Sony Handycam Vision CCD-TRV54E user manual

User manual for the device Sony Handycam Vision CCD-TRV54E

Device: Sony Handycam Vision CCD-TRV54E
Category: Camcorder
Manufacturer: Sony
Size: 3.41 MB
Added : 5/28/2013
Number of pages: 128
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Sony Handycam Vision CCD-TRV54E User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Sony Handycam Vision CCD-TRV54E. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

3-859-617-13 (1)
Video Camera
Operating Instructions
Before operating the unit, please read this manual thoroughly,
and retain it for future reference.
Иíñòðóêöèя ïî ýêñïëóàòàöèè
Пåðåä ýêñïëóàòàöèåé àïïàðàòà âíèìàòåëüíî ïðî÷òèòå,
ïîæàëóéñòà, äàííîå ðóêîâîäñòâî è ñîõðàíяéòå åãî äëя
äàëüíåéøèõ ñïðàâîê.
©1997 by Sony Corporation

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

English Рóññêèé Дîáðî ïîæàëîâàòü! Welcome! Congratulations on your purchase of this Sony Пîçäàâëяåì Вàñ ñ ïðèîáðåòåíèåì äàííîé Handycam Vision™ camcorder. With your âèäåîêàìåðû Handycam Vision ôèðìû Sony. Handycam Vision you can capture life’s precious С ïîìîùüþ Вàøåé âèäåîêàìåðû Handycam moments with superior picture and sound Vision Вû ìîæåòå çàïå÷àòëåòü äîðîãèå Вàì quality. ìãíîâåíèя æèçíè ñ ïðåâîñõîäíûì êà÷åñòâîì Your Handycam Vision is loaded with advanced èçîáðàæåíèя è çâóêà.Вàøà âèäåîê

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

English Table of contents Before you begin Using the PROGRAM AE function .................... 58 Shooting with backlighting ................................. 60 Using this manual ................................................... 5 Adjusting the exposure ........................................ 61 Checking supplied accessories ............................. 7 Releasing the STEADY SHOT function ............. 62 Superimposing a title ........................................... 63 Getting started M

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Рóñêèé Оãëàâëåíèå Пåðåä íà÷àëîì ýêñïëóàòàöèè Оòêëþ÷åíèå ôóíêöèè STEADY SHOT ........ 62 Иñïîëüçîâàíèå äàííîãî ðóêîâîäñòâà ........... 5 Нàëîæåíèå íàäïèñè ...................................... 63 Пðîâåðêà ïðèëàãàåìûõ ïðèíàäëåæíîñòåé... 7 Сîçäàíèå Вàøèõ ñîáñòâåííûõ íàäïèñåé .... 66 Пåðåçàïèñü èçîáðàæåíèя â ñåðåäèíå Пîäãîòîâêà ê ýêñïëóàòàöèè çàïèñàííîé ëåíòû (òîëüêî CCD-TRV94E) .. 67 Зàðяäêà è óñòàíîâêà áàðàòåéíîãî áëîêà ..... 8 Зàïèñü ñ äàòîé/âðåìåíåì ............................. 69 Вñòàâêà êàññ

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

Before you begin Пåðåä íà÷àëîì ýêñïëóàòàöèè Before you begin Пåðåä íà÷àëîì ýêñïëóàòàöèè Иñïîëüçîâàíèå Using this manual äàííîãî ðóêîâîäñòâà The instructions in this manual are for the three Иíñòðóêöèè â äàííîì ðóêîâîäñòâå models listed below. Before you start reading ïðåäíàçíà÷åíû äëя òðåõ ìîäåëåé, this manual and operating the unit, check your ïðèâåäåííûõ íèæå. Пåðåä òåì, êàê ïðî÷åñòü model number by looking at the bottom of your äàííîå ðóêîâîäñòâî è íà÷àòü ýêñïëóàòàöèþ camcorder. The CCD-T

