SOYO Motherboard SY-6BA+ IV user manual

User manual for the device SOYO Motherboard SY-6BA+ IV

Device: SOYO Motherboard SY-6BA+ IV
Category: Personal Computer
Manufacturer: SOYO
Size: 2.84 MB
Added : 7/2/2014
Number of pages: 103
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SOYO Motherboard SY-6BA+ IV User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to SOYO Motherboard SY-6BA+ IV. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

® ®
Pentium III, Pentium II & Celeron ™
Processor supported
82440 BX AGP/PCI Motherboard
66 & 100 MHz Front Side Bus supported
User's Manual
ATX Form Factor

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

O ™ Copyright © 1999 by Customers "". C FC ersion 1.2 V POST CONSUMER RECYCLED PAPER 100% ii 6BA+ IV SERIAL FOR HOME OR OFFICE USE With FCC Standards Edition: November 1999 Tested To Comply on the Internet. The address is Web Site For further information, please visit our notice. guarantee given. The information in this document is subject to amend without checked for reliability; however, to the correctness of the contents there is no and installing the Motherboard. I

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

T ............................. 1 1-1 ................................ ........................... 1 1-2 KEY FEA ................................ ............................ 1 1-3 ............................. 5 1-4 A ........ 5 1-5 ..................... 6 1-6 .......... 7 1-7 ................................ ...................... 9 1-8 ................................ ................................ ....... 9 1-9 ................................ ................................ ...... 1-10 .

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

T 3-1 ................................ ................ 54 3-2 ................................ ......... 61 3-3 A ................................ ............. 64 3-4 A ................................ ...... 69 3-5 ................................ 72 3-6 A ............................ 76 3-7 ................................ ........... 79 3-8 A ................................ .... 80 3-9 ................................ .......... 85 3-10 ................................ ....................

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

MOTHERBOARD DESCRIPTION 1-1 The A l ® 1-2 KEY FE Ø n n n Intel New released Intel Slot 1 CPUs will very likely be supported by the SY- Ø The SY-6BA+ IV provides the user with a very complete and convenient CPU setting environment. The CPU settings are all adjusted through the special SOYO COMBO page in the BIOS, therefore rendering the use of n 66, 75, 81, 83, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 112, 113, 115, 117, 118, 120, 122, This ensures that the SY-6BA+ IV has an overwhelming 1 potential. o

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

n 2.0x, 2.5x, 3.0x, 3.5x, 4.0x, 4.5x, 5.0x, 5.5x, 6.0x, 6.5x, 7.0x, 7.5x and 8.0x n The CPU Core voltage is set automatically according to CPU needs. The SY-6BA+ IV supports an advanced Core voltage feature; it can be adjusted through the BIOS directly without setting jumper. In normal mode the voltage will be standard, apart from that the user can specify increments of 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10% on top of the standard voltage. Ø EX The SY-6BA+ IV provides all the standard expansion slots, and man

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

n Supports ake-On-LAN W (Some advanced network cards can wake the system up over the network, the WOL connector is . n n If the SY-6BA+ IV system is in suspend mode, it can be switched opens a lot of possibilities, such as remote access that switches the Ø u u u This green LED gives an indication of the presence of the 5V Standby voltage. This voltage is always fed into the motherboard and is used for Ø n n n 3 Virtual Drive Ghost Antivirus NORTON SOFTWARE PACK functions such as WOL.

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

Ø The SY-6BA+ IV complies with all important industry standards. following underlines the reliability of the SY-6BA+ I , a motherboard toV n n n Ø n n n ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ 4 SDRAM Clock AGP Clock PCI clock Vcore voltage CPU CPU multiplier CPU FSB frequency You can set up the following options trough the BIOS setting Jumperless design SOYO Combo Setup USER FRIENDLY FCC/CE complaint PC98 compliant Year 2000 compliant trust. The COMPLIANCE SY-6BA+ IV Motherboard Description

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

1-3 HANDLING THE MOTHERBOARD M these simple rules otherboard, folloo w w a T Ø M otherboard, ground yourself b B stem's metal y unpainted portion of the s Ø - M otherboard from its antemoistatic packaging. H R otherboarM Ø otherboary d for damage. If an the k M ty M e D o not appl poy w d . y 1-4 M a ke sure tM y d stem s components. y ote that you must take special precautions w components. N - r otherboarrd in dy or the M T Ø ty - i Ø m syy G (T - i a s Ø while w Ø andle the M otherbo

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

1-5 SY-6BA+ IV MOTHERBOARD L PS/2 KB r Connector JP10 JP8 1 1 3 1 N DIMM 1 1 2 DIMM 2 ® Slot 1 1 DIMM 3 N DIMM 4 PRT 1 FDC 3 6 11 2 ® l ATX 82443 BX Power 11 11 AGP Slot IDE 1 4 IDE 2 IDE 3 1 M T SB-LINK 1 t (PC PCI) 1 5 1IR2 3V Lithium S 3 Battery O I L B r ® JP5 Intel h r 3 s Br a 13 l4 F _ 1 _ + r _ 5 ++ JP1 k 1 d T M _ r CA828 t + 2 e 1 g N 6 SY-6BA+ IV Platform Back Panel CHAFA Monitorin Hardwar ISA Slot # LED Rese Powe W83782 PWRB Winbon ISA Slot # Keyloc LED PCI Slot # Tubro Speake

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

1-6 A B C D E F G H I ® AB J 1 ® K L M AA N Z O P ® Q Y R X S W CA828 T V U 7 SY-6BA+ IV MOTHERBOARD COMPONENTS SY-6BA+ IV Motherboard Description

