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S 13 -- 14.5SEER/10.55 -- 12EER
S MicrotubeTechnologyt refrigeration system
S Indoorairquality accessoriesavailable
S Soundlevelaslowas76dBA
S Soundlevelaslowas74dBAwithaccessory soundblanket
S SystemsupportsThermidistattorstandardthermostatcontrols
S Puronrrefrigerant-- environmentallysound,won’tdepletethe
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MODELNUMBERNOMENCLATURE 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 N N N A A/N N N N N A/N A/N N A 11 3 A N A 0 3 6 0 0 0 0 Product Major CoolingCapacity Tier SEER Voltage Variations Open Open Open Series Family Series 1= 0=Not N=208---230---1 0=Not 0=Not 1=AC Legacy 3=13SEER A=Puron A=Standard Defined or 208/230---1 Defined Defined RNC ISO 9001:2000 the environmentally sound refrigerant REGISTERED Thisproduct hasbeen designedandmanufactured to meet EnergyStar ® criteria forenergyefficiency when matchedwith a
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PHYSICALDATA UNITSIZE---VOLTAGE,SERIES 018---D 024---D 030---E 036---E 042---C 048---E 060---F 107 110 111 141 190 186 190 OperatingWeightlb(kg) (48.5) (49.9) (50.3) (64.0) (86.2) (84.4) (86.2) 130 134 136 170 218 224 226 ShippingWeightlb(kg) (59.0) (60.8) (61.7) (77.1) (98.9) (101.6) (102.5) CompressorType Scroll REFRIGERANT Puron ®(R---410A) Control TXV(Puron ®Hard Shutoff) 3.50 3.80 4.1 5.34 5.84 7.00 8.19 Chargelb(kg) (1.60) (1.72) (1.86) (2.42) (2.65) (3.18) (3.71) CONDFAN Propeller Type,Di
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ACCESSORYTHERMOSTATS THERMOSTAT/SUBBASEPKG. DESCRIPTION T6---PRH---01 ProgrammableThermidistat T6---NRH---01 Non---programmableThermidistat T1---PAC---01 LegacyRNC SeriesProgrammableAC Stat T1---NAC---01 Legacy RNC Series Non---programmableAC Stat TSTATBBPRH01---B ThermidistatControl --- Programmable/ Non---ProgrammableThermostatwith Humidity control TSTATBBPAC01---B Thermostat --- Auto Changeover, 7---Day Programmable,_F/_C, 1---Stage Heat, 1---Stage Cool TSTATBBNAC01---C Thermostat --- Auto Ch
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ACCESSORYUSAGEGUIDELINE REQUIREDFORLONG REQUIREDFOR REQUIREDFORLOW---AMBI- LINE SEACOAST ACCESSORY ENTCOOLINGAPPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS* APPLICATIONS (Below55 °F/12.8_C) (Over80ft./24.38m) (Within2miles/3.22km) BallBearingFanMotor Yes{ No No CompressorStartAssistCapacitorandRelay Yes Yes No CrankcaseHeater Yes Yes No EvaporatorFreezeThermostat Yes No No Hard Shut---Off TXV Yes Yes Yes LiquidLineSolenoidValve No No No ® Motor Master Control or Yes No No Low---ambient Pressure Switch SupportFeet Re
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AccessoryDescription and Usage(Listed Alphabetically)(Continued) 10.SoundHood 13.Time--DelayRelay Wraparound soundreducing coverforthecompressor.Reducesthe An SPST delay relay which briefly continues operation of indoor sound levelby about2 dBA. blower motor to provide additional cooling after the compressor cycles off. UsageGuideline: NOTE: Most indoor unit controls include this feature. For those Suggested when unit is installed closer than 15 ft (4.57 m) to thatdo not,usetheguidelinebelow. qu
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ELECTRICALDATA MAX MAX MAX UNIT MINWIRE MINWIRE FUSE** OPERVOLTS* COMPR FAN LENGTH LENGTH SIZE--- SIZE{ SIZE{ V/PH MCA orCKT (FT)} (FT)} VOLTAGE, BRK SERIES MAX MIN LRA RLA FLA 60 ° C 75 ° C 60 ° C 75 ° C AMPS 018---D 48.0 9.0 0.5 11.8 14 14 66(20.1) 63(21.0) 15 024---D 58.3 13.5 0.75 17.6 14 14 44(13.4) 42(12.8) 25 030---E 64.0 12.8 1.4 16.8 14 14 46(14.0) 44(13.4) 25 036---E 208/230/1 253 197 77.0 14.1 1.4 20.5 12 12 61(18.6) 58(17.7) 30 042---C 112.0 17.9 1.1 23.5 12 12 53(16.2) 51(15.5) 40 0
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8 113A DIMENSIONS -- ENGLISH(SIZES018--036,048--060) Allow 24” between units or 18” ifno overhang within 12 ft.
