (SC-DC575 only). 变焦镜头,26x 变焦镜头(仅限SC-DC575)。  USB Interface for Digital Image Data

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

ENGLISH 中 文 Getting to Know Your DVD Camcorder 了解您的DVD摄像机 Learning available Discs and Their Features 了解可用的光盘及其特性 This DVD Camcorder can record or play back by using only the 3 1/2 inch 此 DVD 摄录机只能使用 3 1/2 英寸(8 厘米)DVD-R/+R DL/-RW/+RW 光盘(未 (8cm) DVD-R/+R DL/-RW/+RW disc (not supplied). Please check whether 提供)进行录制或播放。 请检查您的光盘是否能够使用。 your disc is proper for use. 哪些光盘可用? Which discs are available? DVD-R DVD-RW DVD+RW DVD-R DVD+ReWritable D DVD+VD ReWritable -RW DVD+ReWritable DVD+RW DVD+ReWrita

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

ENGLISH 中 文 Getting to Know Your DVD Camcorder 了解您的DVD摄像机 Which discs recorded on the DVD 在 DVD 播放器/录制器/驱动器中 Camcorder can be played inDVD 可以播放在 DVD 摄像机中录制的 players/recorders/drives? 哪些光盘? Discs must be finalized before they can be played 必须终结光盘才能在常用 DVD 播放器/录制器上播放。 on common DVD player/recorders. 终结是使录制好的 DVD 光盘能够在常用 DVD 播放 Finalizing is a process required to make the DVD discs 器上播放的必需过程。 you recorded playable on common DVD players. DVD-R DVD+ReWritable DVD+R DL D DVD+VD ReWritable -R DVD+W R D

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

ENGLISH 中 文 Getting to Know Your DVD Camcorder 了解您的DVD摄像机 How to use the DVD Camcorder easily 如何轻松使用DVD摄像机 You can record any desired image and edit and playback the disc on a DVD 您可以录制任何所需的图像,并在终结光盘后在DVD摄像机、多数的DVD播放 Camcorder, most common DVD players, and PCs after finalizing the disc. 机和计算机上编辑和播放该光盘。 Recording 录制  Selecting the desired disc and disc formatting  选择期望的光盘和光盘格式化 第 42 页 page 42  录制期望的图像 第 44 页  Recording the desired Images page 44   Playing Back 播放  Selecting a scene to

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

ENGLISH 中 文 Getting to Know Your DVD Camcorder 了解您的摄录一体机 Accessories Supplied with the DVD Camcorder DVD摄像机提供的附件 Make sure that the following basic accessories are supplied with your DVD 请确定您的DVD摄像机提供下列基本附件。 Camcorder. Basic Accessories 1. Lithium Ion Battery Pack 2. AC Power Adapter 3. AV Cable 基本附件 (SB-LSM80) (AA-E9 TYPE) 1. 锂电池组(SB-LSM80) 1. Lithium Ion Battery Pack (SB-LSM80) 2. 交流电源适配器 2. AC Power Adapter (AA-E9 TYPE) (AA-E9 TYPE) 3. AV 电缆线 3. AV Cable 4. 说明书 4. Instruction Book 4. Ins

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

ENGLISH 中 文 了解您的DVD摄像机 Getting to Know Your DVD Camcorder Front & Left View 正视图和左视图 1 7 8 2 9 3 4 10 5 Illustrations of model SC-DC175 are used in this owner’s instructions. Although 6 the models covered in this manual look different, they all operate in a similar way. 1. ACCESS Indicator page 41 9. Joystick (Up/Down/Left/ 1. ACCESS(数据)指示灯41页 3. 镜头 Right/OK)/FADE (page 47)/ 2. 开仓开关 41页 4. LED灯 (仅限SC-DC173U/DC175/ 2. OPEN Switch page 41 // / DC575) 50页 3. Lens  : M

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

ENGLISH 中 文 Getting to Know Your DVD Camcorder 了解您的DVD摄像机 Left Side View 左视图 1 5 2 6 3 7 8 4 1. Built-In Speaker 7. C.NITE/LIGHT/S.SHOW 1. 内置扬声器 7. C.NITE/LIGHT/S.SHOW 按钮 Button (SC-DC173U/DC175/ (仅限SC-DC173U/DC175/DC575) 2. LCD ENHANCER Button 2. LCD ENHANCER 按钮 39 页 DC575 only) page 49/50/95 49/50/95 页 page 39 3. Zoom (W/T)/VOL (/) 按钮 C.NITE/S.SHOW Button C.NITE/S.SHOW 按钮 3. Zoom (W/T)/VOL (/) 46/64 页 (SC-DC173 only) page 49/95 (仅限SC-DC173)49/95 页 Button page 46/64 4. Start

