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IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server
User's Guide
Version 3 . 0
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IBM IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server User's Guide Version 3 . 0 SC34-4499-03
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Fourth Edition (March 1998) Note Before using this document, read the general information under “Notices” on page xiii. This edition applies to Version 3.0 of the licensed program IBM TeamConnection and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. Make sure you are using the correct edition for the level of the product. Order publications by phone or fax. The IBM Software Manufacturing Company takes publication orders between 8:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. east
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Contents Figures.......................... xi Notices.......................... xiii Trademarks ........................ xv About this book....................... xvii How this book is organized ................... xvii Conventions ........................ xvii Tell us what you think ..................... xviii Part 1. Introducing TeamConnection .................. 1 Chapter 1. An introduction to TeamConnection............ 3 TeamConnection definitions ................... 4 TeamConnection’s client/
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Authority to perform tasks................... 26 Finding objects within TeamConnection ............... 27 Finding parts....................... 27 Using work areas ...................... 28 Naming your work areas ................... 29 Creating parts........................ 29 Naming your parts ..................... 30 Preparing to build your parts.................. 30 Working with parts ...................... 31 Working in serial or concurrent development mode .......... 31 Working with common p
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Approving the fix....................... 81 Checking out a part...................... 82 Checking in the changes.................... 83 Freezing the work area.................... 85 Building the application ................... 86 Accepting fix records ..................... 87 Integrating changed parts into a release............... 88 Adding a driver member ................... 88 Reconciling the differences .................. 89 Refreshing the driver .................... 91 Building the driver ....
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The physical structure of the build function..............129 The build object model.....................130 Parent-child relationships in a build tree...............131 Working with a build tree....................133 Putting the pieces together ...................135 Chapter 11. Installing, starting, and stopping build servers .......137 Installing the build function ...................137 Creating a build server on MVS.................137 Creating a build server on MVS/OE ...............139 S
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Creating the build tree for the application...............184 Starting the build on the client ..................189 Putting the build scripts to work..................191 Finishing the job and reporting the results to the user ..........192 Monitoring the progress of a build.................192 Running a build in spite of errors .................193 Building all parts, regardless of build times ..............193 Finding out which parts will be built ................194 Canceling a build .......
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Setting up your project options..................241 Using your TeamConnection Workframe project ............242 Project actions ......................242 Part actions.......................243 Using your project: a simple scenario................244 Appendix E. Enabling a Workframe/NT project for TeamConnection ....245 Setting up your project options:..................245 Using your TeamConnection WorkFrame project ............246 Project actions .......................246 Part actions.........
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Sample build scripts......................305 Sample parsers .......................306 Sample package files .....................306 Customer support......................307 Bibliography........................309 IBM VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server library .........309 TeamConnection technical reports.................310 DB2...........................310 Related publications .....................311 Glossary .........................313 Index ..........................323 Readers’ C
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x User’s Guide
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Figures 1. A sample TeamConnection client/server network .......... 5 2. Sample of a component hierarchy ............... 7 3. Parts, releases, and components................ 8 4. Tasks window...................... 18 5. Components window.................... 26 6. Accept Defects window................... 53 7. Create Work Areas window ................. 54 8. Check Out Parts window .................. 55 9. Part Filter window..................... 56 10. Edit Task List window ................... 57
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47. TeamConnection components on separate machines.........137 48. Create Builder window ...................148 49. Modify Part Properties window ................156 50. Modify Part Properties window ................157 51. Create Builder window ...................160 52. A JCL fragment for an MVS compile ..............168 53. A JCL fragment converted to a build script ............170 54. Create Parser window ...................176 55. Modify Part Properties window ................178 56. Modify
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Notices References in this publication to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Subject to IBM’s valid intellectual property or other legally protectable rights, any functionally equivalent product, program, or service may be used instead of the IBM product, p
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xiv User’s Guide
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Trademarks The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States and/or other countries: AIX® NetView® C/370™ OpenEdition® C Set ++® Operating System/2® DB2® OS/2® DB2 Universal Database® SOM® IBM® SOMobjects@tm; MVS™ TeamConnection™ MVS/ESA™ VisualAge® MVS/XA™ XGA ENVY is a registered trademark of Object Technology International, Inc. Lotus and Lotus Notes are registered trademarks and Domino is a trademark of Lotus Development Corporation. Tivol
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Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat, the Acrobat logo, Acrobat Reader, and PostScript are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. xvi User’s Guide
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About this book This book is part of the documentation library supporting the IBM TeamConnection licensed programs. It is a guide for client users. For additional information when performing TeamConnection tasks, refer to the Commands Reference when entering commands or online help when using the graphical user interface (GUI). Getting Started with the TeamConnection Clients contains basic information for the client user. This book is available in PDF format. Because production time for printed
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v Italics are used to indicate the first occurrence of a word or phrase that is defined in the glossary. They are also used for information that you must replace. v Bold is used to indicate items on the GUI. v Monospace font is used to indicate exactly how you type the information. v File names follow Intel conventions: mydir\myfile.txt. AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris users should render this file name mydir/myfile.txt. Tips or platform specific information is marked in this book as follows: Shortcut techniq