Summary of the content on the page No. 1
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1870 RJM
Summary of the content on the page No. 2
WAVE not to door In harmful to It not to or not front door or or to on not If It It door no to (1) (2) or (3) door not or for a not if door not not to to to or to Whirlpool to It to to to Whirlpool . to . from l on a or for 7700). . to to . to . for of a . not or not to . . or 2 technicians. service qualified by only repaired serviced repair. good in and clean kept properly. it use how understand might who others children by used oven microwave home expected job
Summary of the content on the page No. 3
Works 2 ........................................ 6 .......................................... With 7 \ 7 0 8; a 8; or With 2 c -11 ; 11 E for future to or a to fill if for or to door of to 3 NO. TELEPHONE COMPANY SERVICE DATE PURCHASE NO. SERIAL NO. MODEL PLATE NUMBER SERIAL AND MODEL numbers. and letters all record sure Be illustrated as oven, microwave the the behind located are numbers serial and Model oven. microwave ~ your about questions ask service call you in
Summary of the content on the page No. 4
7700’ out of out a on a or to For of for flow a or from for It Whirlpool or 7200 710, 711 713 for on a 3330, for a or For cord If or If to or a 120 60 1450 no a (250 mL) of on full for 1 to 7). When If a room. fan run to room Works or of not food. When food food When (door to to a to Into Whirlpool a fan) to If In from a water like direction, same the bounce all they’d direction, same the in went microwaves the all them. scatter metal slow-moving (a mixer
Summary of the content on the page No. 5
Work of food a to 6 :. of 2 _o , food. : food on a of food A to from I food. 2 b door to to ,.e / ” z to ‘. not door g 5 1:] WIII In food door When on. to door for 1 door or 5 ends. cycle the after closed is the after minute and set, is oven the when open. IS the when glow will dots The cook. oven mrcrowave your set can you are dots these the close and oven the in the Put display the show dots Two door. the open controls oven microwave the set you Before c BUTTON
Summary of the content on the page No. 6
What 1 At e 2 time. At ht IS 6 150 F 7 IS 160 F 6 IS 165 F 8 9 IS 185 F a a time a . push i 1, a 9 I 60 6 70 ? _ ,?... _ _., 60 50 40 30 It as oven the checkmg shows “3” until hold and Push shows “2” until hold and Push shows “1” until once Push ‘., (7) High Medium or Power Cook display. the of side left the on shows want you Power Cook p&&r the until button Power Cook the hold and Push Power Cook Lit power full or High _>i’ .“. level power different select
Summary of the content on the page No. 7
l turn on door Fl l 1 2 In When N WIII 0 In 1 2) E l WIII on a dlffererlt z POWER or 5 l If for : first s l WIII 1 $ 1 2 a to g or turn food or to With 1, food door 2. 1 3. or to 6). 4. If In 6 for 5. of four 1. food door 2. 1 3. 4. if 5. 2 6. 2 7. if 8. 1 2 of 2, four 1. food door. 2. 3. defrost 4. of defrost a four of If to defrost foods on of food or 1 a or (209/o or for of foods 7 cooking. before thawing complete necessary usually is time) (stand
Summary of the content on the page No. 8
With 1. food door. 2. 3. defrost 4. 1 5. 1 6. if 7. 2 (if 8. 2 9. if 10. of (no for 1. of 2, four To . for to For to 2 2 2 2 To . if . for to 1 1 I To oven -. . or Onen the To oven . . . door. If If I a to to turn off a 1. door to turn on to door. 2. 1 3. time timer Set button Cycle Push the Close control. the power the the Open etc. call, make appliance, another you remind Timer Minute as control oven microwave the use can You Timer Minute button. STAR
Summary of the content on the page No. 9
E 4. “00” on s of no 2 5. of c four With 1. of food or It z of of of food. 5 turn off too or too if 3 a fat, or from 2 of food. It to B 2 2. food 0 \ Into of door. c 2 2 on of 4. if 5. on of When a turn off. 4 food from DO: l hot l In l l DON’T: l l In l l In l t l l (6mm) ) l ‘Tmk l 9 oven the in probe the store Don’t oven. the of top the in cover mixer mode plastic the touch probe temperature SENSOR’ MEAL the of cable the let Don’t occurs
Summary of the content on the page No. 10
food. If fit turn for Wash of or a a or or l for l not or . not food l not l not food, on to of l food a . not l DO: l tnto a 15 7700). l from them In In them. l for l a l melt ) l l 1450 It 7700). l push l l or or In tn l food In It 10 l In l them them l 1 7700). 2. IS ‘Tmk 10 normal This on IS oven mlcrowave the when flicker may INDICATORS (RJM move lo awkward be may II and controls) the with side (the stde one on IS weight oven’s the of Most HINTS: do
Summary of the content on the page No. 11
3 IS 120 4 When to hmes In In time 5 In a 6 In out of a WIII 7 At In WIII standmg. In 8 In 9 10 on 7700 out 11 a Th!s ‘Tmk 1 cord 2 In 3. a 40 4 In of to 5 WAVE for For or a of (250 ml) for 2 or 3 or to or of door. 11 the inside interior oven microwave the clean pads scouring cleansers abrasive use not Do frame. oven the and door the between objects other any or soil with oven microwave the operate not Do treatment. this after stubborn less be should They soils.
Summary of the content on the page No. 12
the 0 Unlted help just a phone call A. s a l 7700)7 . a ful- fill and B. and in condltlon. l You’ll find l l In. under & l a l number. When _. . . . 632-2243 8 . . . . 253-1121 253-1301 _. l time that . and phone pany get the a l quaIlfled will, be by a time help but if Include the and number l E. 100 slip and 9 end the in the the in the and l In IS tn the help the quality the not orlglnally built touching fat and not the up standing be num