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9 DIMENSIONS -- ENGLISH(SIZE042) Allow 24” between units or 18” ifno overhang within 12 ft. 113A
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10 113A DIMENSIONS -- SI(SIZES018--036&048--060) Allow609.6mmbetweenunits or 457.2mmifnooverhangwithin3.7m.
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11 DIMENSIONS -- SI(SIZE042) Allow609.6mmbetweenunits or 457.2mmifnooverhangwithin3.7m. 113A
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Wall 12 113A CLEARANCES Clearances (various examples) Wall Wall 6” 24” (152.4) (609.6) Service 24” 12” (609.6) (304.8) Service 12” 6” (304.8) (152.4) 12” (304.8) 12” (304.8) Wall 24” 24” 24” (609.6) (609.6) (609.6) Service Service Service 18” 18” 18” (457.2) (457.2) (457.2) Note: Numbers in ( ) = mm
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COMBINATIONRATINGS ARIRef.No. ModelNumber IndoorModel Furnace Model Capacity EER SEER 3163097 113ANA018---BD †CAP**1814A**+TDR 17600 10.90 13.00 3163099 113ANA018---BD CAP**1814A** 313*AV024045 17800 12.00 14.50 3163098 113ANA018---BD CAP**1814A** 315(A,J)AV036070 17500 12.00 14.50 3163102 113ANA018---BD CAP**2414A** 313*AV024045 18000 12.20 14.50 3163101 113ANA018---BD CAP**2414A** 315(A,J)AV036070 17800 12.20 14.50 3163100 113ANA018---BD CAP**2414A**+TDR 17900 11.00 13.20 3163105 113ANA018---B
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COMBINATIONRATINGSCONTINUED ARIRef.No. ModelNumber IndoorModel Furnace Model Capacity EER SEER 3163185 113ANA024---BD CNPH*2417A** 355(A,C)AV042080 22800 12.00 14.00 3163186 113ANA024---BD CNPH*2417A** 355(A,C)AV060080 22600 12.00 14.00 3163187 113ANA024---BD CNPH*2417A** 355(A,C)AV060100 22800 12.00 14.00 3163188 113ANA024---BD CNPH*2417A** 355(A,C)AV060120 23000 12.00 14.00 3163183 113ANA024---BD CNPH*2417A** 355AAV042040 22800 11.70 14.00 3163182 113ANA024---BD CNPH*2417A**+TDR 23000 11.00 13
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COMBINATIONRATINGSCONTINUED ARIRef.No. ModelNumber IndoorModel Furnace Model Capacity EER SEER 3163250 113ANA024---BD FX4CNF030 23400 12.00 14.50 3163247 113ANA024---BD FY4ANF024 23000 11.00 13.00 3163248 113ANA024---BD FY4ANF030 23200 11.00 13.00 3163257 113ANA030---BE †CAP**3014A**+TDR 27400 10.80 13.00 3163268 113ANA030---BE CAP**3014A** 315(A,J)AV036070 27200 11.70 14.00 3163272 113ANA030---BE CAP**3017A** 313*AV048070 27400 11.70 14.00 3163271 113ANA030---BE CAP**3017A** 315(A,J)AV048090 27
