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Managing ITP Networks Using SGM
This chapter provides details on using SGM to discover and manage your ITP
networks. It includes the following sections:
• Becoming the Root User (Solaris Only), page 3-2
� Configuring SNMP, page 3-2
� Discovering the Network, page 3-6
� Configuring Seed Files, page 3-20
� Working with Views, page 3-26
� Working with Linksets, page 3-37
� Working with Nodes, page 3-91
� Working with Signaling Points, page 3-136
� Working with Links, page 3-170
� Worki
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Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Becoming the Root User (Solaris Only) � Printing SGM Windows, page 3-398 � Connecting to a New Server, page 3-399 � Integrating SGM with Other Products, page 3-401 � Using the Windows Start Menu, page 3-403 Becoming the Root User (Solaris Only) Some SGM procedures require you to be logged in as the root user. Caution As the root user, you can adversely affect your operating environment if you are unaware of the effects of the commands you use. If you
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Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Configuring SNMP Note If you want to change SNMP settings, do so before running Discovery. To change SNMP settings in SGM: Step 1 Start the SGM client, as described in the “Starting SGM” section on page 2-2. Step 2 Select Edit > SNMP Configuration from the SGM Main Menu. (If you have implemented SGM User-Based Access, this option is available to users with authentication level Network Administrator [Level 4] and higher.) SGM displays the SNMP Config
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Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Configuring SNMP Step 4 (Optional) To change the IP address or DNS name of a node, select the node and enter the new address or name in the IP Address Range or Hostname field. � IP addresses use the format x.x.x.x, where each x has one of the following values: – An integer in the range 0 through 255. – A range of integers separated by a dash (-), such as 10-60. – An asterisk (*), which is equivalent to specifying 0-255. � Unlike IP addresses, you can
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Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Configuring SNMP Step 8 (Optional) If you determine that SGM polls a node too often, or not often enough, you can change the poll interval. To change the time, in minutes, between polls for a node, select the node and enter the new interval in the Poll Interval (mins) field. The valid range is 5 to 1440. The default value is 15 minutes. Click Update to apply the new poll interval to the selected node. Step 9 (Optional) To add a new node or range of
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Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Discovering the Network Discovering the Network SGM uses a Discovery process to populate the SGM database, discovering the nodes, signaling points, linksets, and links in your network. You can run Discovery if SGM User-Based Access is disabled, or if it is enabled and you are a Network Administrator or System Administrator. (For more information about user authorization levels in SGM, see the “Configuring SGM User Authentication Levels (Solaris Onl
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Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Discovering the Network To discover the network in SGM: Step 1 Start the SGM client, as described in the “Starting SGM” section on page 2-2. Step 2 Select Edit > Network Discovery from the SGM Main Menu. SGM displays the Discovery Dialog (Figure 3-2). Figure 3-2 Discovery Dialog If you start the SGM client and the SGM database is empty (including the very first time you start the SGM client), SGM automatically opens the Discovery Dialog so you can r
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Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Discovering the Network Step 4 Load one or more seed nodes, using one of the following procedures: � Enter the name or IP address of a seed node in the IP Address or DNS Hostname field, and click Add Node. SGM displays details of the SNMP settings for the seed nodes in the right pane of the window. Continue adding seed nodes until you are certain that SGM will be able to discover the entire network. � If you have already created and saved a seed fil
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Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Discovering the Network – Size (bytes)—Size of the seed file or folder, in bytes. – Make this my preferred start option—Specifies whether the selected seed file is to be loaded automatically whenever this SGM client is started or the Discovery Dialog is opened. By default, this checkbox is cleared for all seed files. That is, no seed file is loaded automatically when the SGM client is started or the Discovery Dialog is opened. – Number of Files—Tot
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Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Discovering the Network Figure 3-4 Discovery Panel Step 6 (Optional) Specify the extent of the network discovery. � To discover the entire network, select the Entire Network checkbox. This is called recursive discovery, and it is the default setting. Select this checkbox when you run Discovery for the very first time. With this checkbox selected, SGM discovers all seed nodes and attempts to manage them; then attempts to discover and manage all ITP n