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

Иñïîëüçîâàíèå äàííîãî ðóêîâîäñòâà Using this manual Note on TV colour systems Пðèìå÷àíèå ïî ñèñòåìàì öâåòíîãî òåëåâèäåíèя TV colour systems differ from country to country. To view your recordings on a TV, you Сèñòåìû öâåòíîãî òåëåâèäåíèя îòëè÷àþòñя â çàâèñèìîñòè îò ñòðàíû. Дëя ïðîñìîòðà Вàøèõ need a PAL system-based TV. çàïèñåé ïî òåëåâèçîðó Вàì íåîáõîäèìî èñïîëüçîâàòü òåëåâèçîð, îñíîâàííûé íà Precaution on copyright ñèñòåìå PAL. Television programmes, films, video tapes, and Пðåäîñòåðåæåíèå îá

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

Before you begin Пåðåä íà÷àëîì ýêñïëóàòàöèè Checking supplied Пðîâåðêà ïðèëàãàåìûõ accessories ïðèíàäëåæíîñòåé Check that the following accessories are supplied Пðîâåðüòå íàëè÷èå ñëåäóþùèõ with your camcorder. ïðèíàäëåæíîñòåé, ïðèëàãàåìûõ ê Вàøåé âèäåîêàìåðå. 1 23 RMT-717* RMT-708 or/èëè 45 6 7 1 Бåñïðîâîäíûé ïóëüò äèñòàíöèîííîãî 1 Wireless Remote Commander (1) (p. 121) *for Hi8 model óïðàâëåíèя (1) (ñòð. 121) * Дëя ìîäåëè Hi8 2 AC-V316 AC power adaptor (1) (p. 8, 32) 2 Сåòåâîé àäàïòåð ïåðåì.

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

Getting started Пîäãîòîâêà ê ýêñïëóàòàöèè Charging and installing Зàðяäêà è óñòàíîâêà the battery pack áàòàðåéíîãî áëîêà Before using your camcorder, you first need to Пåðåä èñïîëüçîâàíèåì Вàøåé âèäåîêàìåðû charge and install the battery pack. To charge Вàì íóæíî ñíà÷àëà çàðяäèòü è óñòàíîâèòü the battery pack, use the supplied AC power áàòàðåéíûé áëîê. Дëя çàðяäêè áàòàðåéíîãî adaptor. áëîêà èñïîëüçóéòå ïðèëàãàåìûé ñåòåâîé This camcorder operates with the àäàïòåð ïåðåì. òîêà. “InfoLITHIUM“ batte

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

Getting started Пîäãîòîâêà ê ýêñïëóàòàöèè Charging and installing the Зàðяäêà è óñòàíîâêà battery pack áàòàðåéíîãî áëîêà Charging time Вðåìя çàðяäêè Battery pack Charging time* (min.) Бàòàðåéíûé áëîê Вðåìя çàðяäêè* (ìèí.) NP-F530 (ïðèëàãàåòñя) 170 (110) NP-F530 (supplied) 170 (110) NP-F730 250 (190) NP-F730 250 (190) NP-F930 330 (270) NP-F930 330 (270) Вðåìя, òðåáóåìîå äëя íîðìàëüíîé çàðяäêè, The time required for a normal charge is óêàçàíî â ñêîáêàõ. indicated in parentheses. * Пðèáëèçèòåëüíîå

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

Charging and installing the Зàðяäêà è óñòàíîâêà battery pack áàòàðåéíîãî áëîêà Numbers in parentheses indicate the time when Чèñëà â ñêîáêàõ óêàçûâàþò âðåìя, êîãäà Вû èñïîëüçóåòå íîðìàëüíî çàðяæåííûé you use a normally charged battery. áàòàðåéíûé áëîê. Battery life will be shorter if you use the Сðîê ñëóæáû áàòàðåéíîãî áëîêà áóäåò camcorder in a cold environment. êîðî÷å, åñëè Вû èñïîëüçóåòå âèäåîêàìåðó â * Approximate continuous recording time õîëîäíûõ óñëîâèяõ. indoors. * Пðèáëèçèòåëüíîå âðåìя

