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installation and
mini HE
Your Ideal installation and servicing guide
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When replacing any part of this appliance, use only spare parts that you can be assured
conform to safety and performance specification that we require. Do not use
reconditioned or copy parts that have not been clearly authorised by Ideal Boilers
17962.1155.1 1307 68A4 GB
For the very lates
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2 mini HE --- Installation & Servicing
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DOCUMENTAMENDMENTS Relevant Installation changes implemented in this book from book reference.................17962.1155.1 4206 F Page 10 -- Sentinel company name & address amended Caradon Ideal Limited reserve the right to vary specification without notice mini HE --- Installation & Servicing 3
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GENERAL Table 1 --- Boiler Data miniHE C24 miniHE C28 miniHE C32 Gassupplytype& connection II G2020mbar,G3137mbar,22mmcopper 2H3P Inlet/ Outletconnection --- DomesticHotWater 15mmcopper Flow& returnconnection --- CentralHeating 22mmcopper Flueterminaldiameter mm(in.) 100(4) AverageFlueTemp.---MassFlowRate Deg C | g/s 90 18.8 90 21.1 90 21.5 2 Max working pressure(sealed system) bar(lb/in ) 3.0(43.5) 2 Max DHWwaterinletpressure bar(lb/in ) 10.0(145.0) 2 Min DHWwaterinletpressure bar(lb/in ) 0.3(4
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GENERAL miniHE CONTENTS Boiler size G.C. appliance No. PINo. Airsupply 9 (BenchmarkNo.) BenchmarkCommissioning Checklist 62 mini HE C24 47---348---38 87BQ81 Boiler clearances 6 mini HE C28 47---348---39 87BQ81 mini HE C32 47---348---41 87BQ81 Boiler exploded view 14 Electrical connections 25 Destination countries:GB, IE Electricalsupply 10 Fault finding 51 Flow wiring diagram 27 Flue fitting 16 Gas conversion 33 Gas safety regulations 7 Gassupply 8 Installation 15 Mandatory requirements 7 Replac
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GENERAL 1 BOILER WATER CONNECTION Pipe size O.D. mm CH flow 22 CH return 22 Gasinlet 22 Wall 400 mounting DHWcoldinlet 15 Plate DHWhotoutlet 15 50 257 35 16 Condensate drain connection area Side and Rear Flue 2 BOILER CLEARANCES Alldimensionsinmm (in.) a.Providedthattheflueholeiscutaccurately,e.g.withacore drill,thefluecanbeinstalledfrom insidethebuildingwhere Thefollowingminimum clearancesmustbemaintainedfor wallthicknessdoesnotexceed600mm (24). operationandservicing.Additionalspacewillberequi
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GENERAL Duringallmanoeuvresandhandlingactions,every attempt INTRODUCTION shouldbemadetoensurethefollowingunlessunavoidable and/ortheweightislight. mini HE C24,mini HE C28and mini HE C32are wall mounted,low watercontent,balanced flue,condensing F Keepbackstraight. combinationgasboilers. F Avoidtwistingatthewaist. Centralheating(CH)outputanddomestichotwater(DHW) F Avoidupperbody/topheavybending. outputarebothfully modulating: F Alwaysgripwiththepalm ofthehand. F Usedesignatedhandholds. --- between
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GENERAL TheElectricity atWorkRegulations,1989. F Fortheminimum clearancesrequiredforsafety and subsequentservice,seethewallmountingtemplateand ThemanufacturersnotesmustNOTbetaken,inany way,as frame2.Inaddition,sufficientspacemayberequiredto overridingstatutory obligations. allowliftingaccesstothewallmountingplate. IMPORTANTTheseappliancesareCE certificatedforsafety GASSUPPLY andperformance.Itis,therefore,importantthatnoexternal controldevices,e.g.fluedampers,economisersetc.,are Thelocalgassuppli
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GENERAL WATER CIRCULATIONSYSTEM 5 From verticaldrainpipesorsoil 25mm(1)*** pipes* Theboilersaredesignedforconnectiontopressurised,fully 6 From aninternalorexternalcorner 25mm(1)*** pumped,sealedwatercentralheatingsystemsONLY.The ortoaboundaryalongsidethe domestichotwater(DHW)calorifierisincorporatedwithinthe terminal combiboilerandonly requiresconnectiontothemainswater supply. 7 Aboveadjacentground,roof or 300mm (12) Additional Pumps. balcony level Theboilerissuppliedwithanintegralcirculating
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GENERAL DomesticHot Water Fernox Calmag Ltd. Cookson Electronics Unit4---6Crown Works In hard waterareaswheremainswatercan exceed 200ppm Forsyth Road BradfordRoad TotalHardness(asdefined by BS 7593:2006Table2)a scale Sheerwater Sandbeds reducingdeviceshouldbefittedintotheboilercoldsupply Woking Keighley withintherequirementsof thelocalwatercompany.Theuse Surrey WestYorkshire of artificially softened water,however,isNOT permitted. GU215RZ BD205LN CaradonIdealLimitedrecommendtheuseof Fernox +44(0)
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GENERAL Table 5 mini HE C24, mini HE C28 Table 6 mini HE C32 System chargepressure 0.5 0.7 1.0 System chargepressure 0.5 0.7 1.0 (bar) (bar) Safety valvesetting 3.0 Safety valvesetting 3.0 Vesselpre---chargepressure 0.7 Vesselpre---chargepressure 0.7 (bar) (bar) System volume(litres) Volumeof expansionvessel System volume(litres) Volumeof expansionvessel inadditionto6litreunit inadditionto7litreunit fittedtoboiler fittedtoboiler 75 --- --- --- 75 --- --- --- 100 0.3 0.8 1.4 100 --- --- 0.4 125 1
