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Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1
9000 Series Mixer/Amplifiers RS-232C Protocol Manual Ver.3.11 2006/11/14 Page 1 of 24
Summary of the content on the page No. 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS Page# 1. SUMMARY…………………………………………………………………….... 3 2. SERIAL PORT SETTING…………………………………………………….... 3 3. COMMAND CONFIGURATION………………………………………………. 4 4. TRANSMISSION DATA AFTER COMMAND RECEPTION……………….. 4 5. CONTROL COMMAND AND SETTING VALUE……………………………. 5 5.1. Channel Fader Gain……………………………………………………………. 5 5.1.1. Channel Fader Gain - Position setting…………………………………… 5 5.1.2 Channel Fader Gain - Step Up/ Step Down…………………………….…. 7 5.2. Crosspoint Gain…………………………………………………
Summary of the content on the page No. 3
1. SUMMARY The RS-232C protocol described in this document is designed to be used to control the 9000 Series Amplifier from a PC and/or remote controller. This specification applies to the 9000 Series firmware version 3.10 or later. Settings that can be controlled are as follows: Channel fader gain Crosspoint gain (Mixer mode only) Preset memory recall Channel ON/OFF Power ON/OFF Tone control (Bass/Treble) EQ settings (ON/OFF, Band number selection, Gain setting, Q
Summary of the content on the page No. 4
3. COMMAND CONFIGURATION Data length (N) Data 1 Data 2 Data N Command is in the range of 80H to FFH. and are in the Command Data length range of 00H to 7FH. Data Data length (N) refers to the length of the subsequent data of Data 1 to Data N. If received data contains more byte data than the Data length, these exceeding data are abandoned. If a next
Summary of the content on the page No. 5
5.1. Channel Fader Gain 5.1.1. Channel Fader Gain - Position setting Set the input and output channel fader gains to a fixed value position. Note: Command cannot be received during power off. 9000Series Amplifier responds with the same data as that received. 91H, 03H, , , 00H: Input channel 01H: Output channel 00H - 07H (Input channel 1 - 8) 00H - 07H (Output channel 1 - 8) Pos
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Position Gain Position Gain Position Gain Position Gain HEX DEC (dB) HEX DEC (dB) HEX DEC (dB) HEX DEC (dB) 00H 0 - ∞ 22H 34 -36.0 44H 68 -19.0 66H 102 -2.0 01H 1 -70.0 23H 35 -35.5 45H 69 -18.5 67H 103 -1.5 02H 2 -68.0 24H 36 -35.0 46H 70 -18.0 68H 104 -1.0 03H 3 -66.0 25H 37 -34.5 47H 71 -17.5 69H 105 -0.5 04H 4 -64.0 26H 38 -34.0 48H 72 -17.0 6AH 106 0.0 05H 5 -62.0 27H 39 -33.5 49H 73 -16.5 6BH 107 +0.5 06H 6 -60.0 28H 40 -33.0 4AH 74 -16.0 6CH 108 +1.0 07H 7 -59.0 29H 41 -32.5 4B
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5.1.2 Channel Fader Gain - Step Up/ Step Down Set the input and output channel gain positions by the number of steps. Positions can be varied from the current status by the designated number of steps. One position varies per step. 9000Series Amplifier responds with the same data as that received. The 9000series Amplifier informs position values changed by Step Up or Down. 93H, 03H, , , 00H: Input channel 01H: Output cha
5.2. Crosspoint Gain Set the crosspoint switch gain. 9000Series Amplifier responds with the same data as that received. This command is enabled when in the mixer mode only. Note: Command cannot be received during power off. 95H, 05H, , , , , 00H: Input channel 00H - 07H (Input channel 1 - 8)
Summary of the content on the page No. 10
CROSSPOINT GAIN TABLE value Gain Value Value Value Gain (dB) Gain (dB) Step Down (dB) HEX DEC HEX DEC HEX DEC HEX DEC 00H 0 - ∞ 22H 34 -37.0 44H 68 -3.0 65H 101 -6.0 step 01H 1 -70.0 23H 35 -36.0 45H 69 -2.0 66H 102 -7.0 step 02H 2 -69.0 24H 36 -35.0 46H 70 -1.0 67H 103 -8.0 step 03H 3 -68.0 25H 37 -34.0 47H 71 0.0 68H 104 -9.0 step 04H 4 -67.0 26H 38 -33.0 48H 72 1.0 69H 105 -10.0 step 05H 5 -66.0 27H 39 -32.0 49H 73 2.0 6AH 106 -11.0 step 06H 6 -65.0 28H 40 -31.0
Summary of the content on the page No. 11
