Black & Decker SB3000 user manual

User manual for the device Black & Decker SB3000

Device: Black & Decker SB3000
Category: Blender
Manufacturer: Black & Decker
Size: 1.65 MB
Added : 8/20/2013
Number of pages: 22
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Black & Decker SB3000 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Black & Decker SB3000. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Stick Blender
First Use Safety Recommendation
Please read through this booklet for safe and efficient use of the appliance.
We urge you to read the "Hint's" section and also follow all detailed
instructions even if you are familiar with using this appliance.
Keep this guide handy for future reference.
English Page 02
Farsi Page 14
Arabic Page 21

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

English IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS While using electrical appliances, in order to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, and/or injury to persons, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:  Read all instructions carefully, even if you are familiar with the appliance.  To protect against the risk of electric shock, DO NOT IMMERSE the appliance, cord set or plug in water or other liquids.  To clean, wipe the exterior with a damp cloth.  Close supervision is necessary

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

English SB3000 SB3040 SB3040 13 3 45 6 6 1 2 7 5 4 3 8 11 9 12 10 -3-

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

English Intended use  Always protect the motor unit from water or excessive humidity. Your Black & Decker stick blender has been designed for blending, mixing, beating,  Do not operate the appliance if your whipping, whisking and chopping food and hands are wet. beverage ingredients. Do not use this  Do not operate the appliance if you are appliance for any other purpose. This barefoot. product is intended for household use only.  Do not touch moving parts. Keep long Safety instruct

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

English English  When not in use, the appliance should be  Misuse could cause an injury. stored in a dry place. Children should not have access to stored appliances.  Keep loose clothing, hair, jewellery etc. away from moving parts. Inspection and repairs  Care is needed when handling cutting  Before use, check the appliance for blades, especially when removing the damaged or defective parts. Check for blades and during cleaning. breakage of parts, damage to switches and any other con

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

English Use Features Blending 1 Speed control switch  Place the ingredients into a measuring jug or a suitable container. 2 Motor housing 3 Plastic stem (SB3000 & SB3020)  Using a stabbing motion, push the blade (6) into the ingredients until the correct 4 Stainless steel stem (SB3040) consistency is reached. 5 Whisk attachment (SB3040)  When blending liquids or fluid 6 All purpose cutting blade ingredients, use short pulses to prevent spillages. 7 Jar  Keeping the blade (6) submerged

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

English BLACK & DECKER HOME APPLIANCE 2 YEAR WARRANTY Black & Decker provides a 2 Year Warranty for this product from the date of purchase against defects due to defective materials or workmanship. Motor/element burn-outs due to voltage fluctuations are not covered under warranty. If the product should become defective within the warranty period, Black & Decker will repair or (at Black & Decker's discretion) replace it free of charge. The warranty provisions do not cover failure due to accid

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

Farsi -01- ØMOb. ≥M~U ±ªKu ◊ ØdœÊ ±u«œ ¨c«¥v œ«⁄ °OA∑d ¢u§t Ë œÆX ßU´X ÄOâU≤bÁ Ë ßáf «“ ¸ËÈ °b ≤t ±u¢u¸ (2) §b« ØMOb. ÄU®ObÁ ®bÊ ±U¥FU‹ °t «©d«· §KuÖOdÈ ±v ØMb. °t • §NX °U“ ØdœÊ ÆDFt ±u¸œ ≤Ed, ¬≤d« œ¸ §NX ´Id°t ≥UÈ • ≤~t œ«®∑s ÆDFt ±ªBu’ “œÊ œ¸ œ«îq ±U¥l, «“ œ¸ §UÈ îuœ ÆHq ØMOb. ≤Ed ®LU ±ªKu ◊ ®u ≤b. œ«œÁ Ë °U ÄOâU ≤bÊ œ¸ îö· §NX ´Id°t ≥UÈ ßU´X, ¬ ≤d« • °t ±ªKu ◊ ØdœÊ ±u«œ ¨c«¥v «œ«±t œ ≥Ob ¢U °t ±Oe«Ê ±u¸œ • ÆDFt ±u¸œ ≤Ed îuœ ¸« ¸ËÈ °b ≤t ±u¢u¸ œß ∑~UÁ (2) Æd«¸ œß∑~UÁ ¥U ≥d Öu≤t ™d·

