Summary of the content on the page No. 1
Summary of the content on the page No. 2 Made in China
Summary of the content on the page No. 3
english Thank you . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 aB ou T your Ja Bra SP5050 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 . . . . . . . . . . 3 Wha T your ne W SPeaker Phone Can do . . . . . . . . . . .3 . . . . . 4 ge TTing STar Ted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 h o W To… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . .
Summary of the content on the page No. 4
1 Thank ouy Thank you for purchasing the Jabra SP5050 Bluetooth Speaker- phone . We hope you enjoy it! This instruction manual will get you started and ready to make the most of your Speakerphone . Speakerphones are capable of delivering sounds at loud volumes and high pitched tones . exposure to such sounds can result in per - manent hearing loss damage . The volume level may vary based on conditions such as the phone you are using, its reception and volume settings, and the environment .
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3 Wha T ouyr ne W sP eaker Phone can do Your Jabra SP5050 lets you do all this: • a nswer calls • end calls • r eject calls* • Voice dialling* • last number redialling* • Mute • n ight driving mode * Phone dependent in n ight driving Mode all icons will shut off in order to allow you to concentrate on the most important thing while driving – traffic . Specifications • Talk time up to 2 hours/standby time up to 200 hours • internal rechargeable battery charged by provided car charger • Weigh
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1. Charge your headset Make sure that your Jabra SP5050 Speakerphone is fully charged for two hours before you start using it . use only the charger provided in the box – do not use chargers from any other devices as this might damage your Jabra SP5050 . Connect your Speakerphone as shown in fig 2 . When the led indi - cator light is solid red on the car charger, your headset is charging . When the led indicator light is green, it is fully charged . 2. Turning your Speakerphone on and off Pr
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3 . y our phone will find the Jabra SP5050 . your phone then asks if you want to pair with it . accept by pressing ‘yes’ or ‘ok ’ on the phone and confirm with the pass- key or Pin = 0000 (4 zeros) . your phone will confirm when pair ing is complete . 4. In case of unsuccessful pairing, repeat steps 1 to 3. you can manually put your Jabra SP5050 into pairing mode, if you want to pair with a new phone: . Make sure the Speakerphone is off . 2 . Press and hold the answer/end button
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Redial last number* • double-tap the answer/end button . Adjust sound and volume • Tap the volume up or down to adjust the volume . • To mute, press both volume up and down at the same time . a low beep alert plays during a muted call . • To un-mute, tap either of the volume buttons . Transfer a call • Press the answer / end button to transfer the call from the SP5050 to the mobile phone (or back to the Speakerphone) Bring the SP5050 in night driving mode • When the Speakerphone is
Summary of the content on the page No. 9
7 Taking care o F ouyr sP eaker Phone • a lways store the Jabra SP5050 with the power off and safely protected . • a void storage at extreme temperatures (above 45°C/3°f – in cluding direct sunlight – or below -0°C/4°f) . This can shorten battery life and may affect operation . high temperatures may also degrade performance . • do not expose the Jabra SP5050 to rain or other liquids . 8 Troubleshoo Ting & F a Q I hear crackling noises • f or the best audio quality, have y
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I want to clear the list of paired devices on SP5050? • Press and hold Volume up and down together with the answer/end button for 7 sec . 9 n eed more hel P? Phone 0800 0327026 support .uk@jabra .com 10 Warning Speakerphones are capable of delivering sounds at loud volumes and high pitched tones . exposure to such sounds can result in per - manent hearing loss damage . The volume level may vary based on conditions such as the phone you are using, its reception and volume settings, and
Summary of the content on the page No. 11
been shown to be safer than hand-held phones with respect to driver distraction . When using the phone while driving, keep con - versations short and resist any temptation to make notes or read documents . Before answering calls consider your circumstances . Pull off the road and park before making or answering calls when driving conditions require (e .g . bad weather, high traffic density, presence of children in the car, difficult junctions or manoeuvres) REMEMBER; DRIVING COMES FIRST, N
