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CBA750/ARC CBA750 Series
Mobile Broadband Adapter
with Optional Integrated Business-Grade Modem
Setup Guide
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1 2 CBA750 - Mobile Broadband Adapter CBA750 - Mobile Broadband Adapter The CradlePoint CBA750 Mobile Broadband P A C K A G E I n C l u d E s Adapter Series enables easy-to-install CBA750 (Broadband Adapter) 3G/4G Broadband connectivity in fixed- business locations. Ideal for distributed enterprises such as branch offices, retail Integrated Business-Grade Modem stores, restaurants, and small businesses, the (Optional) CBA750 provides 3G/4G wireless network connectivity to keep your busines
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Power-over-Ethernet 4 Key Features 3 Getting Started • Integrated 3G/4G mobile broadband connectivity 1. Connect an Active Modem to the Adapter. • “Drop-In” network overlay for mobile broadband failover Keep the CBA750 adapter in the OFF position until the modem is securely connected. Connect a • Remote management capabilities CradlePoint Business-Grade Modem, or a supported USB or ExpressCard modem to the CBA750 adapter • Power-over-Ethernet enabled in the appropriate port or slot. Your mo
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5 6 Getting Started (continued) SIM Card Installation (SIM-based versions only) 4. Connect to a Power Source. The CradlePoint CBA750 Mobile Broadband Adapter Series can be powered by the provided power supply (12 volt wall adapter) or Power-over-Ethernet (48v PoE). If your network equipment provides PoE then the wall adapter is not needed. When you turn the power switch to the ON position, watch for the modem LEDs to illuminate. When the LED is a solid green light, this indicates that the mo
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7 8 Ports and Features of the Adapter ( CBA750 ) Ports and Features of the Business-Grade Modem Modem Security Slot Modem Security Tab Insert Antenna Connector (SMA) Modem Security Tab Insert Modem Security Tab Insert Modem Enclosure Modem Connector (USB 2.0) Modem Port (USB 2.0) Modem Port (USB 2.0) Modem Security Tab Insert Modem Security Tab Insert Modem Security Slot Modem Security Tab Insert Antenna Connector (SMA) LAN Port Modem Port (USB 2.0) ExpressCard Lock Modem Slot (ExpressCard) Mode
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9 1 0 LED Information LED Information DATA ACTIVITY Green Blinking = Indicates data is actively being transferred. No Light = No data is SIGNAL STRENGTH BUTTON Blue LED bars indicate the active modem’s signal strength. If signal strength is being transferred. not shown press button. 4 Solid Bars = strongest signal 1 Blinking Bar = weakest signal FAILOVER MODE Green = Primary modem connection was lost so the secondary modem is active. POWER The CBA750 must be powered using an approved
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1 1 1 2 Integrated Business-Grade Modem Antenna Positioning with Business-Grade Modem CradlePoint recommends the following antenna positioning for best performance. CradlePoint Business-Grade Modems provide the highest level of data throughput at the same location as a standard USB modem. CradlePoint intelligently manages the modem health to ensure a reliable connection to the wireless broadband signal creating fast, business-class, modem-based Internet access. When connecting the provided
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1 3 1 4 Configure and Update Configure and Update (continued) HOW TO UPDATE THE 4G/WiMAX DRIVER (WiMAX modems only) You may need to update the CradlePoint CBA750 firmware to support future feature development 1) Follow Steps 1-4 on Page 13. or to use with new modems. For more information, visit 2) In the MANUALLY UPGRADE WiMAX MODEM DRIVER FILE section, click BROWSE/CHOOSE FILE. WHERE TO DOWNLOAD FIRMWARE 1) Navigate to the product page 3) Br
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1 5 1 6 Cloud-Based Router Management Service Support and Accessory Options Managed Services WiPipe Central: Efficiently manage all your CradlePoint Routers. CradlePoint’s cloud-based management service, WiPipe Central, gives you a consolidated router WiPipe Central Subscription Service management tool to communicate with and manage dispersed CradlePoint routers. This service allows Learn More: you to manage firmware updates and configuration options for your
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1 7 1 8 Regulatory, Warranty, Safety, and Privacy Information Regulatory, Warranty, Safety, and Privacy Information (continued) Federal Communication Commission Statement If the purchaser wishes to upgrade or convert to another CradlePoint, Inc. product within the thirty (30) day period, purchaser may This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of FCC Rules. These return the product and apply the full purchase price towar
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A d d I T I O n A l I n F O R M A T I O n Enterprise level service and support 1.208.424.5054 // Customer Support agreements available. 1.855.813.3385 // Toll Free Customer Support P/N 170545-001