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Threat Analysis Reporter
8 8e e6 6
Model: TAR 1.0
TAR "S" (5K02-62), TAR "H" (5K02-66), TAR "MSA" (5K02-67)
Release 1.1.00 / Version No.: 06.18.07
Summary of the content on the page No. 2
8e 6 Threa T a ysisnal r eporTer Quick s TarT Guide © 2007 8e6 Technologies. All rights reserved. This document may not, in whole or in part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any elec- tronic medium or machine readable form without prior written consent from 8e6 Technologies. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document. However, 8e6 Technologies makes no war- ranties with respect to this documentation and disclaims any implied warranties of me
Summary of the content on the page No. 3
Contents t threa a ysisnal r eporter i C ntrodu tion ....................................................1 About this Document ....................................................................................................................2 Conventions Used in this Document ...........................................................................................2 s viC er e i tionnforma ..................................................................................3 p yreliminar s etup
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iv 8e 6 Threa Ta ysisnal r epor Ter Q uick s Tar T G uide
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t threa a ysisnal r eporter i C ntrodu tion Thank you for choosing to evaluate the 8e6 Technologies Threat Analysis Reporter. This product addresses user-generated Web threats such as excessive use of bandwidth and inappropriate Internet usage, and provides network administrators tools to monitor such threats so management can enforce corporate Internet usage policies. Working in conjunction with 8e6’s R3000 Enterprise Filter, the Threat Analysis Reporter translates end user Internet activit
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About this Document This document is divided into the following sections: • Introduction - This section is comprised of an overview of the Threat Analysis Re- porter product and how to use this document • Service Information - This section provides 8e6 Technologies contact information • Preliminary Setup Procedures - This section includes instructions on how to physi- cally set up the Threat Analysis Reporter unit in your network environment • Install the Server - This section explains how to co
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s viC er e i tionnforma The user should not attempt any maintenance or service on the unit beyond the proce- dures outlined in this document. Any initial hardware setup problem that cannot be resolved at your internal organiza- tion should be referred to an 8e6 Technologies solutions engineer or technical support representative. 8e6 Corporate Headquarters (USA) Local : 714.282.6111 Domestic US : 1.888.786.7999 International : +1.714.282.6111 8e6 Taiwan Taipei Local : 2501-5285 Domestic
Summary of the content on the page No. 8
p yreliminar s etup p roCedures Unpack the Unit from the Carton Inspect the packaging container for evidence of mishandling during transit. If the packag- ing container is damaged, photograph it for reference. Carefully unpack the unit from the carton and verify that all accessories are included. Save all packing materials in the event that the unit needs to be returned to 8e6 Tech- nologies. The carton should contain the following items: • 1 Threat Analysis Reporter unit • 1 AC Power Cord • 1
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Rack Mount the “S” or “MSA” Server Rack Mount Instructions Rack Setup Suggestions • Determine the placement of each component in the rack before you install the rails. • Install the heaviest server components on the bottom of the rack first, and then work up. Identify the Sections of the Rack Rails You should have received two rack rail assemblies with the 8e6 server unit. Each of these assemblies consists of two sections: An inner fixed chassis rail that secures to the unit (A), and an oute
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Install the Rack Rails Determine where you want to place the server unit in the rack. Position the fixed rack rail/sliding rail guide assemblies at the desired location in the rack, keeping the sliding rail guide facing the inside of the rack. Screw the assembly securely to the rack using the brackets provided. Attach the other assembly to the other side of the rack, making sure that both are at the exact same height and with the rail guides facing inward. Install the Server into the Rack
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Installing the Server into a Telco Rack If you are installing the 8e6 server unit into a Telco type rack, follow the directions given on the previous pages for rack installation. The only difference in the installation pro- cedure will be the positioning of the rack brackets to the rack. They should be spaced apart just enough to accommodate the width of the Telco rack. 8e 6 Threa Ta ysisnal r epor Ter Q uick s Tar TG uide