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

Getting started Пîäãîòîâêà ê ýêñïëóàòàöèè Charging and installing the Зàðяäêà è óñòàíîâêà battery pack áàòàðåéíîãî áëîêà Installing the battery pack Зàðяäêà è óñòàíîâêà áàòàðåéíîãî áëîêà (1) Lift up the viewfinder. (2) Insert the battery pack in the direction of the (1) Пîäíèìèòå âèäîèñêàòåëü. $ mark on the battery pack. Slide the battery (2) Уñòàíîâèòå áàòàðåéíûé áëîê â pack down until it catches on the battery íàïðàâëåíèè çíàêà “$” íà áàòàðåéíîì release lever and clicks. áëîêå. Сäâèãàéòå áàòàð

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

EJECT Inserting a cassette Вñòàâêà êàññåòû Make sure that the power source is installed. Уáåäèòåñü, ÷òî èñòî÷íèê ïèòàíèя óñòàíîâëåí. When you want to record in the Hi8 system, use Еñëè Вû õîòèòå âûïîëíèòü çàïèñü â ñèñòåìå Hi8 video cassette H (CCD-TRV94E only). Hi8, òî èñïîëüçóéòå Hi8-âèäåîêàññåòó H (1) While pressing the small blue button on the (òîëüêî CCD-TRV94Е). EJECT switch, slide it in the direction of the (1) Нàæèìàя ìàëåíüêóþ ñèíþþ êíîïêó íà arrow. The cassette compartment âûêëþ÷àòåëå E

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

Basic operations Оñíîâíûå îïåðàöèè S S P P T T H H A A O O N N T T D D B B O O Y Y K K Basic operations Оñíîâíûå îïåðàöèè Camera recording Зàïèñü ñ ïîìîùüþ âèäåîêàìåðû Уáåäèòåñü, ÷òî èñòî÷íèê ïèòàíèя óñòàíîâëåí, Make sure that the power source is installed and êàññåòà âñòàâëåíà è, ÷òî ïåðåêëþ÷àòåëü a cassette is inserted and that the START/STOP START/STOP MODE íà ïàíåëè ЖКД MODE switch inside the LCD panel is set to . óñòàíîâëåí íà . Before you record one-time events, you may Пåðåä òåì êàê Вû íà

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

S S S P P P T T T H H H A A A O O O N N N T T T D D D B B B O O O Y Y Y K K K Зàïèñü ñ ïîìîùüþ Camera recording âèäåîêàìåðû To stop recording momentarily [a] Дëя âðåìåííîé îñòàíîâêè çàïèñè [à] Press START/STOP again. The “STBY” indicator Сíîâà íàæìèòå START/STOP. Иíäèêàòîð appears in the viewfinder (Standby mode). “STBY” ïîяâèòñя â âèäîèñêàòåëå (ðåæèì ãîòîâíîñòè). To finish recording [b] Press START/STOP again. Turn STANDBY Дëя îêîí÷àíèя çàïèñè [b] down to LOCK and set the POWER switch to Сíîâà

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

Basic operations Оñíîâíûå îïåðàöèè Зàïèñü ñ ïîìîùüþ Camera recording âèäåîêàìåðû Note on Standby mode Пðèìå÷àíèå ê ðåæèìó ãîòîâíîñòè Еñëè Вû îñòàâèòå âèäåîêàìåðó â ðåæèìå If you leave the camcorder in Standby mode for 5 ãîòîâíîñòè íà 5 ìèíóò ñî âñòàâëåííîé minutes while the cassette is inserted, the êàññåòîé, òî âèäåîêàìåðà âûêëþ÷èòñя camcorder turns off automatically. This prevents àâòîìàòè÷åñêè. Эòî ïðåäîòâðàùàåò ðàñõîä wearing down the battery and wearing out the çàðяäà áàòàðåéíîãî áëîêà è è

