Casio ScientificFX260SLR user manual

User manual for the device Casio ScientificFX260SLR

Device: Casio ScientificFX260SLR
Category: Calculator
Manufacturer: Casio
Size: 0.19 MB
Added : 10/5/2014
Number of pages: 38
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Casio ScientificFX260SLR User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Casio ScientificFX260SLR. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

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Summary of the content on the page No. 2


Summary of the content on the page No. 3

CASIO ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Unit 6, 1000 North Circular Road, London NW2 7JD, U.K. Contents Handling Precautions … 2 Modes … 3 Basic Calculations … 5 Constant Calculations … 6 Memory Calculations … 7 Fraction Calculations … 9 Percentage Calculations … 10 Scientific Function Calculations … 11 Statistical Calculations (SD Mode) … 18 Technical Information … 21 — 1 —

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Handling Precautions •Your calculator is made up of precision components. Never try to take it apart. •Avoid dropping your calculator and otherwise subjecting it to strong impact. • Do not store the calculator or leave it in areas exposed to high temperature or humidity, or large amounts of dust. When exposed to low temperatures, the calculator may require more time to display results and may even fail to operate. Correct operation will resume once the calculator is brought back to normal temper

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

fully reread this manual and ensure that the problem is not due to low battery power (fx-85B/fx-280) or operational error. • The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice. •No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form without the express written consent of the manufacturer. •Keep this manual on hand for future reference. Modes Key Mode Application Name* Operation Standard deviation calculations SD Fl Normal calculations COMP F0 Calculations using degrees DEG F4 Calcula

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

Note! •A mode guide is located at the top of the display screen. • DEG, RAD, and GRA modes can be used in combination with COMP and SD modes. • does not exit SD mode. F9 • exits SD mode. F0 • does not clear SCI or FIX specifications. F0 •Always press before entering DEG, RAD, and GRA t modes. •Remember to always set the operating mode and angular unit (DEG, RAD, GRA) before starting your calculation. — 4 —

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

Basic Calculations •Use the COMP mode for basic calculations. • Example 1: 234.553 23 + 4.5 , 53 = –25.5 • Example 2: 56(12)(2.5) 56 -12 E \ 2.5 E = 268.8 20 • Example 3: 23(110 ) 19 2 \ 3 -1 e 20 = 6.666666667 • Example 4: 7845=36 7 - 8 , 4 - 5 = 36. 6 • Example 5: =0.3 45 4 - 5 \ 6 A N = 0.3 • Example 6: 2[76(54)]122 2 - O 7 + 6 - O 5 + 4 P P = 122. •You can skip all P operations before the = key. — 5 —

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

3 • Example 7: 4/3 π5 4 \ 3 - A x - 5 A N = 523.5987756 Constant Calculations •Press +, ,, - or \ twice after inputting a number to make that number a constant. •“K” is on the display while a constant is being used. •Use the COMP mode for constant calculations. • Example 1: 2.33, then 2.36 K (2.33) 2.3 + + 3 = 5.3 K (2.36) 6 = 8.3 • Example 2: 122.3, then 12(9) K (122.3) 12 - - 2.3 = 27.6 K (12(9)) 9 E = –108. • Example 3: 1717171768 K (1717) 17 + + = 34. K (171717) = 51.

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

4 • Example 4: 1.7 8.3521 K 2 (1.7 ) 1.7 - - = 2.89 K 3 (1.7 ) = 4.913 4 K (1.7 ) = 8.3521 Memory Calculations •Use the COMP mode for memory calculations. •Use A Y, |, A { and Z for memory calculations. A Y replaces current memory contents. •“M” appears when there is a value in memory. •To clear memory, press 0 A Y or t A Y. • Example 1: (536)(238)(562)(994)210.75 M (536) 53 + 6 = A Y 59. M (238) 23 , 8 | 15. M (562) 56 - 2 | 112. M (994) 99 \ 4 | 24.75 M (Memory recall) Z 210

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

M 13. • Example 3: To calculate the following using memory and a constant: (123)(453)(783)135. MK (123) 3 - - 12 = A Y 36. MK (453) 45 A { 135. MK (783) 78 | 234. MK (Memory recall) Z 135. kAdditional fx-85B/fx-280 Memory Calculations • The fx-85B/fx-280 has two additional memories named A and B. •Use A J to store data and 0 to recall data. •Storing data in a memory replaces anything stored there previously. •To clear a memory, store a zero in it. • Example 1: To input 123 in memor

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

t 0 1 123. • Example 2: To store the results of 123  456 in memory B. t 123 - 456 A J 2 56088. t 0 2 56088. Fraction Calculations •Use COMP mode for fraction calculations. •Total number of digits (including division marks) cannot exceed 10. 2 4 7 • Example 1:  1 3 5 15 2 C 3 + 4 C 5 = 1 7 15. 1 2 11 • Example 2: 3 1 4 4 3 12 3 C 1 C 4 + 1 C 2 C 3 = 4 11 12. 2 1 • Example 3:  2 C 4 2 4. 4 2 = 1 2. 1 • Example 4: 1.62.1 2 1 C 2 + 1.6 = 2.1 Fract

