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*DSL Equipment Installation Guide:
Efficient Networks® 5260
*Digital Subscriber Line
Part Number: 5260MC02A
Version 1.2-A
©2001 SBC Advanced Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Table of Contents Follow Steps 1 through 8 to complete the DSL Equipment Installation Step 1: Verify Your System Requirements and Documents 2 Step 2: Verify the Contents of Your DSL Equipment Kit 3 Step 3: Install a Telephone Filter on Every Telephone Line 4 Step 4: Choose Your Modem and Minimum Requirements Check 8 Step 5: Installing the Kingston® Hardware 11 Step 6: Install the Efficient Networks® DSL Modem 12 Step 7: Finish Configuring your System
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Step 1: Verify Your System Requirements and Documents This Installation Guide is for Macintosh® users only. The SBC Express installation software will ensure that you meet the following minimum requirements. You will not be able to complete the installation without meeting these requirements. • Macintosh® system with any one of the following: a) A built-in Ethernet port (consult your system’s documentation for details)* b) An available PCI slot (if Ethernet port not available) c
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Step 2: Verify the Contents of Your DSL Equipment Kit Your DSL Equipment Kit Contains: A: This Installation Guide and the SBC Express Installation CD. B: 1 Efficient Networks® 5260 DSL Modem with Ethernet cable (connects to Adapter, below), and power cable. C: 1 Filter Pack containing: 5 in-line filters, 1 wall-mount filter, 1 two-way adapter, and 1 data cable. D: 1 Kingston® Ethernet Adapter for Desktop Macintosh --OR-- E: 1 Kingston® Ethernet Adapter for Laptop Macintosh N
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Step 3: Install a Telephone Filter on Every Telephone Line 3-1 Set up the phone jack where your DSL modem will go. 1) Locate the phone jack where you want to connect your DSL 2) Insert the 2-way adapter in the phone jack 3) Connect a filter to one side of the 2-way adapter Installation Guide for Customer Self-Install: Efficient Networks® 5260, Macintosh Page 4 ©2001 SBC Advanced Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
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4) If you have a phone, fax machine, analog modem or other phone device at this location, connect it to the filter 5) Connect the data cable that will go to your DSL modem to the unfiltered side of the 2-way adapter To the DSL modem Installation Guide for Customer Self-Install: Efficient Networks® 5260, Macintosh Page 5 ©2001 SBC Advanced Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
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3-2 Install a filter on all other phones and phone devices. Why do I need a filter on all my other phones and phone devices? Converting your regular phone line into a high-speed Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) can cause audible noise (high pitched tones and static) when you talk on the phone. You need to install a filter on every telephone or device that shares the same phone number as your DSL line to eliminate this noise. Answering machines Other phones Caller ID boxes filter filter
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3-3 Other filters you may encounter in your DSL Equipment Kit. Installation Guide for Customer Self-Install: Efficient Networks® 5260, Macintosh Page 7 ©2001 SBC Advanced Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Step 4: Choose Your Modem and Minimum Requirements Check 4-1 Insert the SBC Express CD into your CD-ROM drive. Double click the “Install Folder” icon that matches the modem you are installing. 4-2 Double Click on the SBC Express icon to begin the installation process. Installation Guide for Customer Self-Install: Efficient Networks® 5260, Macintosh Page 8 ©2001 SBC Advanced Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
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4-3 SBC Express displays the Welcome screen. Click Start to proceed. 4-4 SBC Express displays the license agreement. If you agree to the terms, click Accept. If you do not accept, installation cannot continue. Installation Guide for Customer Self-Install: Efficient Networks® 5260, Macintosh Page 9 ©2001 SBC Advanced Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
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4-5 SBC Express quickly checks your computer system to ensure that it meets the minimum requirements for DSL service. Click Next to proceed if you meet all requirements. If your computer meets the minimum requirements, SBC Express automatically proceeds to the next step. You should continue to Step 6 on page 12. If you shutdown your computer, leave the CD in the CD-ROM drive, and SBC Express will continue after you restart. If your computer does not meet the minimum requirem
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Step 5: Installing the Kingston® hardware (if needed) IMPORTANT NOTE: Most Macintosh computers already have an Ethernet card installed. If this is the case with your Macintosh, SBC Express would have reported that you passed the minimum requirements. If you see the following screen, it is not necessary to install the Kingston® Ethernet Adapter provided in this equipment package. You may proceed directly to Step 6 on page 12 if you see the screen above. If not, you will need t
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Step 6: Install the Efficient Networks® DSL Modem Your computer should be turned on. Your modem should be turned OFF. You should be at the following screen in the SBC Express Installation Software: 6-1 Consult the following diagram to install your modem. Installation Guide for Customer Self-Install: Efficient Networks® 5260, Macintosh Page 12 ©2001 SBC Advanced Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
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6-2 Plug the power cable into the DSL modem and an electrical outlet. 6-3 Connect the data cable to your telephone jack and your DSL modem. There should NOT be a filter between the data cable and the wall jack. 6-4 Connect the Ethernet cable to the Kingston® Ethernet Port or the built –in Ethernet Port on the back or side of your Macintosh and to the Ethernet Port on the back of your DSL modem. 6-5 Turn the DSL Modem power switch ON. 6-6 The Sys, ATM, Enet and DSL lights should all
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Step 7: Finish Configuring Your System 7-1 SBC Express now prompts you for your first and last name. Please type your first and last name and then click Next to proceed. 7-2 Enter your 10-digit phone number in the next screen. Click Next to proceed. Installation Guide for Customer Self-Install: Efficient Networks® 5260, Macintosh Page 14 ©2001 SBC Advanced Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
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7-3 SBC Express will install the software necessary for your service. Follow the directions on the screen to install EnterNet 300. 7-4 During the installation process, you will be prompted for your username and password. If you have already set up a DSL account with your ISP, type the username and password given to you. If you have not yet received ISP account information, enter “user0” and “pass0” for the username and password fields. Upon completion of this installation, you wi
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7-5 Restart computer. 7-6 You have finished software installation for DSL. Click Quit in SBC Express window and then proceed to Step 8 to configure the connection to your Internet Service Provider. Installation Guide for Customer Self-Install: Efficient Networks® 5260, Macintosh Page 16 ©2001 SBC Advanced Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Step 8: Configure Internet Connection Software 8-1. On the desktop locate the Enternet 300 alias. Double click on the icon. 8-2. Select the TCP/IP drop down option from the Protocol Menu. Installation Guide for Customer Self-Install: Efficient Networks® 5260, Macintosh Page 17 ©2001 SBC Advanced Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
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8-3. Change the “connect via” value to the EnterNet option. 8-4. Close the “TCP/IP (DSL) “ window and save the settings. 8-5. Close the EnterNet300 window. 8-6. Double click on the Enternet 300 alias icon. 8-7. If you have entered your ISP provided username and password in step 7-4, you will now be connected to the internet. Otherwise, call your Internet Service Provider for further information on connection and registration. Installation Guide for Customer Self-Install: Efficien
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Appendices Installation Guide for Customer Self-Install: Efficient Networks® 5260, Macintosh Page 19 ©2001 SBC Advanced Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.