GE J7912-30" user manual

User manual for the device GE J7912-30"

Device: GE J7912-30"
Category: Oven
Manufacturer: GE
Size: 2.62 MB
Added : 9/29/2014
Number of pages: 32
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GE J7912-30" User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to GE J7912-30". If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1
Safety Instruc_tions ......... 2-4
Opera6ng Instructions
© r _9 "! '
J7 12-30 &ngle Wall Oven
Clock and Timer . ........... 12
JT952-30" Double Wall Oven
Control I,ockout ............ 12
Controls .................... 5
Convection .............. 15-17
Oven .................. l 0, l l
Probe .................. 14, 1 7
Sabbath Feature ............. 9
Self-Cleaning Oven ....... 90, 91
Special Features ............ 6-8
Thermostat ................ 19
Timed Baking
and RoasOng ...

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION. READALLINSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING. WARNING! For your safety the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life. IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE The California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act requires the Governor of California to publish a list of substances known to the state to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm, and requ

Summary of the content on the page No. 3 A WARNING! SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Do not store flammable matefia]s in Nexer leaxejars or cans of fiat diippings in an oxen. or Ileal vonr o_en, Do not store or use combustible mamlials, CAUtiON: hems of interest to gasoline or other flammable vapors and children should not be stored in cabinets liquids in the vicinity of this or anv other aboxe an oxen; children climbing on tile appliance. oxen to reach items could be sedonsly irljured. Stand away from tile oxen when opening til

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION. READALLINSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING. COOK MEAT ANDPOULTRY THOROUGHLY... Cookmeatandpoultry thoroughly--meat to at least anINTERNAL temperatureof 160°Fandpoultry to at least an INTERNAL temperatureof 180°ECookingto thesetemperaturesusuallyprotectsagainst foodbomeilbess. SELF-CLEANING OVEN Do not clean the door g'asket. The door Before self-cleaning d_e ox.en, remove die gasket is essential tbr a good seal. Care broiler pan, g_id and other cookware. should be token not t

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

Usingthe ovencontrols. (Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your modeL) PPE L OVE I I f'TdooTI DI-_,7", f--,-q r--,-',, IIMER - OVEN LIGHT 2 Double oven control shown. OvenControl Clockand TimerFeaturesand Settings BAKE Pad SELF CLEANSTD/LOWPad Press to select fl_e bake flu_('don. Press to select selfk'leaning timction. See tile Using the self-cleaning oven secdon. BROIL HI/LO Pad Press to select the broil funcdon. OVENLIGHT ON/OFFPad Press to turn

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

Special featuresof your ovencontrol. Yournew touch pad control has additional features that you may choose to use. The following are the features and how you may activate them. The special feature modes can only be activated while the display is showing the time of day. They remain in the control's memory until the steps are repeated. When the display shows your choice, press the STARTpad. The special features will remain in memory after a power failure, except for the Sabbath feature, which wil

Summary of the content on the page No. 7 Tones at the End of a Timed Cycle At theendofa timedcycle,3shortbeepswill [] Press the KITCHENtiMER ON/OFF soundfollowedbyonebeepevery6seconds until pad. The displa)shows CONBEEP theCLEAR/OFF padis presserL Thiscontleuous (continuous beep). Press the &second beepmaybecancelecL KITCHEN TIMER ON/OFF pad iI again. The display shm_:_ BEEP. To cancel the 6-second beep: (This cancels the one beep every Press the BAKE and BROIL HI/LO [] 6 seconds.) pads (oil double ()veil inodels u

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

Special featuresof youroven control Cook and Hold Yournewcontrolhasacookandholdfeaturethat [] Press the COOKTIME pad. keepscookedfoodswarmforupto 3hoursafter The displa} _dll show Hid OFF. tiYned Baking or Roasting is hnished Press the COOKTIME pad again NOTE"Thisfeaturecan only beprogrammed to to acthate the teatm'e. The displa} work with tinnedBakingor Roasting.(Seethe will show Hid ON. Usingthe tlYnedbaking or roasting features START section.)After timed Baking or Roastinghas [] Press the STA

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

Usingthe SabbathFeature. (Designedforuseon theJewish SabbathandHolidays.) TheSabbathfeature can be usedfor baking/roastingonlg It cannotbe usedfor convection,broiling, self-cleaningor DelayStart cooking. NOTE:Theoven light comes onautomatically(on somemodels)when the door is openedandgoes off when the door is closed. Thebulb maybe removed.Seethe OvenLightReplacementsection.Onmodelswith a light switch on the controlpanel, the oven light maybe tumed on andleft on. How to Set f

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

Usingthe oven. To avoid possible bums, place the shelves in the desired position before you turn the oven on. Before you begin... ¸ The shelves have stop-lock% so that when To remove a shelf, pull it toward you, placed correctly on the supports, they will tilt the fl'ont end up and pull it out. b: %c 2i ID stop before coming completely out, and To replace, place the end (ff the shelf will not tilt. (stoi>locl

