Paradyne COMSPHERE 3811PLUS user manual

User manual for the device Paradyne COMSPHERE 3811PLUS

Device: Paradyne COMSPHERE 3811PLUS
Category: Modem
Manufacturer: Paradyne
Size: 0.16 MB
Added : 8/3/2013
Number of pages: 12
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Paradyne COMSPHERE 3811PLUS User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Paradyne COMSPHERE 3811PLUS. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

COMSPHERE 3811Plus Modem
Installation Instructions
Document Number 3980-A2-GZ41-20
June 1998
4. When installed in the final configuration, the
User’s Guide
product must comply with the applicable Safety
Standards and regulatory requirements of the
This document provides basic installation instructions
country in which it is installed. If necessary,
for the COMSPHERE 3811Plus (Model 3981) modem.
consult with the appropriate regulatory agencies
For complete configuration and operation instructi

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

information must be provided to the telephone commission, public service commission, or company. corporation commission for information.) 2. The Universal Service Order Code (USOC) for 9. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 Permissive mode is RJ21X. The Canadian makes it unlawful for any person to use a equivalent to the USOC is CA21A. computer or other electronic device to send any message via a telephone fax machine unless such a message clearly contains, in a margin at the top or 3.

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

This modem is suitable for connection to BT circuits CAUTION with signalling at a nominal frequency of 2280 Hz and may be connected to multipoint or point-to-point circuits. Users should not attempt to The apparatus does not require signalling or otherwise use make such connections the frequency range 0–200 Hz. themselves, but should contact the appropriate No d.c. interaction is intended between the modem and electric inspection authority, the telephone network. or electrician, as appropriate.

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

command line or from a directory. An occurrence of the Installation restriction is canceled when a different number is dialed, or when three minutes have elapsed. Customer-Supplied Equipment The 3811Plus modem (see Figure 1) is designed for Equipment Warranty and installation in a COMSPHERE 3000 Series Carrier which supplies operating power and the dial-line and/or Support leased-line network connections. For power, dial-line, leased-line, Network Interface Module (NIM), and network management c

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

Rear EIA232/V.24 Faceplate Connector Connector Plate EIA232/V.24 Status Edge Card Pwr Connector Alrm 142 Test Dial 125 RI Busy Serv SQ 103 TXD 104 RXD 105 RTS 106 CTS 107 DSR 108 DTR 109 LSD Front Panel Unused Spkr 3811Plus 496-14488-02 Figure 1. 3811Plus Modem 3980-A2-GZ41-20 June 1998 5 RS366A/V.25 (3800) EIA232/V.24 V.35 (3600/3500)

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

The COMSPHERE 3000 Series Carrier has 17 slots which can hold up to 16 modems and one SDU. The SDU is required when the modems in the carrier are controlled by an NMS, or when multiple carriers in a cabinet configuration are to be controlled by a single SDCP. The SDCP of the COMSPHERE 3000 Series Carrier is the user interface to the 3811Plus modem. A single SDCP can control modems in up to eight carriers. To install a 3811Plus modem into the carrier, perform the following steps.  Procedure 1. A

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

3. Rotate the circuit pack lock(s) into the closed Check the SDCP position, and tighten the screw. If an SDCP is installed, verify that the SDCP can be used to control the modem. Perform the following steps. Circuit Pack Lock Carrier Slots 1–16 SDU 12 3 4 5 6 7 8910 11 12 13 14 15 16 Select OK Alarm BckUp Test EC F1 F2 F3 COMSPHERE 3000 Circuit Select Status Keypad LCD Closed Card Key Indicators Display (Locked) Guides 496-12348a-03  Procedure 1. Press the Select key on the SDCP. The cursor O

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

5. Press the key until the appropriate factory Select Factory Configuration preset appears on the LCD, and press the Options corresponding function key to select your choice. If you select Sync Leased, a new prompt asks you After the modem passes the power-up self-test, to select Answer Mode (F1) or Originate Mode configure it for operation using one of the factory preset (F3). Press the appropriate key. configurations. The 3811Plus modem has several factory preset 6. Choose Function now appe

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

To change a factory template using AT commands, Menu Structure perform the following steps. The menu tree accessible from the SDCP contains the  Procedure following branches: 1. Enter the appropriate factory configuration command (&Fn) followed by the &W0 command Call Setup  Used to dial, disconnect, and to store the configuration in Active (Saved) and answer telephone calls as well the Z command to reset the modem. as store up to 10 telephone numbers in directory locations. TYPE: AT&Fn&W0Z St

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

Displays current status of modem along with “Status” data rate and error control mode. to next page Call_Setup Status Test Dial Answer Change_Directory Disconnect Dial_Standby or VF Identity DTE SDC Options Record Return_to_Dial ★ Ser# LSD No Signal SigQual TX RX Display Clear Directory Locations 1 – 10 Mod # DTR RcvLev FRev DSR Sig/Noise HPt# Tst NearEcho FPt# TXD FarEcho RXD FarEchDel RTS EchoFreqOff CTS Does not appear in Remote Mode. (Rem_Digital_Loop, Loc_Digital_Loop, and Pattern appear if

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

from previous page to next page Configure Ld EditArea frm: Activ (Operating) Customer2 Factory Customer1 Async_Dial Sync_Leased Cellular Active (Saved) (PSTN) Sync_Dial UNIX_Dial Choose Mode Cellular (Mobile) Answer Originate Choose Function Edit Save Active (Saved) Customer1 Customer2 from previous page Leased_Line V42/MNP/Buffer Test Misc Security Leased Mode Err Contrl Mode DTE RL (CT140) StrapsWhenDisc EntryWait_Time Modulation Sync Comp Mode DTE LL (CT141) Speaker Control VF_Prompt_Type Lea

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

from previous page Control Remote Security Secondary Prim (data blckd) (ExitRem appears instead of Remote when using Remote Mode) Set_Access_Ctrl Reset_Security (Admin Password?) EditPassWdTable Set_Orig_Secur Set_Answer_Sec Set_Admin_PsWd Speaker Make_Busy Download Code or RemoveMakeBusy Reset Service_Line or DiscServLine Does not appear in Remote Mode. (Rem_Digital_Loop, Loc_Digital_Loop, and Pattern appear if the secondary channel is used.) 98-14528c-03     *3980–A2–GZ41–20* Cop

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