Summary of the content on the page No. 1
High-performance Embedded Workshop V.4.05
User's Manual
Renesas Microcomputer Development Environment System
Nov. 16, 2008
Summary of the content on the page No. 2
Notes regarding these materials 1. This document is provided for reference purposes only so that Renesas customers may select the appropriate Renesas products for their use. Renesas neither makes warranties or representations with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document nor grants any license to any intellectual property rights or any other rights of Renesas or any third party with respect to the information in this document. 2. Renesas shall
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High-performance Embedded Workshop Introduction Introduction The High-performance Embedded Workshop is a powerful development environment for embedded applications targeted at Renesas micro-controllers. The main features are: • A configurable build engine that allows you to set-up compiler, assembler and linker options by using GUI. • An integrated text editor with user customizable syntax coloring to improve code readability. • A configurable environment, which allows you to run your own
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High-performance Embedded Workshop Introduction Figures Some figures in this user’s manual may differ from the objects they represent. Operating Environment for the High-performance Embedded Workshop This user’s manual, online help, and release notes do not indicate that the correct operation of the High-performance Embedded Workshop is guaranteed for any types of host computers or peripheral devices. Trademarks Microsoft, MS-DOS, Visual Sourc
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High-performance Embedded Workshop Contents Contents 1. Overview......................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Workspaces, projects and files...................................................................................................................................1 1.2 Main window.................................................................................................................
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High-performance Embedded Workshop Contents 2.7.2 Adding a new build configuration.................................................................................................................50 2.7.3 Removing a build configuration....................................................................................................................50 2.8 Building a project ........................................................................................................................
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High-performance Embedded Workshop Contents 4.6 Printing a file ...........................................................................................................................................................96 4.7 Configuring text layout............................................................................................................................................96 4.7.1 Page set-up ......................................................................................
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High-performance Embedded Workshop Contents 6.10 Customizing the font in your views.......................................................................................................................132 6.11 Using the virtual desktop .......................................................................................................................................133 7. Version Control......................................................................................................
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High-performance Embedded Workshop Contents 12.4 Drag and drop navigation items.............................................................................................................................186 12.5 Smart edit capability ..............................................................................................................................................187 13. Map............................................................................................................
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High-performance Embedded Workshop Contents 15.5.2 Recordable functions (dependent on the debugger) ....................................................................................221 15.6 Playing a macro .....................................................................................................................................................229 15.7 Editing a macro..................................................................................................................
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High-performance Embedded Workshop Contents 17.3.19 Changing the data length.............................................................................................................................319 17.3.20 Changing the radix......................................................................................................................................319 17.3.21 Changing the code......................................................................................................
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High-performance Embedded Workshop Contents 17.7.10 Refreshing the Register window .................................................................................................................344 17.7.11 Disabling refresh of the Register window...................................................................................................344 17.7.12 Using register contents..................................................................................................................
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High-performance Embedded Workshop Contents 19.2 Check for updates ..................................................................................................................................................390 19.3 Creating a bug report .............................................................................................................................................391 Reference .................................................................................................
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High-performance Embedded Workshop 1. Overview 1. Overview The functions for High-performance Embedded Workshop version 4.05.00 are explained in this manual. This chapter describes the fundamental concepts of the High-performance Embedded Workshop. 1.1 Workspaces, projects and files Just as a word processor allows you to create and modify documents, the High-performance Embedded Workshop allows you to create and modify workspaces. A workspace can be thought of as a container of proje
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High-performance Embedded Workshop 1. Overview 1.2.1 Title bar The title bar displays the name of current activate project and file. It also contains the standard Minimize, Maximize and Close buttons. Click the Minimize button to minimize the High-performance Embedded Workshop on the Windows® task bar. Click the Maximize button to force High-performance Embedded Workshop to fill the screen. Click the Close button to close the High-performance Embedded Workshop (this has the same effect
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High-performance Embedded Workshop 1. Overview 1.2.3 Toolbars The toolbars provide a shortcut to the options that you will use the most often. There are twelve default toolbars: Editor, Search, Templates, Bookmarks, Default Window, Standard, Version Control, Map, Macros, Debug, Debug Run, and System Tools (as shown in the figures below). With the default session, the High-performance Embedded Workshop does not initially display buttons of Version Control and peripheral functions on the to
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High-performance Embedded Workshop 1. Overview Standard toolbar Version Control toolbar This toolbar is only available when a version control tool is being used in the current project. Map toolbar Macros toolbar You can add a customized button, to which a created macro has been assigned, on the right to the standard macro buttons on the toolbar as shown below. Debug toolbar This toolbar is only available when a session is being used which has a target attached. Debu
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High-performance Embedded Workshop 1. Overview System Tools toolbar You can add an external tool button, to which an external tool menu has been assigned, on the right to the system tool button on the toolbar as shown below. When the Standard toolbar is docked, it has a Control bar as shown in the figure below. If you want to move the docked Standard toolbar, click and drag its Control bar to the new location. The figure below shows the Standard toolbar when it is docked and also when
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High-performance Embedded Workshop 1. Overview • Projects tab Allows you to show the current workspace, projects and files. You can quickly open any project file or dependent file by double-clicking on its icon. See section 2.2, Configuring the Projects tab of the Workspace window, for more information on the Projects tab. If you hover the mouse pointer over a file in the Projects tab then the file’s full path will be displayed in a tool tip. • Templates tab Allows you to display temp
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High-performance Embedded Workshop 1. Overview When the Allow Docking option is checked, you can dock a window, toolbar or menu bar to the edge of the High- performance Embedded Workshop main window or to the edge of another docked window. You can also float them ‘above’ the other High-performance Embedded Workshop windows or outside the High-performance Embedded Workshop main window. Figure (i) below shows a docked “Workspace” window, and figure (ii) below shows a floating “Workspace” windo