Summary of the content on the page No. 11 How to Set the Oven for Broiling Leavethe dooropento the broil stopposition. broilingtlYnes. Thisguideisbasedonmeatsat Thedoorstaysopenby itself, yetthe proper refr/)eratortemperature. temperatureis maintainedin the oven. [] Press the BROILHI/LOpad once fi)r NOTE:Foodcanbebroiledwith the door HIBroil dosedbut it maynot brown as we//because the ovenheatingdement wi// cycleonandoff To change, to LOBroil,press the BROILHI/LOpad again. [] Place the meat or fish on the broiler gr

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

Usingthe clock, timer and controllockout. ToSet the Clock Tile clock must be set to tile correct time [] Press tile CLOCK pad. of day fin" tile auton/afic oven tinting [] Press tile number pads. tractions to work properly. Tile time of Make sure flTeclock is set to the da)' cannot be changed during a timed [] Press the START pad. correct time of da_ baking or selficleaning cycle, ToSet the Timer X,_q/en tile timer reaches :OO, [] Press tile KITCHENTIMERON/OFF [] pad. tile control will beep 3 tim

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

Usingthe timed baking and masting features. On double oven models, you can use timed baking in one oven while using self-clean in the other; you can also use timed baking in both ovens at the same time. NOTE: Foods that spoil easily--such as milk, eggs, fish, stufings, poultry and pork--should not be allowed to sit for more than 1hour before or after cooking. Room temperature promotes the growth of harmful bacteria. Be sure that the oven light is off because heat from the bul

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

Usingtheprobe. For many foods, especially roasts and poultry, internal food temperature is the best test for aloneness. The temperature probe takes the guesswork out of roasting by cooking foods to the exact doneness you wan_ NOTE."Double ovenmodels havea probe in the /5_'1E '_ Cable upper ovenonly Plug (( )) _,, Use ot probes other than the one I)ro_ided with this prodtlct illav restllt in damage to the probe. Use the handles of the probe and l)lug Toprevent possibleburns, donot unplug when ins

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

Usingthe convectionoven. ConvectionBake NOTE'.Theconvectionfan will cycleon and off Ideal for evenlybrowned baked foodscooked onmultiple shelves. while cooking to best distn#ute hot air in the oven. Goodfor large quantities of baked foods. Goodresults with cookies,biscuits,muffins, Theconvection ovenfanshutsoff whentheoven brownies,cupcakes,creampuffs, sweet roils, dooris openedDONOT/eavethedooropenfor angel food cakeand breacL longperiodsof t/_newhileusingconvection cooking

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

Usingthe convectionoven. Grid ConvectionRoast Good for large tender cuts of meat, uncovered When w)u are convection roasting it is Broilerpal/ important that you use tile broiler pan Tile convection tim circulates tile heated and grid fl)r best convection roasting air evenly over and around the fi)od. results. The pan is used to catch grease Meat and poultry are browned oil all spills and the grid is used to Ix'event sides as if they were cooked on a grease spatters. _x_fisserie. Heated air will

Summary of the content on the page No. 17 How to Set the Oven for Convection Roasting when Using the Probe The display will flash PROBEand the [] _en the internal temperature of o_en control will signal if the probe is the meat reaches the number you inserted into the outlet and you ha_e not have set, the probe and the oven For best results when roasting large tm'n off and the oven control set a probe temperatm'e and pressed the turkeys and roasts, we recommend signals. To stop the signal, press the STARTpad, usflTg

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

Usingthe timed featuresfor convectioncooking. On double oven models, you can use timed baking or roasting in one oven while using self-clean in the other; you can also use timed baking or roasting in both ovens at the same time. Youwill hear a fan while cooking with these features. The fan will stop when the door is opened, but the heat will not turn off. NOTE"Foods that spot easily--such as milk, eggs, fish, stuffings, poultry and pork--should not be allowed to st for more than 1hour before or

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

Adjustthe oventhermostat--Do it yourself! Youmay find that your new oven cooks differently than the one it replaced. Use your new oven for a few weeks to become more familiar with it. If you still think your new oven is too hot or too cold, you can adjust the thermostat yourself. Do not use thermometers, such as those found in grocery stores, to check the temperature setting of your oven. These thermometers may vary20-40 degrees. NOTE: This adjustment will only affect baking

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

Usingthe self-cleaning oven. The oven door must be closed and all controls must be set correctly for the cycle to work properly. Before a Clean Cycle IMPORTANT'. The health of soIne birds We reconmlend venting your kitchen with an oI)en window or using a is extrenlelv sensitive to the fiunes given ventilation tim or hood during off' during the self=cleaning cycle of the fiist sel6clean cvcle. any oven. Move birds to another well-ventilated roonl, Reinoxe the broiler i)an, broiler giid, I)robe, a

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