Renesas Emulator System SH7362 user manual

User manual for the device Renesas Emulator System SH7362

Device: Renesas Emulator System SH7362
Category: Network Card
Manufacturer: Renesas
Size: 0.45 MB
Added : 8/21/2014
Number of pages: 64
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Renesas Emulator System SH7362 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Renesas Emulator System SH7362. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1


SuperH™ Family E10A-USB Emulator
Additional Document for User’s Manual
Supplementary Information on Using the SH7362
Renesas Microcomputer Development Environment System
SuperH™ Family
E10A-USB for SH7362 HS7362KCU01HE

Revision Date: Aug. 20, 2007

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

Notes regarding these materials 1. This document is provided for reference purposes only so that Renesas customers may select the appropriate Renesas products for their use. Renesas neither makes warranties or representations with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document nor grants any license to any intellectual property rights or any other rights of Renesas or any third party with respect to the information in this do

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

Contents Section 1 Connecting the Emulator with the User System................................1 1.1 Components of the Emulator ............................................................................................1 1.2 Connecting the Emulator with the User System ...............................................................2 1.3 Installing the H-UDI Port Connector on the User System ................................................3 1.4 Pin Assignments of the H-UDI Port Connecto

Summary of the content on the page No. 6


Summary of the content on the page No. 7

Section 1 Connecting the Emulator with the User System 1.1 Components of the Emulator The E10A-USB emulator supports the SH7362. Table 1.1 lists the components of the emulator. Table 1.1 Components of the Emulator Classi- Quan- fication Component Appearance tity Remarks Hard- Emulator box 1 HS0005KCU01H: Depth: 65.0 mm, Width: 97.0 mm, ware Height: 20.0 mm, Mass: 72.9 g or HS0005KCU02H: Depth: 65.0 mm, Width: 97.0 mm, Height: 20.0 mm, Mass: 73.7 g User system interface 1 14-pi

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

1.2 Connecting the Emulator with the User System To connect the E10A-USB emulator (hereinafter referred to as the emulator), the H-UDI port connector must be installed on the user system to connect the user system interface cable. When designing the user system, refer to an example of recommended connection between the connector and the MPU shown in this manual. In addition, read the E10A-USB emulator user's manual and hardware manual for the related device. Table 1.2 shows the type numb

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

1.3 Installing the H-UDI Port Connector on the User System Table 1.3 shows the recommended H-UDI port connectors for the emulator. Table 1.3 Recommended H-UDI Port Connectors Connector Type Number Manufacturer Specifications 36-pin connector DX10M-36S Screw Hirose Electric Co., Ltd. type DX10M-36SE, Lock-pin type DX10G1M-36SE 14-pin connector 2514-6002 Minnesota Mining & 14-pin straight type Manufacturing Ltd. 38-pin connector 2-5767004-2 Tyco Electronics AMP K.K. 38-pin Mictor typ

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

E10A-USB optional 38-pin user system interface cable 50 mm 37 1 38 2 5 mm 2-5767004-2 : Area to be kept free of other components Target system H-UDI port connector (top view) Figure 1.1 Restriction on Component Mounting 1.4 Pin Assignments of the H-UDI Port Connector Figures 1.2 through 1.4 show the pin assignments of the 36-pin, 14-pin, and 38-pin H-UDI port connectors, respectively. Note: Note that the pin number assignments of the H-UDI port connector shown on the following pages di

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

M2.6 x 0.45 Pin Pin Input/ SH7362 Input/ SH7362 Note No. *1 No. Signal *1 Signal Output Pin No. Note Output Pin No. AUDCK Output M15 Input 1 19 TMS K13 20 GND 2 GND *2 Output L14 21 /TRST Input 3 AUDATA0 L13 *4 22 (GND) 4 GND Output L15 23 TDI Input K14 5 AUDATA1 24 GND 6 GND Output M13 TDO Output AUDATA2 25 K15 7 26 8 GND GND /ASEBRK / Input/ Output 27 *2 N13 9 AUDATA3 M14 BRKACK output 10 GND 28 GND 11 *2 /AUDSYNC Output M16 29 Output UVCC 12 30 GND GND *2 /RESETP Output D15 User reset 13 N.

