Summary of the content on the page No. 1
Step by Step An Example for each Application
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CASIO Education Technology M.R.D. Center
Portland, Oregon USA
Summary of the content on the page No. 2
Index Main … page 2 Math calculations with a computer algebra system (CAS). eActivity … page 4 Input math, text, and other applications to create and save activities, and share data between applications using drag and drop. Verify … page 7 Verifies your work (available from within Main or eActivity). Statistics … page 8 Input lists of data, obtain statistical results and draw stat graphs. Statistics Wizard … page 9 Statistical tests, intervals and distributions made easy. Probabi
Summary of the content on the page No. 3
Hi! Each section of this handout introduces you to a different feature of the ClassPad. To ensure that you get the same results as we do, please make sure your status bar displays the same settings. Have fun learning how to drag, drop and explore math in a new way! Setting the Result Type a. Tap m and then M b. Open the O menu (tap to open) c. Select Default Setup Great Feature… d. Tap the OK button to reset Just tap a
Summary of the content on the page No. 4
Using the Main Application Creating a Sequence a. Tap m and then M b. Input x{2 c. Select x^2 d. Open the Interactive menu e. Select List-Create and then seq f. Fill in the data and select OK g. You will see {1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64} Using 2D Math a. Press the k key b. Tap the 2D tab and select V c. Input 2 d. Press the right cursor key e. Input 3 and press E f. Tap on the line containing log (3) 2 g. Tap u to change
Summary of the content on the page No. 5
Using the Main Application (continued) Clearing the Work Area a. Tap in the Main window to give it focus (notice the toolbar and bolder window border) b. Select Edit and then Clear All c. Select OK d. Tap in the Graph window to give it focus e. Select Edit and then Clear All f. Select OK More 2D Math a. Tap in the Main window and then press the k key b. Tap the 2D tab and then the CALC button c. Select the 2D der
Summary of the content on the page No. 6
Using the eActivity Application Entering Text and Math a. Tap m and then A b. Select Edit and then Clear All c. Press the k key d. Tap the abc tab and type in the text shown e. Tap anywhere on the line: seq(x,x,-5,5) f. On the toolbar, tap u to toggle it to (changing from type text to math) g. Press E Storing Values in Variables a. Tap (place focus) following seq(x,x,-5,5) b. Tap the mth tab on the keyboard c. Tap the W key and then a d. Press E to store list
Summary of the content on the page No. 7
Using the eActivity Application (Continued) Changing Graphs Automatically a. Important: Tap in the Graph Editor window to give it focus b. Close the Graph Editor window by tapping the small in the upper right corner c. Important: In eActivity, change each sequence as shown d. Important: Tap on the line containing seq(x,x,-12,12,3) ⇒a and press E e. Tap in the Graph window and it updates automatically! Changing Graphs (continued) a. Tap in eActivity again st b. Change
Summary of the content on the page No. 8
Using the Geometry Link within eActivity Inserting a Geometry Link a. Tap m and then A (if needed) b. Select Edit and then Clear All c. Open the Insert menu and select Strip then Geometry d. Tap below the Geometry strip that you just inserted e. Open the Insert menu and select Geometry Link Linking an Equation to Geometry a. Tap in the box just following the link symbol b. Input y = x^2 c. Select y = x^2 and let go d. Press on the selection and drag to the Ge
Summary of the content on the page No. 9
Using Verify within eActivity (also available in Main) Inserting a Verify Window a. Tap m and then A(if needed) b. Select Edit and then Clear All c. Open the Insert menu and select Strip then Verify d. Or, you can select Verify’s button ( ) from the dropdown button palette e. You will also find Verify’s button in the Main application’s dropdown button palette Using Verify to Assist in Factoring a. Tap in the top box b. Type in 45 and press E c. To see what hap
Summary of the content on the page No. 10
Using the Statistics Application Entering Data a. Tap m and then I b. If needed, open the Edit menu and select Clear All c. Tap below list1 d. Input data and press E after each input e. *Data is the low temperature predicted for 12/21/03 – 12/27/03 in Portland, Oregon Setting Stat Options a. Open the SetGraph menu b. Select Setting… c. Setup page 1 for StatGraph1 d. Tap Set Graphing Data & Regressions a. Tap y to plot your data (first icon on to
Summary of the content on the page No. 11