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

Farsi Î Î -11- ¢πNOe«‹ «≤∂U¸ ®bÁ œß ∑dßv œ«®∑t °U®Mb. ±JU≤v îAp ≤~Nb«¸È Ødœ. °ât ≥U ≤∂U¥b °U ËßUzq Ë ßU¥d ±U¥FU‹ ¨u©t ˸ ≤JMOb. • ≥M~U±v Øt «“ œß ∑~UÁ «ß ∑HUœÁ ≤Lv ®uœ °U¥b «“ ¬Ê œ¸ ßOr °d‚, œË®Uît Ë ¥U ±u¢u¸ œß ∑~UÁ ¸« œ¸ ¬» ¥U œß∑~UÁ ¸« îU±u‘ ØdœÁ Ë ¬ ≤d« «“ Äd¥e °d‚ îU¸Ã ØMOb. §NX ÄOA~OdÈ «“ °dË“ ®u„ « ∞J∑d|Jv ≥dÖe ¢Fu¥i, ¢LOe ≤LuœÊ ¥U °U“¸ßv °ªg ≥UÈ ±ª∑Kn ¬Ê, •UÅq ØMOb. • ≥Lu«¸Á ÄOg «“ œË¸ ®bÊ «“ œß ∑~UÁ Ë ¥U ÄOg «“ ±Aªh ®bÁ ¸ËÈ ∞uÕ ±AªBU‹ ≠Mv œß∑~UÁ «©LOMUÊ ØMOb. «“ ®dËŸ °JU¸œß∑~UÁ,

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

Farsi -12- ≤JMOb. œß∑~UÁ ¸« «“ Äd¥e °d‚ îU¸Ã ≤LUzOb. • ≥dÖe «“ œß ∑~UÁ °d«È ±BU¸· îU¸Ã «“ ±Me‰ «ß ∑HUœÁ ¢LOe ≤LuœÊ, Ë ¥U °t ≥M~U ≤BV Ë ¢Fu¥i ÆDFU‹ ¬Ê, • ≥M~U±v Øt «“ œß ∑~UÁ «ß ∑HUœÁ ≤Lv ØMOb, ÄOg «“ «Æb«Â °t {dË¸È °ALU¸ ±v ¸Ëœ. • ¸´U¥X œÆX °t ≥M~U «ß∑HUœÁ «“ œß ∑~UÁ ≥Lu«¸Á «±dÈ ≤e ≤Ob. ≥dÖe Æ ∂q «“ ØAObÊ œß ∑~UÁ «“ °d‚ °t ßOr °d‚ ¬Ê œßX ØdœÊ ¬Ê «“ Äd¥e °d‚, îU±u‘ °U®b. °∂OMb, œß∑~UÁ ¸« °ö≠UÅKt «“ °d‚ °JAOb. œ¸ «¥s •U ∞X • œÆX ØMOb Øt œß ∑~UÁ ÄOg «“ «¢BU‰ ¥U °t ≥M~U îU¸Ã • œ¸ Åu¸¢v Øt

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

Farsi SB3000 SB3040 SB3040 13 3 45 6 6 1 2 7 5 4 3 8 11 9 12 10 -13-

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

Farsi Î Î -14- «¥s œß∑u¸«∞FLq ≥U ¸« §NX ±d«§FU‹ °FbÈ œ¸ ±JU ≤v ±DLµs ≤~Nb«¸È ≤LUzOb ßdË¥f °Kp « ≤b œØd Ë ¥U ±d«Øe ßdË¥f Ë îb±U‹ ± πU“ ¢∫u¥q œ≥Ob. • ≥dÖe ®ªBU §NX ¢FLOd œß∑~UÁ «Æb«Â ≤MLUzOb. °d«È «¥s ±MEu¸ œß ∑~UÁ îuœ ¸« °t ≤eœ|J∑d¥s ±dØe îb±U‹ Ë • «¥s œß ∑~UÁ ¢MNU °d«È ±BU¸· œ«îKv ±Me‰ ©d«•v ®bÁ «ßX. • °t ≥M~U «ß∑HUœÁ «“ ßOr ¸«°j °U œß ∑~UÁ îuœ, «“ ¢MUßV ßOr °U ±u¸œ ±Bd· ±u¸œ ≤Ed¢UÊ «©LOMUÊ ¥U°Ob. ≤MLUzOb. °d«È «¥MJU¸ œË ®Uît œß ∑~UÁ ¸« Öd ≠∑t Ë ¬ ≤d« «“ °d‚ îU¸Ã ≤LUzOb. ≤LuœÁ Ë °d«È §b« ≤Luœ

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

Arabic Î Î BLACK & DECKER Î Î Î Black & Decker Î Î Black & Decker Î Black & Decker Black & Decker Î Î Î Ô -15- ÅLr ∞öß∑FLUô‹ «∞LMe∞OW ≠Ij. ±u«œ ¢GKOn ∞LKv¡ «∞Hd«¨U‹ ∞∑HUœÍ ≈ÅU°∑t °QÍ {d¸. «¸≠o ±ö•EW ¢Bn ≠ONU «∞LAJKW ∞LdØe « ∞BOU≤W Ë¢QØb ±s Ø ∑U°W ´Mu«≤p. Ë≠w •U∞W ≈¸ßU‰ «∞πNU“ °U∞∂d¥b √Ë «∞A∫s, ¢QØb ±s ¢Hd¥m « ∞LM∑Z ±s « ∞LU¡ ØKOU ËÆr ° ∑GKOHt §Ob« ≠w ÅMbË‚ Ød¢uÊ ±IuÈ ±l ≈{U≠W îc «∞LM∑Z «∞LFDq ±l °DUÆW «∞CLUÊ Ë ≈¥BU‰ «∞Ad«¡ °MHºp ≈∞v ±dØe «∞BOU≤W «∞L∫Kw √Ë ¥LJMp ≈¸ßU∞t °U∞∂d¥b «∞Lb≠u´W √§d¢t ßK