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

Зàïèñü ñ ïîìîùüþ Camera recording âèäåîêàìåðû Note on the AUTO DATE feature Пðèìå÷àíèå îòíîñèòåëüíî ôóíêöèè AUTO DATE – CCD-TRV54E/TRV56E only — Тîëüêî CCD-TRV54E/TRV56E Чàñû óñòàíîâëåíû íà çàâîäå-èçãîòîâèòåëå íà The clock is set at the factory to Sydney time for ñèäíåéñêîå âðåìя äëя ìîäåëåé Аâñòðàëèè è Australia and New Zealand models, to Tokyo Нîâîé Зåëàíäèè, íà òîêèéñêîå âðåìя äëя time for the models sold in Japan, and to Hong ìîäåëåé, ïðîäàâàåìûõ â Яïîíèè è íà âðåìя Kong time for other mode

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

Basic operations Оñíîâíûå îïåðàöèè Зàïèñü ñ ïîìîùüþ Camera recording âèäåîêàìåðû Сêîðîñòü íàåçäà âèäåîêàìåðû (íàåçä Zooming speed (Variable speed ñ ðàçëè÷íîé ñêîðîñòüþ) zooming) Пåðåäâèíüòå ðû÷àã ïðèâîäíîãî Move the power zoom lever a little for a slower òðàíñôîêàòîðà íåìíîãî äëя ìåäëåííîãî zoom, move it further for a faster zoom. íàåçäà, ïåðåäâèíüòå åãî äàëüøå äëя áûñòðîãî íàåçäà. When you shoot a subject using a telephoto zoom Кîãäà Вû ñíèìàåòå îáúåêò, èñïîëüçóя If you cannot get a sharp focus

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

S S P P T T H H A A O O N N T T D D B B O O Y Y K K Зàïèñü ñ ïîìîùüþ Camera recording âèäåîêàìåðû Selecting the START/STOP mode Вûáîð ðåæèìà START/STOP Вàøà âèäåîêàìåðà èìååò åùå äâà ðåæèìà Your camcorder has two modes besides normal êðîìå îáû÷íîãî ðåæèìà ïóñêà/îñòàíîâà. Эòè start/stop mode. These modes enable you to take ðåæèìû ïîçâîëяþò Вàì ñíяòü ñåðèþ a series of quick shots resulting in a lively video. êîðîòêèõ êàäðîâ, ñîçäàâàя â ðåçóëüòàòå (1) While pressing OPEN, open the LCD panel. æèâóþ

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

Basic operations Оñíîâíûå îïåðàöèè Зàïèñü ñ ïîìîùüþ Camera recording âèäåîêàìåðû Сúåìêà ñ ïîìîùüþ ýêðàíà ЖКД Shooting with the LCD screen Вû òàêæå ìîæåòå îñóùåñòâëяòü çàïèñü You can also record the picture while looking at èçîáðàæåíèя, ïðîñìàòðèâàя åãî íà ýêðàíå the LCD screen. ЖКД. When using the LCD screen, the viewfinder turns Пðè èñïîëüçîâàíèè ýêðàíà ЖКД off automatically. You cannot monitor the sound âèäîèñêàòåëü âûêëþ÷èòñя àâòîìàòè÷åñêè. from the speaker during recording. Вû íå ìîæåòå ïð

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

Зàïèñü ñ ïîìîùüþ Camera recording âèäåîêàìåðû Notes on the LCD panel Пðèìå÷àíèя ê ïàíåëè ЖКД •When closing the LCD panel, turn it vertically • Пðè çàêðûâàíèè ïàíåëè ЖКД until it clicks [a]. ïîâîðà÷èâàéòå åå âåðòèêàëüíî, ïîêà îíà íå •When turning the LCD panel, turn it always çàùåëêíåòñя [a]. vertically; otherwise, the camcorder body may • Пðè ïîâîðà÷èâàíèè ïàíåëè ЖКД, be damaged or the LCD panel may not close ïîâîðà÷èâàéòå åå âñåãäà âåðòèêàëüíî, èëè, properly [b]. â ïðîòèâíîì ñëó÷àå, êîðïóñ âèäå

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