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SCC-AO10 Isolated Analog
Output Module
The SCC-AO10 is an isolated voltage output module with an output range
of ±10 V. The output voltage level is controlled by the DAC output of an
E/M Series DAQ device. You can increase the output voltage level to
±20 V by connecting two SCC-AO10 modules in series.
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monospace Text in this font denotes text or characters that you should enter from the keyboard, sections of code, programming examples, and syntax examples. This font is also used for the proper names of disk drives, paths, directories, programs, subprograms, subroutines, device names, functions, operations, variables, filenames, and extensions. SC-2345 SC-2345 refers to both the SC-2345 connector block and the SC-2345 with configurable connectors. SCC SCC refers to any SCC Series signal co
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Note Software scaling of measurements is not supported on the Macintosh operating system. Refer to the SCC-AO10 Connector Pin Assignments section. You can download NI documents from To download the latest version of NI-DAQmx, click Download Software Device Specific Information Note For general SCC module installation and signal connection information, and information about the SC-2345/2350 carrier, refer to the SCC Quick Start Guide, available for download at
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Figures 1 and 2 show the SCC-AO10 connected to a nonreferenced load and to a load with a high common-mode voltage. E/M Series DAQ Device SCC-AO10 3 AO (X ) 2 Load AO GND 1 I Figure 1. SCC-AO10 Connected to a Nonreferenced Load E/M Series DAQ Device SCC-AO10 3 AO (X ) 2 Load AO GND 1 I Figure 2. SCC-AO10 Connected to a Load with a High Common-Mode Voltage Connecting Two SCC-AO10 Modules in Series You can increase the maximum total output voltage to ±20 V by connecting two SCC-AO10 modules i
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E/M Series DAQ Device SCC-AO10 in Socket J18 3 AO 1 + 2 V + OUT2 – AO GND 1 I V OutTotal SCC-AO10 in Socket J17 3 AO 0 Load + 2 V OUT1 – – AO GND 1 I Figure 3. Connecting Two SCC-AO10 Modules in Series The SC-2345/2350 routes the E/M Series DAQ device analog output channels AO 0 and AO 1 to the SCC-AO10 modules, and the resulting maximum output voltage range is ±20 V. Refer to Figure 3 and use the following formula to calculate the total output voltage from both SCC-AO10 modules: V
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Using the SCC-AO10 This section contains information regarding scaling voltage measurements and isolated ground references. Scaling Voltage Measurements The SCC-AO10 is a ±10 V isolated analog output module. The output voltage is controlled by an E/M Series DAQ device AO output channel, AO (X). The relationship between the AO (X) voltage level and the output voltage level of the SCC-AO10 is a one-to-one linear relationship. That is, V = V AO() X AO10 where V is the AO 0 voltage level AO(X)
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5. Adjust the offset potentiometer on the top of the SCC-AO10 until the voltmeter reads 0 VDC ±100 μV. The offset is now calibrated. 6. Using your software, have AO (X) output 9.9 VDC. Adjust the gain potentiometer on the top of the SCC-AO10 until the voltmeter reads 9.9 VDC. The gain is now calibrated. Specifications These ratings are typical at 25 °C unless otherwise stated. Electrical Number of output channels .................... One nonreferenced (floating) Input range ...................
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Power Requirement Analog power .........................................180 mW max at full load 172 mW max with no load +15 V...............................................6 mA max at full load 5.73 mA max with no load –15 V ...............................................6 mA max at full load 5.73 mA max with no load Digital power (+5 V) ..............................1.15 W max at full load 600 mW max with no load +5 V .................................................230 mA max 120 mA max with n
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Maximum Working Voltage (Signal + common-mode) each input should remain within 42.4 V or peak 60 VDC of ground. Maximum working voltage refers to the signal voltage plus the CMV. Channel-to-earth (inputs) ....................... 42.4 V or 60 VDC, peak Measurement Category I Caution This device is rated for Measurement Category I and is intended to carry signal voltages no greater than 42.4 V or 60 VDC. Do not use this device for connection to peak signals or for measurements within Categorie
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Safety This product meets the requirements of the following standards of safety for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use: � IEC 61010-1, EN 61010-1 � UL 61010-1, CSA 61010-1 Note For UL and other safety certifications, refer to the product label or the Online Product Certification section. Electromagnetic Compatibility This product meets the requirements of the following EMC standards for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use: � EN 613
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Environmental Management NI is committed to designing and manufacturing products in an environmentally responsible manner. NI recognizes that eliminating certain hazardous substances from our products is beneficial to the environment and to NI customers. For additional environmental information, refer to the NI and the Environment Web page at This page contains the environmental regulations and directives with which NI complies, as well as other environmental informati
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Table 1 lists the signal connection corresponding to each pin. Table 1. SCC-AO10 I/O Connector Signal Assignments Pin Number Signal 1 E/M Series AO (X) 2 E/M Series AO GND 3 — 4 E/M Series AO GND 5 — 6 — 7 — 8 — 9 +5 V 10 GND 11 — 12 + 5 V reference 13 +15 V 14 –15 V 15 — 16 — 17 — 18 — 19 — 20 — National Instruments, NI,, and LabVIEW are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Refer to the Terms of Use section on for more information about National Instruments t