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GENERAL ForfurtherinformationrefertoGoodPractiseGuide143a 5 BOILER CONTROL INTERLOCKS publicationoftheenergyefficiencyoffice,availablefromthe Thermostatic radiator valves. buildingresearchestablishmentGarstonWatfordWD27JR tel:+44(0)1923664258 Caradon Ideal Ltd. supporttherecommendationsmadeby leadingmanufacturersofdomesticheatingcontrolsthat Theboilerisfittedwithanautomaticinternalbypass.No heatingsystemsutilisingfullthermostaticradiatorvalve furthersystembypassisrequired. controlof temperatur
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GENERAL 7 Centralheatingflowcock 7BOILERWATERCIRCUITDIAGRAM 8 By---pass valve 9 Centralheating(CH)returncock 35 34 24 10 3barpressurerelief valve 25 11 Gascock 12 Expansionvessel 23 13 Gasvalveinletpressuretap 14 Modulatinggasvalve 21 22 15 Burnerpressuretap 20 16 Flamedetectionelectrode 27 17 Ignitionelectrodes 1 19 18 Burner 33 19 Combustionchamber 28 18 20 Primary heatexchanger 29 21 Fan 17 16 26 22 Airpressureswitch 30 15 36 23 Venturidevice 31 24 Flueoutletpipe 14 5 2 12 25 Airintakepipe 26
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INSTALLATION 8 BOILER ASSEMBLY --- Exploded View 39 40 1 2 38 3 37 4 36 5 35 6 7 34 33 32 8 31 9 30 10 11 29 12 26 13 28 14 27 15 25 24 23 20 19 18 17 16 22 21 1 Airpressureswitch 14 DHWflowswitch 28 3waydivertervalve 2 Recuperator 15 DHWtemperatureprobe 29 DHWheatexchanger 3Condensatetrap 16 Righthandpanel 30 Bypasspipe 4 Overheatthermostat 17 Boilerfrontpanel 31 3barpressurerelief valve 18 Appliancedatabadge(inside) 5Condensingtomainheat 32 Gasvalve exchangerconnectionpipe 19 Lefthandpanel 33
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INSTALLATION I Turret---airpipegasket 9 UNPACKING J Fluepipegasket Theboilerissuppliedfully assembledinonepackA,together K Boiler---turretgasket withastandardflueassemblyforlengthsupto960mm (373/4),rearorsideflueoutlet,inpackB. L Flueturret M Self tappingscrews4,8x13 --- 4off Unpackandcheckthecontents. N Wallfinishinggasket --- internal(plastic) Pack A contents O Wallfinishinggasket --- external(rubber) ATheboiler. O B Hardwarepack N C Wallmountingplate D Wallmountingtemplate M E Users,Install
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INSTALLATION Cuttheflueductatthesameleveloftheairductedge. 11 FITTING THE FLUE SYSTEM The minimum and maximum equivalent length for co---axial pipes ø 60---100 and ø 80---125 mm are given in Table 7 for mini HE C24 and mini HE C28 and in Table 8 for mini HE C32 . Cutthisend The minimum and maximum equivalent length for ø 80 Groove mm twin pipe systems are given in Table 9 for mini HE C24 and mini HE C28 and in Table 10 for mini HE C32. HorizontalConcentric For roof flue systems having a flue len
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INSTALLATION Forthecorrectuseof therestrictorswith twin pipesreferto Cutting lengths of flue and air ducts thefollowingdiagram forthemodelsmini HE C24,andmini Measurethewallthicknessand,whenusingasideoutlet,the HE C28. gapbetweentheinnerwallandtheboilersidecasing.Use Flue exhaust a thefollowingcharttocalculatethecuttinglengthsof bothflue 32 andairducts. 30 28 Marktheairductandflueductmakingreferenceonthe 26 groove. 24 22 20 Allowedvalues 18 16 14 Groove 12 Groove Restrictor 10 55mm 8 Twin Pipe
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INSTALLATION 13 WALLMOUNTINGTEMPLATE (rearflue) IMPORTANT b Detailed installation steps are given directly on the wall mounting template 1 Tapethetemplateintotheselectedposition. 2 Ensuresquarenessby hangingaplumbline. 3 Markontothewallthefollowing: a. thewallmountingplatescrewpositions a b. thepositionoftheflueduct. (Markthecentreoftheholeaswellasthecircumference) 4 Removethetemplatefrom thewall 14 WALLMOUNTINGTEMPLATE Extended centre (side flue) IMPORTANT Detailed installation steps are given
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INSTALLATION 16 CUTTING THE FLUE Notes. A If using theextension ducts go to Frame17. B If stand---off frameisused it isessential thisistakeninto considerationwhenmarking theflue(seeFrame11). 1 Measureandnotethewallthickness. 2 Forsidefluesmeasureandnotethegapbetweenthe casingandwall. 3 From thetableinFrame11,determinethefluelength required.Markandcutbothouterandinnertube. Measurefrom Ensurethesupportspringclipisinpositiontofacilitate this cutting. RING 4 Toensurethetubeiscutsquare,marktheflueall
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INSTALLATION If theoffsetverticaloptionisusedanelbowKitisrequired.For 18 FITTING THE OPTIONAL ROOF FLUE afullaccessorieslistrefertoFrame9,OptionalExtras. KIT (Flat orPitched) Note. Aflat or pitched roof flashing plate(not supplied)isrequired beforeproceeding with theinstallationof thiskit. Thiskitissuitableforbothflatandpitchedroof terminations, usingaconcentricfluetorunvertically from thetopof the boilerandterminatingaboveroof level. Connectiontothetopoftheboilerismadeusingaseparately suppliedv