Teac WAP-4500 user manual

User manual for the device Teac WAP-4500

Device: Teac WAP-4500
Category: MP3 Player
Manufacturer: Teac
Size: 2.06 MB
Added : 5/3/2013
Number of pages: 31
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Teac WAP-4500 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Teac WAP-4500. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1


Summary of the content on the page No. 2


Summary of the content on the page No. 3

WAP-4500 INSTRUCTION MANUAL Index 1. After unpacking......................................................................................................5 2. Controls and connectors........................................................................................6 3. Assembly ..............................................................................................................7 4. BRC Battery installation.............................................................................

Summary of the content on the page No. 4


Summary of the content on the page No. 5

Dear User, we are pleased that you have chosen a wireless media player from TEAC media systems and congratulate you on this choice. With your TEAC media systems WAP-4500 you have acquired a modern piece of wireless audio technology that is in equal measure attractive and of high quality. We are sure that this product will provide useful service and a lot of fun over the coming years. ... your TEAC media systems team! 1. After unpacking After unpacking you should first check that the content

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

2. Controls and connectors Bidirectional Remote Control (BRC): Streaming Media Receiver (SMR): 1 = LC-Display A = DC connector for power supply 2, 3, 4 = Softkeys B = Ethernet cable connector (RJ-45) 5 = Muting C = Left channel Line output (RCA) 6 = Standby D = Right channel Line output (RCA) 7 = OK Play Pause E = S/PDIF optical digital output 8 = go Left / Fast Rewind F = Antenna 9 = go Right / Fast Forewind G = Headphones output (Mini Phono) 10 = go Up / Previous item H = USB connector 2

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

3. Assembly Basic assembly of this system is very easy to do. Please connect all components only when they are switched off. ● Connect the SMR from backside audio outputs to your audio system by the supplied audio cable - or connect your headphone to the appropriate outputs at the left side of the SMR. ● Setup and connect your computer network, if required. ● Connect the SMR to the SMR power supply (DC connector). ● Before connections, check your mains power system to be appropriate to

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

4. BRC Battery installation The BRC is powered by two “Mignon“ AA batteries. A fresth set of batteries can achieve several weeks of normal usage (base settings) thanks to the integrated energy saving functions of the WAP-4500 BRC. We do recommend to utilize common Alkaline Batteries. ● The Battery compartment is placed at the back of the BRC cabinet. ● The battery cover slider can be unlocked by slight pushing the cover at the dotted area and shifting down for apprx. 5mm. After unlocking, the

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

5. Pairing the BRC and SMR The data interchange between BRC and SMR of the WAP-4500 is realized by a data radio transmission system. Benefits of the radio transmission are the definite identification between the connected partners and the transmission by radio signals, which do not require visible connection between transmitter and receiver. BRC and SMR can both transmit and receive data. You may even control your WAP-4500 from a neighbour room, if you placed your speakers there. After fir

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

6. Operation The main screen contains three areas: status area (headline) – menu scroll list (center) - soft-keys (bottom) Time Sleep Play status USB Disk Internet Status Battery status WLAN Signal Strength Status Icons Menu Area Soft keys Left Middle Right ● Status area - this line will display various system informations: Battery status (flash for charging, condition: low=red, medium=yellow, full=green) USB status (connected/disconnected) Time Sleep mode Playback function (Stop/Play/Paus

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

● Soft-keys – these blocks inform about the function of the three buttons below. Note: these three buttons change their function dependant from actual screen. 1. Main screen softkeys: Clock Playback Multiroom ● Clock A quick key to switch to clock function. ● Playback A quick key to switch to “current playback” display. ● Multiroom Directly opens the device list for selecting the SMR device to control. 2. Clock screen softkeys: Back Options Sleep ● Back: Step back to previous

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

6.1 Audio Server operation For browsing media server content and choose tracks to play. Note: Make sure the media server on your networking PC is up and running and your WAP-4500 is well connected to your network. To browse and playback the audio files stored on your computer (connected to your network), a media server software is required. With WAP-4500, the Media Server software is provided on the installation CD. When you play a track, the Now Playing screen appears. Soft-key “Back” wil

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

WAP-4500 supports cover display for each audiofile with ID3 tag. To achieve cover display, you can import a cover picture into each audio file, using your PC. This and more ID3 tasks can be proceeded comfortably by a wellknown freeware software, such as MP3tag (Win), ID3X (MAC) or EasyTAG (Linux). Please note: there are some programs which support audiofiles and related cover pictures, like WMP, iTunes or Amarok, but they have an incompatible solution based on an internal directory where th

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

vTuner: vTuner service browser (www.vtuner.com). vTuner offers thousands of well-sorted Internet Radio stations at your choice! After first time browsed vTuner service, you will have 60-day free trial. After 60 days, vTuner will still allow you to browse around 150 stations on vTuner's server (trial period is subject to change without notice). At the end of the trial you have the option to obtain vTuner services to extend the premium service or they retain a high quality listing of selecte

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

6.3 USB Audiomanager USB disk content browsing and tracks playback. The USB Audiomanager integrated in WAP-4500 offers comparable comfort to an audioserver, for precisely sorted access to your USB audio data by the ID3 contents stored in your audio files. Note: USB input has disk insertion auto-detection. Please wait until you find the USB icon in the BRC screen headline disk before using this function. In case of missing ID3 entries in your audio files, the USB Audiomanager is using the fil

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

6.4 PLAYLIST Direkt-/Playlist toggle function This item toggles the function mode between “direct playback” and “playback from playlist”. The selection of tracks for audioserver and USB storage playback is explained above (sections 6.1 and 6.2). The reaction upon the selection depends on the currently activated playback mode: ● Direct playback: instantly playback the selected track. ● Playlist playback: the “play“ screen symbol shows an additional “+” marking. Audio tracks selected under

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

7. Special functions 7.1 Multiroom-operation: select the SMR for control The WAP system can operate with various SMR device controlled though one BRC! By this multiroom feature, you only need to use one BRC – e.g. while you walk in your house – to control a number of SMR devices in different rooms. The menu for selecting the SMR for control you can reach by the right soft key (4) in the main screen. This is the quick way for multiroom selection. The actually selected SMR is displayed on top

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

7.2 Recording of Internet Radio contents WAP-4500 can record the contents of the actual playing internet radio station and store it as an audio file onto your USB storage device. NOTE: for the recording function, an USB storage with free available memory connected to WAP-4500 SMR is required! The USB storage must not be separated from SMR during the recording session! ATTENTION: please consider the recording requires – depending from datastream quality – apprx. 0.5-3 MB memory per minute! I

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

7.3 Import of Internet Stations by USB storage Create/Add your own Internet radio URL entries. This function needs Windows™ Media Player or WinAmp™ application program. ● Download and install Windows Media Player or WinAmp onto your PC. ● Run Windows Media Player or WinAmp. ● Plug your USB storage into a USB connector on your computer. ● Follow the procedures below to export Internet radio URL entries to your USB storage. Using Windows Media Player: ● Run Windows Media Player. ● Choose Guide >

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

8. Settings Provide all system settings: 8.1 Multiroom: in this entry we collected the settings you need to do multiroom control by one BRC. Switch SMR: here you jump into the same list of already paired SMR devices for control selection, as described under section 6.6. Pairing – SMR Root: Almost all informations shown in your BRC's display are transmitted from SMR device to BRC, just before displaying, are contents that are controlled by the SMR. Just the changing from one SMR device to an

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