Using the Statistics Wizard for Tests, Intervals and Distributions Selecting a Test a. Tap in the List Editor window to give it focus b. Open the Calc menu and select Test c. Tap r (just above the cursor pad) d. Select One-Sample TTest from the drop down list e. If you want to, s Help Inputting Data a. Select the type Variable b. Tap Next c. Input the data shown d. Tap Next Graphing and Experimenting a. Tap $ to graph b. To experiment, tap the << Ba
Summary of the content on the page No. 12
Using Probability within Main (also available in eActivity) Probability and Rolling a Die a. Tap m and then M b. Select Edit and then Clear All nd c. Tap the 2 n button and select d. Tap OK to accept e. Tap O to begin a new trial f. Tap OK to clear the last trial g. Change Number of trials to 100 h. Tap OK Turning a Matrix a. Tap the matrix to select it and let go b. Press on the selection and drag to the small input box in Main c. When you see the cursor blinking,
Summary of the content on the page No. 13
Using the Spreadsheet Application Entering and Graphing Data a. Tap m and then b. Tap in cell A1 c. Input the data shown pressing E after each entry d. Tap the column heading for column A to select it nd e. Tap the 2 n arrow on the toolbar and select (Or, open the Graph menu and select Column/Clustered) Drawing a Regression a. Tap in the graph window b. Open the Calc menu and select Exponential Reg c. Tap Close when ready d. Change cell A2 from 6 to 4 and pre
Summary of the content on the page No. 14
Using the Statistics Wizard in the Spreadsheet Application Finding the Statistics Wizard a. Tap m and then b. Select Edit and then Clear All c. Input the data shown pressing E after each entry d. Tap the column heading for column A to select it e. Open the Calc menu and select Distribution Graphing Results a. With Normal PD selected from the drop down list, tap Next b. Input the other data shown c. Tap Next d. Tap $ Se
Summary of the content on the page No. 15
Using the Graph & Table Application Graphing a. Tap m and then g b. Tap in the box following y1 c. Input x{2 and press E d. Tap # on the toolbar and select h e. Input y{2-1and press E f. Tap $ to view your graphs (first icon on toolbar) Line Style 2 a. Tap [-----] to the right of y1=x b. Tap a different line style and then OK c. Tap $ to view your graphs Using the Shade Type a. Tap in the Graph window to give it focus b. Open the a menu and select Draw Sh
Summary of the content on the page No. 16
Using the 3D Graph Application Graphing z=f(x,y) Form a. Tap m and then D b. Tap in the box following z1 c. Input: 1/(x^2+y^2) d. Press E e. Tap % on the toolbar f. Press and drag within the graph window Graphing in Parametric Form a. Tap in the box following z2 b. Tap the button to change to parametric c. Press the k key d. Tap the mth tab and then TRIG e. Input: Xst2=2sin(s)cos(t) Yst2=cos(t) Zst2=t f. Press E and then tap % Modifying G
Summary of the content on the page No. 17
Using the Geometry Application Drawing an Ellipse with Foci a. Tap m and then G nd b. Tap the 2 n and select the ellipse with foci icon c. Tap twice (about 1 inch apart) d. Tap a third time and drag until you are happy Adding Segments and Selecting nd a. Tap the 2 n and select the segment icon b. Tap point A and then point C c. Tap point B and then point C (Notice the status bar as you tap!) st d. Select the 1 toolbar button (G) to change to select mode e. Tap p
Summary of the content on the page No. 18
Using the Conics Application Graphing a. Tap m and then C b. Tap in the box below “Conics Equation:” c. Input x^2-2x-y^2=4 d. Press E e. Tap ^ on the toolbar f. Open the Zoom menu and select Quick Initialize (if needed) Fitting into a Form a. Tap in the Conics Equation window to give it focus b. Open the Fit menu and select Fit into Conics Form c. Select the correct form d. Tap OK Drawing Asymptotes a. Tap in the Graph window b. Open the Analysis me
Summary of the content on the page No. 19
Using the Differential Equation Application Graphing a Slope Field a. Tap m and then b. Open the Type menu and select st 1 (Slope Field) c. Input y’=2x d. Tap to graph Drawing Solution Curves a. Select the button b. Tap a single point in the graph window – a solution curve is drawn c. Tap the IC tab d. Set xi=2, yi=1 and press E e. Tap to graph Guess a Solution Curve a. Tap the Graphs tab b. Input your guess and press E c. Tap to graph d.
Summary of the content on the page No. 20
Using the NumSolve Application Entering an Equation a. Tap m and then N b. Tap in the box below Equation: c. Press the k key d. Tap mth and then VAR e. Input the equation: 9/5c + 32 = f f. Press E o Solve for c when f = 50 a. Input 50 for f b. Make sure c’s radio button is selected c. Tap 1 on the toolbar d. Tap OK to the dialog that opens o Solve for f when c = 50 a. Input 50 for c b. Make sure f’s radio button is selected c. Tap 1 on the tool