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COMBINATIONRATINGSCONTINUED ARIRef.No. ModelNumber IndoorModel Furnace Model Capacity EER SEER 3163307 113ANA030---BE CNPV*3617A** 353AAV036040 27200 12.00 14.50 3163308 113ANA030---BE CNPV*3617A** 353AAV036060 27200 12.00 14.50 3163309 113ANA030---BE CNPV*3617A** 353AAV036080 27000 12.00 14.50 3163310 113ANA030---BE CNPV*3617A** 353AAV048080 27800 11.70 14.00 3163304 113ANA030---BE CNPV*3617A** 355(A,C)AV042060 27600 11.70 14.00 3163303 113ANA030---BE CNPV*3617A**+TDR 27400 10.80 13.00 3163316
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COMBINATIONRATINGSCONTINUED ARIRef.No. ModelNumber IndoorModel Furnace Model Capacity EER SEER 3019805 113ANA036---E CAP**4221A** 315(A,J)AV060110 33600 12.00 14.00 3099586 113ANA036---E CAP**4221A** 353AAV060100 33800 12.00 14.00 3019806 113ANA036---E CAP**4221A** 355(A,C)AV042080 33600 11.50 13.50 3019807 113ANA036---E CAP**4221A** 355(A,C)AV060080 33600 11.70 14.00 3019808 113ANA036---E CAP**4221A** 355(A,C)AV060100 33800 11.70 14.00 3019811 113ANA036---E CAP**4221A**+TDR 34000 10.90 13.00 30
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COMBINATIONRATINGSCONTINUED ARIRef.No. ModelNumber IndoorModel Furnace Model Capacity EER SEER 3019863 113ANA036---E CNPV*4221A** 313*AV048090 34000 12.00 14.00 3019864 113ANA036---E CNPV*4221A** 313*AV060110 34000 12.00 14.00 3019859 113ANA036---E CNPV*4221A** 315(A,J)AV060110 33800 11.70 14.00 3099600 113ANA036---E CNPV*4221A** 353AAV060100 33800 11.70 14.00 3019860 113ANA036---E CNPV*4221A** 355(A,C)AV042080 33600 11.50 13.50 3019861 113ANA036---E CNPV*4221A** 355(A,C)AV060080 33600 11.70 14.
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COMBINATIONRATINGSCONTINUED ARIRef.No. ModelNumber IndoorModel Furnace Model Capacity EER SEER 3099515 113ANA042---C CAP**4817A** 353AAV036060 41000 11.70 14.00 3099516 113ANA042---C CAP**4817A** 353AAV036080 41000 11.70 14.00 3099517 113ANA042---C CAP**4817A** 353AAV048080 41000 11.70 14.00 3038825 113ANA042---C CAP**4817A** 355(A,C)AV042060 40000 11.50 14.00 3038824 113ANA042---C CAP**4817A**+TDR 40500 11.00 13.20 3038795 113ANA042---C CAP**4821A** 313*AV048090 41000 12.00 14.00 3038796 113ANA
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COMBINATIONRATINGSCONTINUED ARIRef.No. ModelNumber IndoorModel Furnace Model Capacity EER SEER 3038849 113ANA042---C CSPH*4212A**+TDR 41000 11.00 13.20 3038815 113ANA042---C CSPH*4812A** 313*AV048070 41000 11.20 13.50 3038816 113ANA042---C CSPH*4812A** 313*AV048090 41000 12.00 14.00 3038817 113ANA042---C CSPH*4812A** 313*AV060110 41000 12.00 14.00 3038818 113ANA042---C CSPH*4812A** 313*AV060135 41000 12.00 14.00 3038854 113ANA042---C CSPH*4812A** 315(A,J)AV036070 41000 11.20 13.50 3099548 113ANA