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X-Panda User’s Guide
This documentation is intended to be read along side the “X-Panda Installation
Guide” which is available for download from our website
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Contents Introduction to the X-Panda X-Panda Operator’s Guide Mono Inputs – Input (CH IP), Alternate Input (ALT) Outputs - Direct Channel Outs (CH OP), Post Fader Stereo Cue – Post Fader, ALT source FX Sends and Stereo Returns (ST RET) Channel Pan, Fader, Cut & Solo Stereo Inputs – Input (CH IP) Power up Options Additional Information Rear DIP Switches Cascading X-Panda and X-Desk X-Panda and the X-Rack X-Panda and other audio e
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INTRODUCTION Expand your studio with an SSL! Solid State Logic are delighted to introduce its latest analogue offering, the X-Panda, built with the very same SuperAnalogue™ DNA as our AWS, Duality and Matrix consoles. SSL sincerely hope that you enjoy this compact analogue product. X-Panda is a 24 Input mixer that can be used for tracking and master mix summing. The purpose of the X-Panda is to augment any existing system. Obviously a natural partner would be SSL’s own award
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The X-Panda Mono Channel Strip Inputs – Channel Input (CH IP), Alternate Input (ALT) Each one of the 8 mono channel inputs (CH IP) on the X- Panda has a choice of two Line Inputs. The first input is traditionally sourced from the Output of a microphone pre amplifier, D.I box or perhaps even a line level instrument. These connections are labelled “LINE IN 9-16 (1-8)” on the rear of the desk. They are so labelled due to the fact that you may be using X-Panda stand alone or in conj
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Outputs - Direct Channel Outs (CH OP), Post Fader Each Mono channel of the X-Panda has a Direct Output. The Channel Direct Outputs (CH OP) are primarily used to feed the inputs of your chosen recorder or DAW. On the rear panel connection panel of X- Panda they are labelled “CHAN OUT 9-16 (1-8)”. The operator has a choice of whether the output Signal is sourced Pre or Post fader. By default the output is Pre fader / Post Input Trim but by selecting “POST” the Output level will be
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Channel Pan, Fader Cut & Solo At the base of the X-Panda Mono channel strip you will find traditional analogue desk functions. The channel stereo “PAN” control, which controls the channels Left/Right positioning on the Stereo Mix bus. The analogue signal level FADER, for feeding the Stereo Mix Bus or controlling the CH OP (Direct Channel Output) level. Above the Fader you will find two switches: The “SOLO” button, which mutes all other channels and provides an AFL mo
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THE X-PANDA STEREO CHANNEL STRIP The X-Panda features 4 Stereo Input Channels that differ slightly from the Mono Channels. Stereo Inputs – Channel Input (CH IP) The X-Panda Stereo Input channels (CH IP) feature a +/- 20 dB gain stereo Level Trim, indented in the centre at Unity Gain and a pair of independent Phase Reverse “Ø” switch for both the L+R Inputs. The Post input gain signal can also then be affected by Insert processing (perhaps stereo EQ or Dynamics processing)
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Stereo Outputs - Direct Channel Outs (CH OP), Post Fader Each X-Panda Stereo channel features a dedicated Channel Output (CH OP). This provides a direct Stereo Output. Normally this is sourced Pre Fader but by engaging the “POST” switch that source becomes Post Fader. The Channel Direct Outputs (CH OP) are primarily used to feed the inputs of your chosen recorder or DAW. On the rear panel connection panel of X- Panda they are labelled “CHAN OUT ST 1-4”. (Note that there is no
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Note that it is possible to globally switch the FX Sends independently for the X-Panda to source the signal pre fader by engaging the “PRE” switch for either of the two FX Send busses on the last X-Panda Stereo Channel. Channel Balance, Fader, Cut & Solo At the end of the Stereo Channel there is a Balance control. Note that this is entirely different to the Pan control on the Mono channels. Simply, it controls the channels respective Left/Right Level feed to the Stereo M
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ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Rear DIP Switch Options The rear of the X-Panda unit features a 4-way DIP switch which allows you to change the Meter scaling of the signal LEDs on the channels. Switch number “1” alters the meter scaling between: 0 dbfs= +18 dBu or 0 dbfs= +24 dbu Note: that the default factory setting is set to +24 dBu The Diagnostics 1,2, and 3 switches are for internal SSL factory use only and should not be engaged by the user without dire repercussio
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Using X-Panda with an X-Rack Summing System Although not essential, a natural partner for the X-Panda is an SSL X-Rack. While some of the more obvious X-Rack modules such as the Mic Amp (XR621) or the VHD Input modules (XR627) would be suitable for recording various sources, and of course the X-Rack EQ and Dynamics modules, Superanalogue (XR625) & (XR618) or 4000 series (XR425) & (XR418) would be a natural partner for audio processing duties. However the real fun begins if you wou
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Racking your X-Panda Supplied with the X-Panda are 2x Racking “ears”. These can be simply fitted to the Desk by the use of 3x screws per side (included) thus facilitating 19” rack mounting of the X-Panda. We recommend 4x screws for securing an ear equipped X-Panda into a standard 19” rack. CONNECTIONS Rear Panel Connections: LINE IN 9-16 (1-8) D-Sub 25 way female The Primary Channel Input (CH IP) for the Mono Channels ALT IN 9-16 (1-8) D-Sub 25 way fema
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INSERT SEND ST 1-4 D-Sub 25 way female The Stereo Channels Insert Send (Remember the Send is always active!) INSERT RETURN ST 1-4 D-Sub 25 way female Stereo Channels Insert Return CHAN OUT ST 1-4 D-Sub 25 way female Stereo Channels Direct Output (CH OP) UNITE D-Sub 25 way female AFL L+R Provides AFL Output MIX L+R MIX Bus Output CUE L+R CUE Bus Output FX SEND 1 FX 1 Bus Output FX SEND 2 FX 2 Bus Output X-RACK EXPANSION D-Sub 25 way female This co
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