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Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Discovering the Network If you run Discovery with Entire Network cleared, then you run Discovery with Entire Network selected, any Unmanaged nodes in the first Discovery are not rediscovered by the second Discovery. To recover from this situation and generate a new, complete, and reliable SGM database, you must perform one of the following procedures: a. Run Discovery again, with both Entire Network and Delete Existing Data selected. b. Change the
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Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Discovering the Network Step 8 Click Discover Network to begin Discovery. When Discovery begins: � The Discover Network button is grayed-out. � The “Discovery In Progress” message is displayed at the bottom of the Discovery Dialog. � The “Discovery In Progress” message is displayed in the title bar of all SGM client windows. Discovery progresses in bursts. You might see a number of updates, followed by a pause, followed by more updates. The informat
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Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Discovering the Network Figure 3-5 Discovery Panel with Discovered Nodes By default, SGM displays all of the columns in the Discovered Nodes section except Internal ID, ITP Uptime, Reboot Reason, and Last Status Change. To display these columns, or to hide other columns, see the procedures in the “Modifying Node Table Column Settings” section on page 5-16. To see mouse over help popup for each column in the table, place the cursor over a column hea
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Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Discovering the Network The Discovered Nodes section displays the following information for each discovered node: � Internal ID—Internal ID of the event. The internal ID is a unique ID for every event, link, linkset, signaling point, and node, assigned by SGM for its own internal use. It can also be useful when the TAC is debugging problems. � Name—Name or IP address of the discovered node. � Primary SNMP Address—IP address of the node, used by SNMP
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Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Discovering the Network � ITP MIB Level—MIB conformance level used by the ITP, such as ITP MB5. � ITP Uptime—Time the ITP has been up, in weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. � Reboot Reason—Reason for the last reboot of the ITP. � Notes—Indicates whether there is a note associated with the node. � Events—Indicates whether there is a recent event associated with the node. During Discovery, SGM might flag most nodes with an event icon. If the eve
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Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Discovering the Network – Waiting (gray ball)—The node is in the Discovery queue but is not currently being discovered. – Warning (yellow ball)—The node is active, but one or more associated signaling points, linksets, or links is in Failed, Unavailable, Unknown, or Warning status and is not Ignored. � Status Reason—Reason for the current status of the node. Possible values are: – None – SGM Restart – Unsupported Configuration – Unconfigured – SNMP
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Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Discovering the Network If the status reason is Unsupported Configuration, correct the configuration and enter the sgm cleandiscover command to delete all current network data and begin a clean discovery of the ITP network. If the status reason is still Unsupported Configuration, enter the sgm clean command to restore the SGM server to a “clean” state, such as would exist after a new installation of SGM. For more information on the use of these co
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Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Discovering the Network Figure 3-6 Save File Dialog: Seed File List Dialog The Save File Dialog: Seed File List dialog contains the following fields: � Type—Icon indicating whether the item in the table is a file or a folder. � Name—Name of the seed file or folder. � Last Modified—Date and time the seed file or folder was last modified. � Size (bytes)—Size of the seed file or folder, in bytes. � Filename—Name by which you want to save the seed file. If
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Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Discovering the Network � Make this my preferred start option—Specifies whether the selected seed file is to be loaded automatically whenever this SGM client is started or the Discovery Dialog is opened. By default, this checkbox is cleared for all seed files. That is, no seed file is loaded automatically when the SGM client is started or the Discovery Dialog is opened. � Number of Files—Total number of seed files and folders (displayed in bottom
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Chapter 3 Managing ITP Networks Using SGM Configuring Seed Files You can run Discovery multiple times to attempt to discover additional nodes based on the IP address defined in the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) linksets. If you are using a separate management VLAN to manage your nodes, but private or unreachable IP addresses for your SCTP connectivity, clear the Entire Network checkbox in the Discovery Dialog. Otherwise, Discovery attempts to reach those nodes continuously.