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Install the “H” Server Bezel Before rack mounting the “H” unit, the bezel should be installed on the front end of the chassis. This portion of the installation process requires you to unpack the unit and be- zel. NOTE: The bezel has been packaged separately from the unit to prevent dam- age during shipping. Front of bezel Outside of left inner rail Inside front end of left inner rail Inner left rail attached to chassis Pin on right side of bezel 8 8e 6 Threa Ta ysisnal r epor Ter Q
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A. Remove the plastic wrapping from the left and right ears. B. On one side of the chassis (left or right), un- screw the inner rail from the chassis. C. Slide the loosened inner rail slightly backwards to release it from the clips at the side of the chassis, and then lay it down beside the chas- sis, with the inside of the rail facing up. D. On the inner rail that is still attached to the chassis, insert the bezel pin into the bottom hole of the ear. Be sure the pin is pushed all the
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F. Return the loosened inner rail to its upright po- sition and insert the bezel pin into the bottom hole of the ear. G. Slide the inner rail forward beneath the clips to lock it in place. H. Screw the inner rail back on the chassis. I. After it is installed, the bezel should drop down when it is gently tugged forward and down- ward. The bezel should remain upright when raised up and closed. 0 8e 6 Threa Ta ysisnal r epor Ter Q uick s Tar TG uide
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Rack Mount the “H” Server Rack Mount Instructions Identify the Sections of the Rack Rails You should have received two rack rail assemblies with the 8e6 server unit. Each of these assemblies consists of two sections: An inner fixed chassis rail that secures to the unit (A), and an outer fixed rack rail that secures directly to the rack itself (B). Two pairs of short brackets to be used on the front side of the outer rails are also included. Install the Inner Rails Both the left and right sid
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Install the Server into the Rack You should now have rails attached to both the chassis and the rack unit. The next step is to install the server chassis into the rack. Do this by lining up the rear of the chassis rails with the front of the rack rails. Slide the chassis rails into the rack rails, keeping the pressure even on both sides (you may have to depress the locking tabs when inserting). When the server has been pushed completely into the rack, you should hear the locking tabs “cl
Summary of the content on the page No. 17
Installing the Server into a Telco Rack If you are installing the 8e6 server unit into a Telco type rack, follow the directions given on the previous page for rack installation. The only difference in the installation proce- dure will be the positioning of the rack brackets to the rack. They should be spaced apart just enough to accommodate the width of the Telco rack. 8e 6 Threa Ta ysisnal r epor Ter Q uick s Tar TG uide
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i allnst the s verer Step 1: Initial Setup Procedures This step requires you to link the workstation to the Threat Analysis Reporter. The follow- ing hardware can be used for the initial setup procedures: • Threat Analysis Reporter unit with AC power cord • either one of two options: • PC monitor with AC power cord and keyboard, or • PC laptop computer with HyperTerminal and serial port cable (and USB DB9 se- rial adapter, if there is no serial port on your laptop) NOTE: Before installing the Th
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Link the Workstation to the Threat Analysis Reporter Monitor and Keyboard Setup A. Connect the PC monitor and keyboard cables to the rear of the chassis. B. Turn on the PC monitor. C. Power on the Threat Analysis Reporter unit by dropping down the face plate and pressing the large button at the right of the front panel (see image below). Front of the chassis Once the Threat Analysis Reporter is powered up, proceed to the Step-by-Step Initial Setup Procedures. Serial Console Setup A. U
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HyperTerminal Setup Procedures If using a serial console, follow these procedures to create a HyperTerminal session. A. Launch HyperTerminal by going to Start > Programs > Accessories > Communica- tions > HyperTerminal: B. In the Connection Description dialog box, enter any session Name, and then click OK to open the Connect To dialog box: 6 8e 6 Threa Ta ysisnal r epor Ter Q uick s Tar TG uide