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Waves Tune
Tuning Correction Plug-in for Vocals and Monophonic
Sound Sources.
Software Users Guide
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Introduction and Overview Waves Tune is a software audio processor which allows for correction and manipulation of pitch in vocals and monophonic instruments. When Tune is inserted into a track of your audio sequencer or editor , it detects the signal’s pitch and corrects to the nearest “clean” (in-tune) note. You can perform straightforward pitch clean-ups of a track, meticulous, nuanced touch-ups or complete manipulation of the melody, depending your settings choices. Tune deliver
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Quick Start INSERTING THE PLUG-IN To get started, insert Tune onto your vocal track (or monophonic instrument track.) It is important that Tune precedes any effects processing on the source. We recommend that Tune is your first insert on the track. Important note to ProTools users! For proper operation of Tune you need to first insert the Waves ReWire plug-in into your session. Since the Waves ReWire plug-in has no audio output you should insert it into an auxiliary track so th
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cleared, it will automatically begin scanning. The sound output will remain uncorrected during the scan, but an orange highlight will appear to indicate that scanning in progress. PITCH CORRECTION AND PITCH CURVE EDITING After a section is scanned and its correction curve and note segmentation are created, you can play back the section to apply and hear the correction. Audition through the track’s assigned output. You can now select notes, sections or the entire piece and begin adju
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Tune Interface Reference The Tune Interface is divided into the following sections – • Global Correction section • Segmentation section • Correction Parameters section • Graphic Editing Tools section • Vibrato section • Main Pitch Editing Graph GLOBAL CORRECTION SECTION: The Global Correction section , the first section of the Tune work flow, offers four global tune parameters which are critical for pitch detection: Reference Pitch –This is similar to the calibration adjust
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SEGMENTATION SECTION: The Segmentation section allows you to select conditions by which Tune will segment the correction curve into notes. These conditions set the “rules” of the Correction Grid in determining whether or not a note is “legal.” This section has two main parts: Scale Selection and Tolerance Parameters. Root and Scale (pop up menu items): The Root pop-up defines the root note for the selected scale. The default scale is a 12 semitone (half-step) equal tempered
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natural vibrato manipulation after you turned the segmentation on and natural vibrato was detected, in other words only the segmentation button will perform Natural vibrato detection and only on detected section you will be able to use the manipulation parameters. CORRECTION PARAMETERS SECTION: This section is located in the bottom center of the plug-in under the Graphic Tools section. In this section, Tune offers the three most important correction parameters: speed, note transitio
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The Note tool allows you to select a note or multiple notes in the Edit Window and perform various actions on anything within the selection. Select single notes by clicking them or select multiple notes by click-dragging in the Edit Window. Now you can edit the selected notes in the pitch correction curve using any of the correction parameters. In addition to these selection functions, each of the tools offer specialized graphical editing functions. The Graphic Tools are: Note
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PITCH EDIT GRAPH: The Pitch Edit Graph fills the largest part of the Tune interface. There are four main parts to the Pitch Edit Graph: • Waveform Overview • Timeline Ruler • Piano Roll • Pitch Editor Waveform Overview At the top of Tune Editor is the Waveform Overview. It shows an overview of the waveform in two possible modes: • Global Overview (currently called track overview) - shows the overall waveform, highlighting the current view of the Edit Window. The Global O
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Minutes/Sec – Here, the timeline is displayed display in Minutes/Seconds. The timeline will be limited to ten minutes, after which pitch detection will stop. Samples – This mode shows the timeline in samples. Again, the maximum length is ten minutes, after which pitch detection will stop. When Tune reaches the ten minute limit, you will see a message in the Waveform Display Window, “Outside Session Limits.” Pitch Editor Piano Roll The Piano Roll allows the user to establish his
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Note Tune: When the Edit Scale button is on, each of the 12 notes will show its temperament, in cents. Tune can be adjusted to perfect the notes’ intonation. The adjustment is in cents but allows inserting sub-decimal fractions, for maximum resolution. Note Status: The Note Grid assigns a status to each note in the selected grid. For instance, a major scale in a 12-note grid will have eight “legal” notes. Special status options help the automatic process to better aim to the desire
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The corrected pitch graph may be further edited using a few simple tools that change the appearance of the mouse pointer in context with its current function. Undo/Redo Next to the Graphic Tools section are the Undo/Redo buttons. These pull-down menus allow you to view and access any point of the Undo/Redo history, up to 32 levels deep. Position window The Position Window, located at the bottom-right of the Pitch Graph, shows you the note and cents of the note at the curr
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Waveform: Waveform defines the shape of the synthetic vibrato which will be applied to a selection. Choices are: sine, triangle, square, saw up, saw down. Default: Sine. Pre-delay: 0 to 2000 ms; Default 0ms This is the time it will take from the start of a new note until the synthetic vibrato commences. Rate: 1 to 20Hz, Default: 5.0Hz This defines the rate of the synthetic vibrato waveform modulation. Depth: +/-0 to 400 cents; Default: 0 This value sets the amount of vibrato
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Clear Graph – Clears the Detection and Correction curves from the selected area, clearing all analysis for that region. During subsequent playback, Tune will scan cleared regions as though they had never been scanned. Select All – Selects all detected notes on the timeline and makes them ready for editing. This is convenient for making global changes to the Segmentation or Correction parameters which apply to the entire scanned take. Preferences pull down menu Follow Timeline-
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WAVESYSTEM The WaveSystem Toolbar provides standard functions such as preset Save/Load handling, Help button etc. This is common to all Waves Plug-ins. However, with Tune there are some special considerations which require a few unique implementations as follows: Setup A/B – The Tune plug-in does not have Setup A/B. Presets – Tune presets will have two separate pre-set parameters blocks: Scale and Global. Load/Save: Tune will load and save presets normally. When saving pres
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tunes such as 443. Music transferred from analogue tape can exhibit pitch variances due to playback speed inconsistencies. However you determine the reference pitch, it is very important to get this right for correct targeting of the pitch correction operation. 3) Global Pitch Shift- Here you define any global pitch shift you want to perform on all scanned signal. You would use this, for example, if you have an existing vocal take that was recorded before the song was transposed. 4) F
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Part 3: Post Scan – General corrections After performing the scan, Tune constructs the detected pitch curve and correction curve. From this point on, any audio you play on this track will be affected by the correction curve pitch adjustment, with all changes happening in real time. Remember, to modify the curves you must select something – whether an individual note or a wider selection. Changes will not affect unselected areas. Since the correction curve is constructed by a set
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This can cause an artifact which has become a creative effect occasionally (incorrectly) referred to as the “Cher Effect.” Ratio: Here, you determine how strongly to apply the correction. Ratio defines how tight the correction should be, over then entire timeline of the correction. The default of 100% will maintain the speed and note transition values as they are in the original track. Lower values will morph the correction curve towards the detected pitch curve and a ratio of 0% will
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In the opposite case, Tune might remain at the same note, although the singer was supposed to go to the next one. Here the Slice tool allows segmenting the single note into separate ones by clicking on the point at which you want to slice. Click-drag to splice a whole segment. Use the Note tool to drag the note or segment to its correct place. By selecting specific segments, you can adjust the Correction parameters of everything within the selection, yet protect the rest of the track.
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stepping forward until you make a change and the Undo History is broken. In this case the Redo button becomes grayed out and isn’t available. Remember, in worst case you can always select the troublesome or overworked segment, clear it then scan it again to start from the beginning. MIDI Receive/Export Tune allows easy use of MIDI functions such as correcting to notes that come in real time through MIDI, or exporting a pitch curve to a MIDI file. Receive MIDI – In this mode, Tune