Sterling SDD 1 SGM user manual

User manual for the device Sterling SDD 1 SGM

Device: Sterling SDD 1 SGM
Category: Microscope & Magnifier
Manufacturer: Sterling
Size: 1.32 MB
Added : 10/26/2014
Number of pages: 85
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Sterling SDD 1 SGM User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Sterling SDD 1 SGM. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Op er at ing In struc tions
with S 150 con trol unit
Ster li ng Ma te ri al Pro cess ing
S M1-671

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

SDD 1 SGM Ster li ng Ma te ri al Pro cess ing 5200 West Clinton Ave. Mil wau kee, WI 53223 Tele phone (414) 354-0970 Fax: (414) 354-6421 Parts & Ser vice de part ment: Tele phone: (800) 423-3183 Edi tion: 07/01 This op er a tion man ual is for*: (* Please fill in personally) Serial number: Built in: Date of delivery: Number of delivery: Date of commissioning: Location: Group of machines: 2 SM1-671

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

SDD 1 SGM Ster ling Ma te rial Pro cess ing re tains all rights to change the in for ma tion in these op er at ing in struc t ions at any time with out no tice. We as sume no li a bil ity for any er rors or di rect or in di rect dam age re sult ing in con - text with these op er at ing in struc t ions. Copying, trans la tion or pub li ca tion in any form ex cept for per sonal use of pur - chaser re quires ap proval from Ster ling Ma te r ial Pro cess ing. All rights re served. 3 SM1-671

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

SDD 1 SGM Ta ble of con tents 1. Safety in struc tions ........................................................ 1-1 1.1. For your safety ................................................... 1-2 1.2. For the op er at ing safety of the equip ment ............................. 1-4 2. Con cern ing these Op er ating In struc tions .................................... 2-1 2.1. Warn ing Mes sages and Sym bols .................................... 2-2 2.2. Ex pla na t ions and Def i ni tions .............

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

SDD 1 SGM 5. As sem bly in struc tions ..................................................... 5-1 5.1. Trans port........................................................ 5-2 5.2. SDD 1 SGM...................................................... 5-2 5.2.1. Mount ing on the pro cess ing ma chine........................ 5-3 5.3. Con trol sys tem S 150 .............................................. 5-4 5.4. Elec tri cal Con nec tion .............................................. 5-5 6. Func tional de s

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

SDD 1 SGM 1. Safety in stru c tion s These safety in struc tions ap ply to all per sons within the range of ac tion of the equip ment. » Please in form all per sons within the range of ac tion of the equip ment of the di rect and in di rect haz ards con nected with the equip ment. These op er at ing in struc tions are to be used by all per sons as signed ac tiv i - ties con nected with the equip ment. Knowl edge of the Eng lish lan guage is pre req ui site. En sure in each case that the op er a

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

SDD 1 SGM 1.1. For your safety Gen eral The op er at ing per son nel of this equip ment must be at least 16 years old. Please read these op er at ing in struc tions care fully be fore tak ing into op er a tion for the first time. Con tact us should ques tions arise. This avoids in jury and dam age to equip ment! These op er at ing in struc tions must be kept avail able at all times at the place of op er a tion of the equip ment. Im proper op er a tion re sults in dan ger of ac ci dents! Please n

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

SDD 1 SGM Op er a tion Ap point an equip ment fore man to be re spon si ble for the equip ment. En sure that the op er at ing per son nel are pro vided de tailed in struc tion in the op er a tion of the equip ment. Im proper op er a tion re sults in dan ger of ac ci dents! When the main switch is switched off for rea sons per tain ing to safety, it must be se cured against un au tho rized ac ti va t ion. Cau tion: Dan ger of ac ci dents! Re pair work may be car ried out by trained per son nel on

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

SDD 1 SGM 1.2. For the op er at ing safety of the equip ment Never change set tings if the con se quences are not pre cisely known. Use only orig i nal Ster ling spare parts. Please ob serve the main te nance in ter vals. Keep re cord of all main te nance and re pair pro ce dures. Ob serve pre cau tions for han dling elec tro static sen si tive de vices. Check all elec tri cal con nec tions for proper fit be fore the equip ment is taken into op er a tion for the first time and at reg u lar in te

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

SDD 1 SGM 2. Con cer nin g the se Ope ra tin g In stru c tion s The se ope ra ting in struc tions are ad dres sed to all users of the de vi ce. » The se ope ra ting in struc tions must be used by every per son char ged with work on the unit. Con cer ning the se Ope ra ti ng In struc t ions 2- 1 SM1-671