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Input/ SH7362 1 Pin No. Signal Output* Pin No. Note J17 1 Input TCK *2 L13 2 Input /TRST K15 3 Output TDO *2 N13 4 Input/ /ASEBRK output /BRKACK 5 Input K13 TMS 6 Input K14 TDI 7 Output D15 User reset *2 /RESETP *5 Output D12 /RESETA 8 N.C. 9 *4 (GND) 11 Output UVCC 10, 12, GND and 13 *3 14 GND Output 1. Input to or output from the user system. Notes: 2. The symbol (/) means that the signal is active-low. 3. The emulator monitors the GND signal of the user system and detects whether or n

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

Pin SH7362 Pin Input/ SH7362 Input/ *1 *1 Signal Signal No. Note No. Output Pin No. Output Pin No. Note 1 N.C. N.C. 20 *2 2 N.C. /TRST Input 21 L13 *4 3 N.C. MPMD (GND) 22 4 N.C. 23 N.C. *3 5 /UCON (GND) AUDATA3 Output 24 M14 Output 6 AUDCK M15 25 N.C. 7 N.C. M13 26 AUDATA2 Output /ASEBRK/ Input/ 8 27 N.C. N13 *2 BRKACK Output /RESETP *2 28 AUDATA1 9 Output D15 User reset Output L15 /RESETA D12 29 10 N.C. N.C. 11 TDO Output K15 30 AUDATA0 Output L14 12 UVCC_AUD Output 31 N.C. *2 13 N.C. 32 Outpu

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

1.5 Recommended Circuit between the H-UDI Port Connector and the MPU 1.5.1 Recommended Circuit (36-Pin Type) Figure 1.5 shows a recommended circuit for connection between the H-UDI and AUD port connectors (36 pins) and the MPU when the emulator is in use. Notes: 1. Do not connect anything to the N.C. pins of the H-UDI port connector. 2. The MPMD pin must be 0 when the emulator is connected and 1 when the emulator is not connected, respectively. (1) When the emulator is used: MPMD = 0 (

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

When the circuit is connected as shown in figure 1.5, the switches of the emulator are set as SW2 TM = 1 and SW3 = 1. For details, refer to section 3.8, Setting the DIP Switches, in the SuperH Family E10A-USB Emulator User’s Manual. VccQ_SR = 2.85-V/1.8-V I/O power supply VccQ_MFI = 2.85-V/1.8-V I/O power supply VccQ = 2.85-V I/O power supply All pulled-up at 4.7 kΩ or more VccQ_SR VccQ_SR VccQ_SRVccQ_SR VccQ_SR VccQ_SR H-UDI port connector (36-pin type) SH7362 2 1 GND AUDCK AUDCK 4 3 GND

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3. When the voltage level of VccQ_SR (power supply for H-UDI and AUD) is 2.85 V and that of VccQ_MFI (power supply for /RESETA) is 1.8 V, a level-shift circuit is required as shown in the figure. 1.5.2 Recommended Circuit (14-Pin Type) Figure 1.6 shows a recommended circuit for connection between the H-UDI port connector (14 pins) and the MPU when the emulator is in use. Notes: 1. Do not connect anything to the N.C. pins of the H-UDI port connector. 2. The MPMD pin must be 0 when the e

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

When the circuit is connected as shown in figure 1.6, the switches of the emulator are set as SW2 TM = 1 and SW3 = 1. For details, refer to section 3.8, Setting the DIP Switches, in the SuperH Family E10A-USB Emulator User’s Manual. VccQ_SR = 2.85-V/1.8-V I/O power supply VccQ_MFI = 2.85-V/1.8-V I/O power supply VccQ = 2.85-V I/O power supply All pulled-up at 4.7 kΩ or more VccQ_SR VccQ_SR VccQ_SR VccQ_SR VccQ_SR VccQ_SR H-UDI port connector SH7362 (14-pin type) 1 TCK TCK 9 2 TRST (GND) TR

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1.5.3 Recommended Circuit (38-Pin Type) Figure 1.7 shows a recommended circuit for connection between the H-UDI and AUD port connectors (38 pins) and the MPU when the emulator is in use. Notes: 1. Do not connect anything to the N.C. pins of the H-UDI port connector. 2. The MPMD pin must be 0 when the emulator is connected and 1 when the emulator is not connected, respectively. (1) When the emulator is used: MPMD = 0 (2) When the emulator is not used: MPMD = 1 Figure 1.7 shows an example

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

When the circuit is connected as shown in figure 1.7, the switches of the emulator are set as SW2 TM = 1 and SW3 = 1. For details, refer to section 3.8, Setting the DIP Switches, in the SuperH Family E10A-USB Emulator User’s Manual. VccQ_SR = 2.85-V/1.8-V I/O power supply VccQ_MFI = 2.85-V/1.8-V I/O power supply VccQ = 2.85-V I/O power supply All pulled-up at 4.7 kΩ or more VccQ_SR VccQ_SR VccQ_SR VccQ_SR H-UDI port connector (38-pin type) SH7362 6 AUDCK AUDCK 32 AUDSYNC AUDSYNC 30 AUDATA0 AU

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

Notes: 1. Do not use /RESETP in the emulator after the user system has been activated. When reset signals are used for debugging, use /RESETA. 2. Fix /RESETA as high level when it is not used. 3. When the voltage level of VccQ_SR (power supply for H-UDI and AUD) is 2.85 V and that of VccQ_MFI (power supply for /RESETA) is 1.8 V, a level-shift circuit is required as shown in the figure. 14

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