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

ENGLISH 中 文 Getting to Know Your DVD Camcorder 了解您的DVD摄像机 Right & Top View 右视图和下视图 1 7 2 8 3 9 4 10 5 6 1. PHOTO Button 7. Zoom (W/T) Lever page 46 1. PHOTO 按钮(仅限SC- 7. Zoom (W/T) 杆 46 页 (SC-DC173(U)/DC175/DC575 DC173(U)/DC175/DC575)94 8. Mode Switch (DISC/CARD) 8. Mode 开关 (DISC/CARD) only) page 94 页 (SC-DC173(U)/DC175/DC575 (仅限SC-DC173(U)/DC175/ 2. Focus Adjustment Knob only) 2. 调焦球形柄 39 页 DC575) page 39 9. Disc Cover 3. 取景器 9. 光盘仓盖 3. Viewfinder 10. Hand Strap 4. Start/Stop 按钮 44 页 1

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

ENGLISH 中 文 Getting to Know Your DVD Camcorder 了解您的DVD摄像机 Rear & Bottom View 后视图和底视图 6 7 8 3 1 2 4 5 1. Charging Indicator 1. 充电指示符 Usable Memory Cards (2GB Max) 2. Lithium Battery Cover (SC-DC173(U)/DC175/DC575 only) 2. 锂电池盖 3. AV 插孔 3. AV Jack 4. DC IN 插孔 4. DC IN Jack 5. 手带钩 5. Hand Strap Hook 6. 三角架接口 6. Tripod Receptacle SD MMC 7. 记忆卡插槽 7. Memory Card Slot (仅限SC-DC173(U)/DC175/DC575) (SC-DC173(U)/DC175/DC575 only) 8. BATT.RELEASE 开关 8. BATT. RELEASE Switch 17

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

ENGLISH 中 文 了解您的DVD摄像机 Getting to Know Your DVD Camcorder Remote Control (SC-DC175/DC575 only) 遥控器(仅限SC-DC175/DC575) 1 8 9 2 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 7 1. 开始/停止 按键 8. PHOTO(照相)键 94页 1. START/STOP 8. PHOTO page 94 2. DISPLAY(显示)按键 29页 9. W/T(变焦)46页 2. DISPLAY page 29 9. W/T (Zoom) page 46 3. /(跳读) 10. /(搜索) 3. /(Skip) 10. /(Search) 4.  (停止) 11. (慢放) | 4.  (Stop) 11. | (Slow)  5.  (播放/暂停) 12. Q-MENU(快捷)菜单 5.  (Play/Still) 12. Q-MENU 6. MENU(菜单)键 6. MENU 7. 上( )/下( )/左( )/ 右( )/O

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

ENGLISH 中 文 Preparation 准备 Using the Hand Strap & Lens Cover 使用手带和镜头盖 It is very important to ensure that the Hand Strap has been correctly 开始使用摄像机之前,正确调整手带的位置,这样可以确保: - 以稳定、舒适的姿势握住DVD摄像机。 adjusted before you begin your recording. - 不需要改变手的位置,便可以按下[Zoom]变焦,[Start/Stop]按钮。 The Hand Strap enables you to: - Hold the DVD Camcorder in a stable, comfortable position. - Press the [Zoom] lever and [Start/Stop] button without having to change the position of your hand. Hand Strap 手带 1. Pull and open the

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

ENGLISH 中 文 Preparation 准备 Lithium Battery Installation 锂电池的安装 Lithium Battery Installation for the Internal Clock 为内部时钟安装锂电池 1. Remove the Battery Pack from the rear 1. 从DVD摄像机的背面取下电池组。 of the DVD Camcorder. 2. 打开DVD摄像机背面的锂电池盖。 2. Open the Lithium Battery Cover on the 3. 把锂电池放在锂电池的支架上,电池的 rear of the DVD Camcorder. 正极(+)朝上安装。 3. Position the Lithium Battery in the Lithium 注意请不要将电池的极性装反。 Battery Holder, with the positive (+) 4. 关闭锂电池的盖子。 terminal face up. Be careful not to reverse the pola

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