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FV300 CONFOCAL LASER SCANNING MICROSCO PERFORMANCE FOR THE PERSONAL USER The FV300 is the ideal choice of laser scanning microscopes for personal users. Its optical system is fully integrated, from scanner to microscope, and not only delivers outstanding optical sectioning, but also ensures the easy, flexible expandability required for any future upgrade. With its wide choice of options and configurations, including the Olympus inverted, upright and fixed-stage upright microscope platforms, the
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OPE q w e r !2 !0 o !1 y u t i q Optical fiber for laser introduction w Beam collimator e Polarizer r Dichromatic mirror t Excitation dichromatic mirror y XY galvanometer mirror scanners u Pupil lens i Collector Lens o Pinhole turret !0 Emission beam splitter slider !1 Barrier filter slider !2 Photo multiplier 2
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Software Graphical User Interface Ultimate ease of operation and monitor display. Dye selection display Versatile display options Preset the conditions for image acquisition and loading When a fluorescence dye is chosen, the Exchange between condensed and full laser and light path settings are selected image display modes can be performed Storage of Acquisition Settings enables automatically, with each of the selected with a single touch. Individual panel immediate, one-touch recall of all the f
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Easy exchange between display Image tool bar Thumbnail display methods X-Y-Z scanning operations and time- Data stored in the gallery window are Independent navigation bars for each lapse observations both produce multiple displayed as thumbnails for easy viewing. image window enable the display method images, which can be displayed in to be changed quickly and easily. sequence simply by clicking the sequential mode button. Channel selection and image zooming are also available on the same menu.
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Time Course Using different scanning modes to chart time-lapse changes efficiently. X -t Y -t SlantLine-t FreeLine-t X-Y-t Calcium wave in Xenopus oocyte, Calcium Green staining, fluorescence pseudo-colored fluorescence image after injection of inositol 3-trisphospate Japan Science and Technology Corporation, Exploratory Research for Advanced Technology, X-Y-t X-Z-t Y-Z-t ZoomIn-t Mikoshiba cell control project, Prof. Aya Muto X-Y-Z-t ZoomIn-Z-t High-speed (4 frames/sec) image X -t X -t acquisit
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FRET Hardware and software support to optimize the environment for FRET. The 440nm diode laser can be added for CFP/YFP FRET imaging. A 440nm diode laser is optionally available for CFP/YFP imaging. The 440nm laser line ideally excites CFP, with minimal disturbance to YFP, and is therefore suitable for CFP/YFP FRET experiments. The high performance LSM objectives, PLAPO40XWLSM and PLAPO60XWLSM, are precisely corrected in this wavelength range, and ensure the highest measuring reliability. *For s
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PAPP for FRAP Application PAPP: Programmable Acquisition Protocol Processor Easy, reliable flow of experiments for fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. Mouse; hippocampal neurons; AOTF and PAPP function for effective fluorescence of GFP FRAP (Fluorescence Recovery After Living neurons expressing GFP were maintained in Photobleaching) culture and fluorescent images were obtained. Subsequently, FRAP analysis was performed on Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching the same cell to deter
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Multi-point time lapse system High-magnification multi-point time lapse observation of living cells. Wide-ranging specimen observations for improved experiment throughput Use of a motorized XY stage allows the analysis of time lapse changes in many points scattered over a wide area. The system is therefore effective for work with thick specimens, such as observing changes in the states and movements of stem cells using a brain slice, or analyzing expression mechanisms at the individual level in
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3D Imaging Using multiple 3D images to obtain accurate 3D structure analysis. X-Y-Z X-Y-Z ZoomIn-Z X -Z Y -Z SlantLine-Z FreeLine-Z Easy Z axis operation and setting The upper and lower limit of Z scanning can be specified interactively by actually scanning the sample or by direct input of the numerical value. Tile display Y -Z Acquire X-Y-Z images and display X-Y cross-sectional images quickly and continuously in increments of 0.01*µm Thanks to the precision driving mechanism that enables 0.01µ
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Colocalization Analyzing the degree of intensity overlap between channels. Colocalization By using this function to analyze multi-color specimens, it is possible to discover whether different labeled substances are present in the same region. The ability to quantify the Pearson correlation, the overlapping coefficient and the colocalization index allows colocalization volumes to be compared between different specimens. Images can also be analyzed in series. Colocalization image (white) Threshold
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Applications Gallery Lucifer Yellow: retina ganglion cell TexasRed: dopamine-operated amacrine cell Prof. Shigetada Nakanishi Dept. of Biological Sciences, Kyoto Univ. Faculty of Medicine Mouse hippocampal neurons Purkinje cell in the rat cerebellum GFP: postsynaptic density protein FITC: vesicular GABA transporter VGAT Rhodamine-phalloidin: actin Cy3: vesicular glutamate transporter VGLUT1 Hippocampal neurons expressing a GFP-tagged Pr. Masahiko Watanabe postsynaptic density protein were fixed
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GFP-labeling of Drosophila adult brain with staining of mushroom bodies Assistant Prof. Aigaki Cytogenetics Tokyo Metropolitan University, Science Dept. C elegans expressing beta-integrin fused to GFP Expression of DsRed in a zebrafish embryo Dr. Xioping Xhu and Dr. John Plenefisch Extended focus image of 5µmx30 slice University of Toledo, Dept. of Biology Pr. Yasuhiro Kamei, Pr. Shunsuke Yuba Institute for Molecular and Cellular Biology Osaka University GFP-labeling of Drosophila adults Coexp
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Fluorescence Dyes and Filters 600 500 700 400 300 BA530RIF BA550RIF BA650RIF BA430-460 BA465-495 BA470-520 BA480-495 BA480-510 BA505-525 BA505-550 BA510-540 BA520-550 BA535-565 BA540-590 BA560-600 BA585-615 BA585-640 BA510IF BA560IF BA565IF BA585IF BA590 BA610IF BA625IF BA660IF 405 470 530 550 575 Kaede 433 475 ECFP 507 488 EGFP 520 490 FITC 527 513 EYFP 530 615 Propidium Iodide 550 580 Rhodamine-Phalloidin 552 565 Cy3 583 558 DsRed 596 620 Texas Red Excitation 650 667 Emission Cy5 13 405 LD 44
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Specifications Item Specifications Laser light Visible light laser source Select from the following laser, to mounted on laser combiner source Multi-line Ar laser (458nm, 488nm, 515nm, Total 40mW), Ar laser (488nm,10mW), Kr laser (568nm, 10mW), HeNe (G) laser (543nm,1mW), HeNe (R) laser (633nm,10mW), LD405 (405nm, 25mW), LD440 (440nm, 5.3mW) Laser combiner Each laser light path is equipped with a continuously variable neutral density filter or AOTF All laser lines are combined to apsis along t
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FV300-BX dimensions (unit: mm) FV300-IX dimensions (unit: mm) 1130 1200 1130 1200 2330 2330 Depth: 990 Depth: 990 Different types of laser combiners External transmitted light detector and fluorescence illumination system Selectable from ND filter or AOTF combiner. The shutters and light intensity can be controlled via the Fluoview computer. * Laser combiner for AOTF is required for multi-line Argon laser. LD440 laser unit External transmitted light detector system Laser combiner with Ar+HeNe