5.3. Preset Memory Recall Recalls any desired preset memories. 9000Series Amplifier responds with the same data as that received. Note: Settings to be stored in preset memories are referred to as “SCENE” in mixer mode and “EVENT” in matrix mode. In 'Matrix mode', the command of 'EVENT end' is not provided. Therefore, it is recommended to use ‘Preset memory recall’ command only for Mixer mode ‘SCENE’ activation. In the case of using this command for ‘EVENT’ activation in Matrix
Summary of the content on the page No. 12
5.4. Channel ON/OFF This performs ON/OFF setting of the Input or Output channel. 9000Series Amplifier responds with the same data as that received. 92H, 03H, , , 00H: Input channel 01H: Output channel 00H - 07H (Input channel 1 - 8) 00H - 07H (Output channel 1 - 8) 00H: Channel OFF 01H: Channel ON Example 1: Setting the Input Channel 1 to ON 92H, 03H, 00H, 00H, 01H Ex
Summary of the content on the page No. 13
5.6. Tone Control Performs Bass and Treble gain settings of the input/output channels. 9000Series Amplifier responds with the same data as that received.. Note: Command cannot be received during power off. AAH, 04H, , , , 00H: Input channel 01H: Output channel 00H - 07H (Input channel 1 - 8) 00H - 07H (Output channel 1 - 8) 00H: Bass Gain 01H: Treble Ga
Summary of the content on the page No. 14
TONE CONTROL GAIN POSITION TABLE Value Gain (dB) Value Gain (dB) HEX DEC HEX DEC 00H 0 -12.0 0DH 13 +1.0 01H 1 -11.0 0EH 14 +2.0 02H 2 -10.0 0FH 15 +3.0 03H 3 -9.0 10H 16 +4.0 04H 4 -8.0 11H 17 +5.0 05H 5 -7.0 12H 18 +6.0 06H 6 -6.0 13H 19 +7.0 07H 7 -5.0 14H 20 +8.0 08H 8 -4.0 15H 21 +9.0 09H 9 -3.0 16H 22 +10.0 0AH 10 -2.0 17H 23 +11.0 0BH 11 -1.0 18H 24 +12.0 0CH 12 0 Value Step Down Value Step Up HEX DEC HEX DEC 21H 33 -1.0 step 2DH 45 +1.0 step 22H 34 -2.0 step 2EH 46
Summary of the content on the page No. 15
5.7. EQ Settings Perform EQ settings (ON/OFF, Band number, Gain, Q and Center frequency) of the input/output channels. 9000Series Amplifier responds with the same data as that received. Band number, Gain, Q, and Center frequency cannot be received when EQ is set to OFF. They can be valid only when EQ is set to ON. Note: Command cannot be received during power off. A1H, 07H, , , , , , ,
5.8. Loudness Compensation Settings Perform loudness compensation settings of the Input / Output channels. 9000Series Amplifier responds with the same data as that received. Note: Command cannot be received during power off. ABH, 03H, , , 00H: Input channel 01H: Output channel 00H - 07H (Input channel 1 - 8) 00H - 07H (Output channel 1 - 8) 00H: Loudness OFF 01H: Loudnes
Summary of the content on the page No. 18
5.9. Filter Settings Perform Filter (HPF/LPF) settings of Input / Output channels. 9000Series Amplifier responds with the same data as that received. Note: Command cannot be received during power off. A2H, 04H, , , , 00H: Input channel 01H: Output channel 00H - 07H (Input channel 1 - 8) 00H - 07H (Output channel 1 - 8) 00H: High Pass Filter 01H: Low Pass Filter
Summary of the content on the page No. 19
5.10. Input Sensitivity Setting Performs input sensitivity setting of Input channel. 9000Series Amplifier responds with the same data as that received. Input sensitivity setting is enabled only for the channel on which the D-001T or AN-001T is used. Note: Command cannot be received during power off. ACH, 02H, , 00H - 07H (Input channel 1 - 8) INPUT SENSITIVITY TABLE Value Sense Value Sense (dB) (dB) HEX DEC HEX DEC 00
Summary of the content on the page No. 20
6. Channel Name Request Reads input and output channels’ names. The 9000 Series Amplifier responds with the channel name to this command. F0H, 03H, 40H, , 00H: Input channel 01H: Output channel 00H - 07H (Input channel 1 - 8) 00H - 07H (Output channel 1 - 8) Example: Acquiring the Input Channel 1’s name. F0H, 03H, 40H, 00H, 00H Response data are provided below. C0H, 09H, , <