A.O. Smith 750 & 1000 user manual

User manual for the device A.O. Smith 750 & 1000

Device: A.O. Smith 750 & 1000
Category: Boiler
Manufacturer: A.O. Smith
Size: 0.37 MB
Added : 5/25/2013
Number of pages: 12
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A.O. Smith 750 & 1000 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to A.O. Smith 750 & 1000. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

See page 12
LEGEND MODELS LB/LW: 500, 750 & 1000
See pages 8-10
SERIES: 300 - 301
See pages 5-7
See page 4
See page 2
See page 11
See pages 8-10
See page 3
See page 3

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

LB/LW WATERWAYS & COMBUSTION CHAMBER PARTS LIST Item Description Model 500 Model 750 Model 1000 1 ................ Bracket ........................................................................................ 191602 ........................ 191602 .................... 191602 2 ................ Burner and Cone Assembly ....................................................... 191850 ...................... 191850-1 ................ 191850-2 3 ................ Combustion Chamber Assembly .........

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

LB/LW EXHAUST, DRAIN & WATER INLET ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST Item Description Model 500 Model 750 Model 1000 1 ................ Clamp, Hose (Large)......................................................................... 191794-1 ..............191794-1 ............ 191794-1 2 ................ Clamp, Hose (Small)......................................................................... 191794-3 ..............191794-3 ............ 191794-3 3 ................ Nut, Hex .....................................

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

LB/LW JACKET/FRAME ASSEMBLY Item Description Model 500 Model 750 Model 1000 1 .......... Bolt, Machine 5/16" - 18 ..............................................................191358-1 ................... 191358-1 ................... 191358-2 2 ..........Control Panel Assembly .............................................................210601-1 ................... 210601-1 ..................... 210601 3 ..........Display Board ....................................................................

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

LB/LW NATURAL GAS TRAIN/BLOWER ASSEMBLY- MODEL 500 Item Description Model 500 Item Description Model 500 1 ....Blower ............................................................ 211613 20 .... Nut, Hex 1/4" ..................................................... 170272 2 ....Blower Adapter Assembly ............................. 191645 21 .... Orifice, Air .......................................................... 192737 3 ....Blower Manifold As

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

LB/LW NATURAL GAS TRAIN/BLOWER ASSEMBLY- MODEL 750 Item Description Model 750 Item Description Model 750 1 ..... Blower ............................................................. 211614 21 ....Nut, Hex 1/4" ..................................................... 170272 2 ..... Blower Adapter Assembly .............................. 191645 22 .... Orifice, Air ........................................................ 192737-1 3 ..... Blower Manifold Assembly ............................. 191832 23

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

LB/LW NATURAL GAS TRAIN/BLOWER ASSEMBLY - MODEL 1000 Item Description Model 1000 Item Description Model 1000 1 .....Blower ............................................................... 192195 24 ....Orifice, Air (Series 300 - Nat. Gas)................. 192737-3 2 .....Blower Adapter Assembly .............................. 192215-1 24 ....Orifice, Air (Series 30211 - L.P. Gas) ............ 192737-2 3 .....Blower Manifold Assembly ............................... 192217 25 ....Orifice, Union (See

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

LB/LW PROPANE GAS TRAIN ASSEMBLY - MODEL 500 Item Description Model 500 Item Description Model 500 10 ....Elbow, 90° Street, 1" ............................................... 190763 1 .....Valve, Main Gas .............................................. 191956-1 11 ....Elbow, 90°, 1" ..........................................................1630 2 .....Regulator, LP ..................................................... - - - - - 12 ....Nipple, 1" .................................................

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

LB/LW PROPANE GAS TRAIN ASSEMBLY - MODEL 750 Item Description Model 750 Item Description Model 750 1 .......Valve, Main Gas .............................................77780 12 .......Nipple, 1-1/4" ...............................................86505-3 13 .......Nipple, 1-1/4" ..............................................86397-11 2 .......Regulator, LP ...............................

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

LB/LW PROPANE GAS TRAIN ASSEMBLY - MODEL 1000 Item Description Part No. Item Description Part No. 1 ...... Valve, Main Gas, LP 300 Series .................. 77780 10 ......Elbow, 90 Street 1-1/4”................................. 94516 2......Regulator, LP 301 Series ........................... 192460 11 ......Elbow, 90 1-1/4” ......................................... 192216 3 ...... Valve, Firing ................................................. 3423-3 12 ......Nipple, 1-1/4” w/Tapping .........

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

LB/LW CONTROL BOARD WHC 1502 Part Number 210128 LB/LW WIRING CHART COLOR GAUGE PART NUMBER *** White 14 41974 Black 14 99650 Green 14 41972 White 16 86580 Black 16 86578 Green 16 69058 White 18 170595 Black 18 170596 Green 18 170606 Blue 18 191719 Red 18 170603 Yellow 18 170604 Brown 18 170890 White/Red 18 191700 White/Yellow 18 191702 White/Black 18 191699 Black/White 18 191694 Yellow/Blue 18 191708 Red/Green 18 191717 ***Use dash number to indicate length of wire. Example: 20 inch

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

LB/LW WIRING AND HARNESS ASSEMBLY 78468 99593-6 78469 191673 42573 210091 210152 99599-2 22-16 Ga. 16-14 Ga. 22-18 Ga. #10 Stud 22-18 Ga. Ignition Harness Assembly 210575 Tank Probe Pressure Flow Switch Harness Assembly Harness Assembly 210604 210576 Power Harness Assembly 210579-1 (-0 0n -500 Models Only) Transformer Gas Valve Harness Assembly Harness Assembly Blower 210574-1 (Propane) 210578 (Model 1000) Harness Assembly 210574-2 (Nat. & Prop. Model 500) 211330 (Models 500 & 750) 210609 (M

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