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

Arabic -17- °S•JUÂ. «_©FLW « ∞ºUîMW. ≠w ´Jf «¢ πUÁ ´IU¸» «∞ºU´W • ∑v ¥∑r ¢dØO ∂NU • «¨Ld «∞LªHIW ∞∑∑πMV «∞ºJV. Øs •c¸« ´Mb îKj • Ær °∑dØOV « ∞LK∫IW ≠w •πd… «∞L∫d„ (2) ËÆr °U ∞Kn • Ær °ªKj « ∞DFU •∑v ¢Bq ≈∞v «∞Iu«Â «∞LDKu». ±K∫IW «∞ªKj Ë«∞Cd» • {l ±Ju≤U‹ «∞DFU ≠w Æb¸ ±FU¥d… √Ë √Í ≈≤U¡ ±MUßV. Ë¢∫u¥q «∞ºu«zq ≈∞v Ød¥LW (0403BS ≠Ij) «∞ªKj • «ß∑ªb ±K ∫IW «∞ªHo (5) ∞KLeà ˫∞Cd» Ë«∞ªHo °BHW ±RÆ∑W. «_©FLW «∞BK∂W ¥LJs «ß∑ªb«Â ÆU´b… «ù ≤U¡ (21) ØGDU¡ ∞∑ªe¥s « ∞DFU • «ß∑ªb ±K ∫IW «∞ªKj (3 √Ë 4) ∞ª

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

Arabic -18- √Í ßUzq ¬îd. •Hk «_§Ne… °FOb« ´s ± ∑MUˉ «_©HU‰. «∞ºKp √Ë «∞LI∂f √Ë Ë•b… « ∞L∫d„ ≠w «∞LU¡ √Ë • ´Mb ´b «ß ∑ªb«Â « ∞πNU“, {Ft ≠w ±JUÊ §U·. ¥ πV ∞∑πMV ±ªU©d «∞Bb±W « ∞JNd°UzOW, ô ¢GLd ´s «∞πNU“, √Ë ¢MEOHt, √Ë ≠∫h √Í ÆDFW ≠Ot. «∞πNb (« ∞Hu∞X) «∞LbËÊ ´Kv « ∞Ku•W « ∞LFb≤OW ∞KπNU“. • √ËÆn « ∞πNU“ Ë«≤eŸ « ∞HOAW ±s «∞LI ∂f Æ∂q «ô≤Bd«· ¢∫Io œ«zLU ±s √Ê ≠d‚ « ∞πNb ∞LBb¸ « ∞JNd°U¡ ±MUßV ∞Hd‚ «_§e«¡ « ∞∑w ¢∑∫d„ √£MU¡ «∞∑AGOq. «∞JNd°UzOW « ∞LMe∞OW: ∞c« ô •U§t ∞∑uÅOKt °ºKp «_¸{w. • √ËÆn « ∞πN

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

Arabic -91- • ô ¢º∑ªb «∞πNU“ ≠w «_±UØs « ∞LJAu≠W. ËÆ∂q ≠p √Ë ¢dØOV √Í ±s √§e«zt, ËÆ∂q «∞∑MEOn. • Ær °HBq « ∞JNd°U¡ ´s « ∞πNU“ ´Mb ´b «ß ∑ªb«±t, • Øs •c¸« ´Mb «ß ∑ªb«Â «∞πNU“. Æ∂q ≠Bq «∞JNd°U¡. «∞πNU“ ≈∞v ±Bb¸ « ∞JNd°U¡ √Ë ≠BKt ±Mt. °HBq «∞πNU“ ´s ±Bb¸ « ∞JNd°U¡ ≠u¸«. ô ¢KLf « ∞ºKp • ¢QØb ±s √Ê «∞πNU“ ≠w Ë{l «ù¥IU· Æ ∂q ¢uÅOq • ≈–« ¢Fd÷ ßKp « ∞πNU“ ∞K∑Kn √£MU¡ «ôß ∑ªb«Â, Ær «ß∑ªb«Â «∞πNU“ «∞JNd°U¡ √Ëô. «∞JNd°U¡. ¢QØb œ«zLU ±s √Ê ¢HBq « ∞πNU“ ´s ±Bb¸ • «•∑Hk °Nc« « ∞b∞Oq ∞Kd§uŸ ≈∞Ot ´Mb «∞

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

Arabic SB3000 SB3040 SB3040 13 3 45 6 6 1 2 7 5 4 3 8 11 9 12 10 -02-

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