Summary of the content on the page No. 12
you will need to return this Product to the dealer or ship it to the dealer or to gn (if so indicated on www .gnnetcom .com or www . jabra .com) in either its original packaging or packaging affording an equal degree of protection . you will bear the cost of shipping the product to gn . if the Prod- uct is covered by the warranty, gn will bear the cost of shipping product back to you after the completion of service under this warranty . return shipping will be charged to you for products not
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a gn dealer which is authorized to do gn warranty work . any unauthorized repairs will void this warranty . reP airS or rePla CeMenTS aS ProVided under ThiS W ar - ranT y are The eXCluSiVe reMedy of The C onSuMer . gn Shall no T Be liaBle for any inCidenT al or C onSeQuenTial da MageS for Brea Ch of any eXPreSS or iMPlied W arranT y on ThiS ProduCT . eXCePT T o The eXTenT ProhiBiTed B y la W, ThiS WarranT y iS eXCluSiVe and in lieu of all o Ther eXPreSS and iMPlied W arranTieS Wha TSoe Ve
Summary of the content on the page No. 14
13 golssary Bluetooth is a radio technology that connects devices, such as mobile phones and headsets, without wires or cords over a short distance (approx . 30 feet) . g et more information at www .bluetooth .com 2 Bluetooth profiles are the different ways that Bluetooth devic- es communicate with other devices . Bluetooth phones support either the headset profile, the hands-free profile or both . in order to support a certain profile, a phone manufacturer must implemen
Summary of the content on the page No. 15
d ansk Tak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 oM din Ja Bra SP500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 h ø JTTaler Telefonen S funk Tioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . 4 ko M god T i gang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Sådan fore Tage S de T …… . . . . . . .
Summary of the content on the page No. 16
1 Tak Tak for købet af Jabra SP5050 Bluetooth-højttalertelefon . Vi håber, at du er glad for den . Brugervejledningen vil hjælpe dig med at komme i gang og få det bedste ud af din højttalertelefon . højttalertelefoner kan afgive høje lyde og toner i et højt leje . hørelsen kan blive beskadiget permanent, hvis man udsættes for sådanne lyde . lydstyrken kan variere, afhængigt af hvilken telefon du bruger, telefonens indstillinger for modtagelse og lydstyrke samt omgivelserne . læs sikkerhed
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3 h ø JTTaler Tele Fonens Funk Tioner Med Jabra SP5050 kan du: • Besvare opkald • a fslutte opkald • a fvise opkald* • f oretage stemmeopkald* • r inge til det sidst kaldte nummer* • Slå lyden fra • indstilling til natkørsel * a fhænger af telefonen i indstillingen til natkørsel slås alle ikoner fra, så du kan koncen- trere dig om det vigtigste under kørslen – trafikken . Specifikationer • op til 2 timers taletid og 200 timers standbytid • internt genopladeligt batteri, som oplades af billade
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Slut din højttalertelefon til, sådan som det er vist i fig . 2 . når led- indikatorlyset konstant lyser rødt på billaderen, er dit headset ved at lade op . når led -indikatorlyset lyser grønt, er headsettet fuld opladet . 2. Tænd/sluk højttalertelefonen Tryk på besvar/afslut-knappen for at tænde højttalertelefonen (se fig . ) . indikatorlyset tændes . indikatoren til tilslutningstatussen blinker to gange i sekundet, indtil Jabra SP5050 er sluttet til din mo- biltelefon – derefter lyser den
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4. Hvis parringen ikke lykkes, skal du gentage trin 1 til 3. du kan manuelt sætte din Jabra SP5050 i parringstilstand, hvis den skal parres med en ny telefon: . kontroller, at højttalertelefonen er slukket . 2 . Tryk og hold besvar/afslut-knappen inde i cirka 7 sek ., indtil indikatorlyset til tilslutningsstatussen blinker hele tiden . 3 . indstil din Bluetooth-telefon til at registrere din højttalertele- fon, sådan som det er beskrevet herover . 5 s ådan Fore Tg a es de T … Besvarelse
Summary of the content on the page No. 20
• hvis du vil slå lyden til igen, skal du trykke let på en af lydstyr- ke-knapperne . Overfør et opkald • Tryk på besvar/afslut-knappen for at overføre opkaldet fra SP5050 til mobiltelefonen (eller tilbage til højttalertelefonen) Indstil SP5050 til indstillingen til natkørsel • når højttalertelefonen er tændt og i standby-tilstand, skal du både trykke knappen til lydstyrke op og lydstyrke ned på samme tid . lyset slukkes . du kan tænde lyset igen ved at trykke en gang mere .