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

1 • Example 5: ↔ 0.5(Fraction ↔Decimal) 2 1 C 2 = 1 2. C 0.5 C 1 2. 2 5 • Example 6: 1 ↔ 3 3 1 C 2 C 3 1 2 3. A B 5 3. A B 1 2 3. Percentage Calculations •Use COMP mode for percentage calculations. • Example 1: To calculate 12% of 1500. 1500 - 12 A v 180. • Example 2: To calculate what percentage of 880 is 660. 660 \ 880 A v 75. • Example 3: To add 15% onto 2500. 2500 - 15 A v + 2875. — 10 —

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

• Example 4: To discount 3500 by 25%. 3500 - 25 A v , 2625. • Example 5: To calculate the following using a constant. 12% of 1200 = 144 18% of 1200 = 216 23% of 1200 = 276 K (12%) 1200 - - 12 A v 144. K (18%) 18 A v 216. K (23%) 23 A v 276. Scientific Function Calculations •Use COMP mode for scientific function calculations. • Some calculations may take a long time to complete. •Wait for result before starting next calculation. •  =3.1415926536. kSexagesimal Functions • Example 1: 14°25’36”

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

• Example 2: 1°2’3” + 4.56 = 5.594166667 1 I 2 I 3 I + 4.56 = 5.594166667 • Example 3: sin 87°65’43.21” = 0.999447513 (DEG mode) 87 I 65 I 43.21 I S 0.999447513 • Example 4: 1.23 ↔ 1°13’48” 1.23 I 1°13°48. I 1.23 I 1°13°48. • Example 5: 12°34’ ↔ 12.56666667 12 I 34 I A O 12.56666667 You can also use I when inputting values to convert be- tween sexagesimal and decimal. kTrigonometric/Inverse Trigonometric Functions  • Example 1: sin ( rad) (RAD mode) 6 RAD A x \ 6 = S 0.5 — 12 —

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

• Example 2: cos 63°52’41” (DEG mode) DEG 63 I 52 I 41 I W 0.440283084 • Example 3: tan (35gra)(GRA mode) GRA 35 E h –0.612800788 2 –1 • Example 4: cos ( rad) (RAD mode) 2 RAD 2 A L \ 2 = A V 0.785398163 • Example 5: To convert 45 degrees to radians, grads, and back to degrees. DEG F 4 45 45. RAD A F 5 0.785398163 GRA A F 6 50. DEG A F 4 45. Repeated conversion between angle units can cause nor- mally minute error to accumulate, resulting in poor preci- sion. — 13 —

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

kHyperbolic/Inverse Hyperbolic Functions • Example 1: sinh 3.6 3.6 M S 18.28545536 1 • Example 2: sinh 30 30 M A j 4.094622224 kCommon and Natural Logarithms, Exponents • Example 1: log 1.23 1.23 R 0.089905111 • Example 2: In 90 (log 90) 90 T 4.49980967 e Iog 64 • Example 3: 64 R \ 4 R = 3. Iog 4 0.4 3 • Example 4: 10 5 e .4 A Q + 5 - 3 E A U = 2.760821773 3 • Example 5: 2 2 w 3 = 8. 3 • Example 6: 2 2 w 3 E = 0.125 10 • Example 7: e 10 A U 22026.46579 — 14 —

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

• Example 8: log sin 40° + log cos 35° (DEG mode) DEG 40 S R +35 W R = –0.278567983 DEG To convert to antilogarithm: A Q 0.526540784 1/3 • Example 9: 8 8 A s 3 = 2. kSquare Roots, Cube Roots, Squares, Reciprocals and Factorials • Example 1: 2 3 5 2 A L + 3 A L - 5 A L = 5.287196909 3 3 • Example 2: 5 27 5 A D + 27 E A D = –1.290024053 2 • Example 3: 12330 123 + 30 K = 1023. 1 • Example 4: 1 1  3 4 3 A X , 4 A X = A X 12. — 15 —

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

• Example 5: 8! 8 A f 40320. kFIX, SCI, NORM, RND, RAN#, ENG Calculations • Example 1: 1.2341.234, rounding result to two places (FIX 2). FIX F 7 2 0.00 FIX 1.234 +1.234 = 2.47 • Example 2: 1.2341.234, rounding input to two places. F 7 2 1.234 A b + FIX 1.234 A b = 2.46 •Press F 9 to clear FIX specification. • Example 3: 1 3 , displaying result with two significant digits (SCI 2). SCI 00 F 8 2 0.0 SCI –01 1 \ 3 = 3.3 •Press F 9 to clear SCI specification. — 16 —

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

• Example 4: To convert 56,088 meters to kilometers. 03 56088 A J 56.088 • Example 5: To convert 0.08125 grams to milligrams. –03 .08125 A J 81.25 • Example 6: To generate a random number between 0.000 and 0.999. Example (results differ each time) A c 0.664 kCoordinate Conversion • Example 1: To convert polar coordinates (r2, 60°) to rectangular coordinates (x, y). (DEG mode) DEG x 2 A z 60 = 1. DEG y A N 1.732050808 A N swaps displayed value with value in memory. • Example 2: To conv

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

RAD θ A N 1.047197551 kPermutation • Example: To determine how many different 4-digit values can be produced using the numbers 1 through 7. 7 A m 4 = 840. kCombination • Example: To determine how many different 4-member groups can be organized in a group of 10 individuals. 10 A n 4 = 210. Statistical Calculations (SD Mode) •Press F l to enter the SD Mode for statistical calcula- tions using standard deviation. • If FIX or SCI is on the display, press F 9 first. •Data input always starts with

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