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

A e r Supply C TX Pow A B Slot 1 C C e er Poy K bwOn D P CU E / I l 82440 BX F P CU C G an C er ooling PoFwC H anIMkDM B I - dD5y bV J ) Ports riDve k Dy Di K P/- astering E Bus EAM L - 32 M arudio d HI AC N 66 C 366 High Point PHT A O - astering SlotsI M23 P atter thium By3V Q R 4 Chip PIIXl 82371 EB S T an C ooling Chassis FC U spen Externa V - S61A W inboan 83782hardd wWM W X Y -a- eader(OL) HWW Z nfrared (l I ) eadere rDvice AIHD / E 8671 super IO C AB acB 8 k panel Connectors IT ontr

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

1-7 he processor he motherboard supports a single Slot 1 processor. T T ’ o y z) is automaticall MH selected. y T all 1-7.1 C artridge (SEC he processor is packaged in a Single Edge Contact CT .P). ..PT E - stem, thermal s eydev l and bac covk he processor connects to T he W- 2 passive Ab the is stabilized by k 1-7.2 U - he secon edeTv l / ( he cache includes 0K8BT / eII PB leron) or 512 KC . y M sA ca 1-7.3 t he motherboard can be upgraded T he speeds. W t 1-8 1-8.1 alled in one,ca sock

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

) data sD o, three, or four sockets. tUw , the on the D IMMB PROM structure, programmed into an determine the M ’ memor M y s size and speed.inimum IMM D . emorsy m 6s memory aximum IMM MD een sockets.t ar can vw y T l - 8 pin - s with gold IMM D l //z SDRAM660 133 l --- (72 oC n (64NC l y3y memorV l odules///// IMM M82Supports 6256 831 l Support -- ee sided ¿ 1-8.2 y y M ---- c t11h ss ynchronous 1 , while asy M --- stesy limited at x22 m 2y ¿ PC 10 Specification. Unbuffered DIMM Specif

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

1-8.3 --e e emorC m he emorn ECC mW - n he TB C mode is enabled in the Setup program. C mode. EC emorC my - n CC C not av 1-9 he Inte 0Bl 44TX t- t bridge integrated I PCIset includes a H / stesm he terface. yO .I. A T G timized DR an opM - I4 hicy h is a highlE, wX 0Bis based on the PII of the 44X /3BX cce ridge. S lerator E A ITBA / ES 1EIB A I/ . controller (P ..PIGA 4ce lerator (PIIXX 1-9.1 P - s he PTAC een transfers betw ’ .P A . s host bus, PCI G . he PAC memoryT l Ø H z z or 66 MH

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

l . . AG Ø .. A tP. G Complies Ø -/ .. V AG Ø - yt l I Ø t h the PCI Complies Ø - syt A Ø aritI py g Ø -- ata streaming supports from PCMIto DD Ø - I I /- toSO I Ø ., and PC transactions to mI . A .P G ymemor l ata buffering D Ø -- yrite capabilittdr h read ite buffer DRAM ww Ø ---- , and PCo.-t , PC .--IG edicateIM tot d hosMDoAtD D DRAM Ø / d. . AG / z), used for s (133O66 temporary d l Pow Ø - e/r and po RA(M wdstem Support for sDy Ø er management Pth AC poI wCompliant l S l ) anagemen

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

Ø t h the PCI Complies Ø ull ISFA l SB U Ø SB Ø e y k Support for legac Ø l - E l l Integrated dua Ø E Ø / MB PIO Ø / DMA tra DMA Support for / MB t Ø -E CI t h a Bus master mode l A Enhanced DM Ø - A 7 Ø / tI h three PA I DMC A l C Ø Ø / eyl ev l l Pow Ø / p Ø , and technologay-N -ke on LA an Support for omodem, wW 3awke on P Ø PI Support for l - ceaklR T Ø -- SRAM6y backed C Ø l /- 16 1-9.3 P -- h. . AG ocaI L hile based on the PC., ..Pw applications. G as 3D A 13 l Bus P. is a hig

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

I ev Specifications, R .. aspetlGvices. y d h graphicaclusive use eAx I ot h data l y read and y w atencly l D y l data transfer rates, allowing real d MHz AC / MB 1-9.4 S he motherboard has SB ports; one B tUT Sdevices, an B t y he motherboard full can be connected to either port. T - I universal are drivers.t w SB Specification U l - tifying peripherals that can be plugged in wf l A l Support for i l asel d l , y t uaranteeoh and ll andd bw G l -- rrorE ¿ 14 requirements for a full-speed

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

1-9.5 See “ ” ’ ’ s ¿ “ B ” “ 15 boot: device, the system will When the LS-120 drive is configured as the drive, the standard diskette drive is not seen by the operating system. the :boot: drive and configure a standard 3.5-inch diskette drive as a If you connect at LS-120 drive to an IDE connector and configure it as Note as Drive A in the BIOS setup program. allowed. The LS-120 drive can be configured as a boot device if selected Connection of an LS-120 drive and a standard 3.5-inch diskette

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

1-9.6 MC- th DStible he reaTl -- and a ek a he clocfy od components. T - khe real rollover. Tty arh a calendar l - tin M y backed C e reserv a he time, date, and CT s y u he C a T 1-10 / he motherboard uses the IT 8671 super E IO T controller w l l -- agSdy IA l l s l supports on both seria FIFO l tendetd Ch Ex l / S P 2 l I P ME l ialigent autoo pwV Ø - AC PI ered wy Shadow Ø - a Programmable w / he Setup program provides configuration option for the IO T 1-10.1 Serial - he 545160 TC co

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