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

SDD 1 SGM 2.1. War ning Mes sa ges and Sy m bols The fol lo wing war ning mes sa ges and sym bols are used in the se ope ra ting in struc tions: This sym bol in di cates dan ger to life! Fa tal or se ri ous in jury is pos si ble if the cor re spond ing in struc tions, reg u la tions or warn ings are not ob served. » This sym bol in di cates that se ri ous in jury is pos si ble if the cor re spond ing L in struc tions, reg u la tions or warn ings are not ob served. This sym bol in di cates that e

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

SDD 1 SGM 2.2. Ex pla na tions and De fi ni t ions In this ope ra ting ma nu al, cer tain terms are used re pea ted ly for bet ter cla ri ty. The re fo re plea se keep in mind that the se terms stand for the expla na tions gi ven here. Unit · “Unit” may de sig na te eit her a sing le de vi ce, a ma chi ne or a plant. User · The user is the per son who uses the unit on his or her own re spon si bi li ty or on the re spon si bi li ty of so meo ne else. Ope ra tor · The ope ra tor of a unit (pro d

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

S 150 3. Put ti ng into op er a tion This chap ter is in ten ded for ope ra ting per son nel. » Pre re qui si te for this chap ter is ge ne ral knowled ge of the ope ra ti on of do sing and blen ding units on in jec ti on moul ding ma chi nes. Also pre re qui si te for this chap ter is that the functio nal des crip ti on has been read and un ders tood. En su re in each case that the ope ra ting per son nel are suf fi cient l y in form ed. LED = light emit ting di ode & “bzw.” = “or” Put ting int

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

S 150 3.1. Con trol Sys tem S 150 The Con trol sys tem is swit ched on by me ans of the On/Off switch (switch set in po si ti on “1"). The con trol sys tem is ope ra ted via the key board (B). The in di vi du al ope ra ting mo des are in di ca ted by sym bols (C). Mes sa ges ap pe ar on a 4-digit dis play (D). Up to ten re ci pes can be sa ved and read on re quest. re ci pes can be as sig ned re spec ti ve num bers. C B s % mi

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

S 150 3.1.1. Key As signment “re ci pe” For sa ving, cal ling up or mo di fy ing re ci pes “in put” For the in put of pro gram pa ram e ters Input “cal i bra tion” Switches to the cal i bra tion mode, the LED flashes in case the cal i bra tion pro cess was started by press ing the “run” key. Starts the start ing mode if the key is de pressed for more than 2 sec onds. “stop” Stops the con ti nu ous ope ra ti on or the weig hing pro ce du re; will set the me te red amount of ad di ti ve to zero if

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

S 150 3.1.2. Sy m bols “Screw re tract time” “Do sing disc” “Screw speed” “Per cent” % “Alarm” “Se conds” s “Mi nu tes” min “Grams” g “Ki lo grams” kg “Pound” lb Put ting into op er a tion 3- 4 SM1-671

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

S 150 3.2. In it i al ope ra ti on pro ce du re The con trol sys tem is fac to ry-programmed. Ne ver the less, spe ci fic va lu es have to be pre de fi ned or to be che cked (ba sic pa ra me ter set ting). The in put va lu es will be sa ved and will still be avai la ble af ter ha ving swit ched off the sys tem or a po wer fai lu re. The fol lo wing va lu es are re qui red (in the ap pen dix, the re is a copy of the list whe re the va lu - es can be en te red): Pul ses of the en co der: .........

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

S 150 Only in case of ex ter nal de si red v a lue spe ci fi ca ti on : Min. in put fre quen cy (see Fre quen cy Out put of the Ex tru der):.......................... or if a vol ta ge sig nal is avai la ble (0 - 10 V): Input voltage [V] x10000[Hz] Frequency [Hz ] = 10[V] or if a cur rent sig nal is avai la ble (0 - 20 mA): Input current [mA] x10000[Hz] Frequency [Hz ] = 20[mA] Span fac tor: .................................................................. DFrequency[Hz] Spanfactor[Hz/rpm]= DRo

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

S 150 De ter mi ning the Configura tion Va lue Mark the functions re quired. Move the nu me ri cal value to the emp ty field. Add the val ues at the bot tom for use in ba sic pa ram e ter setting. Af t er Ster ling con sul ta tion ad di tional con fig u ra tions will be pos si ble for & spe cial ap pli ca tions. o raw ma te ri al pro be ................................................. 1 ... ___ o ad di ti v e pro be ..................................................... 2 ... ___ o blen ding uni

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

S 150 Ex am pl e: le vel pro bes: raw ma te ri al pro be ad di ti v e pro be throughput: 10 through 65 kg/shot throughput: dis play ed in lb (kg) n raw ma te ri al pro be ................................................. 1 ... __1 n ad di ti v e pro be ..................................................... 2 ... __2 o blen ding unit....................................................... 8 .... ___ n throughput in lb (kg) ............................................... 16 ... _16 o through put g/

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