Summary of the content on the page No. 1
FORM MS--5547--10/07/2008
REPLACES FORM MS--5547--08/01/2008
0017 through 0222.
Alternator .......................... 8
BlowerHousing/Shrouds ............ 6
Camshaft ........................... 2
Carburetor.......................... 4
Controls ............................ 6
CrankcaseCover.................... 7
Crankshaft.......................... 2
Cylinder ............................ 2
Summary of the content on the page No. 2
20G400 1058 OPERATOR’S MANUAL 1319 WARNING LABEL REQUIREDwhenreplacingparts with warning labels affixed. 529 306 1 1351 847 523 2 842 287 3 725 525 24 524 16 741 415 146 552 718 15 1194 998 718A 18 15B 21 12 25 26 219 19 220 46 20 746 27 28 742 27 29 21 32 22 170 30 Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 5547--2 Assembliesincludeallpartsshowninframes. 10/07/2008 2 Not for Reproduction
Summary of the content on the page No. 3
20G400 1023A 1275 1352 362 1022 1171 5 51A 13 914 51 1022 33 42 35 7 383 34 42 36 337 1029 798 1100 635 883 192 868 1026 45 358 358 ENG ENGIINE NE G GASKET ASKETSET SET 3 20 51A 1095 VALVE GASKETSET 7 868 51 51A 51 7 1022 163 1022 883 868 12 883 Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 5547--3 Assembliesincludeallpartsshowninframes. 10/07/2008 3 Not for Reproduction
Summary of the content on the page No. 4
20G400 125B 109E 109F 97A 633B 633B 108C 633B 98A 121ACARBURETOR OVERHAULKIT 130A 118 127A 95A 127A 98A 51A 117 135 137A 51 104A 369 105A 105A 163 51A 632 104A 133A 633B 51 975A 137A 122 51A 51 1127A 608A 597 456 689 1210 459 930 58 1211 60A 55A 592 65 Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 5547--4 Assembliesincludeallpartsshowninframes. 10/07/2008 4 Not for Reproduction
Summary of the content on the page No. 5
20G400 300A 832 300B 836 883 883 613 613B 613 613B 300C 836C 436C 832C 437 1177 740 863C 883C 740A 355 NOTE: Thismufflerisintendedforreplacement purposes only and is not to be used forretrofittingtoengineswithdifferent 819 exhaust systems. Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 5547--5 Assembliesincludeallpartsshowninframes. 10/07/2008 5 Not for Reproduction
Summary of the content on the page No. 6
20G400 1036 EMISSIONS LABEL 78A 727A 37 37A 304 78 732 695 305 23 1005 363 1070 455 332 472A 472 976 1196 1224 53C 1288 528 1011 163 1318 610 668B 11B 731 1230 1252 1251 Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 5547--6 Assembliesincludeallpartsshowninframes. 10/07/2008 6 Not for Reproduction
Summary of the content on the page No. 7
20G400 269 270 271 268 265 267 663B 663A 281A 564 604A 485 227 222A 562 1138 773 278 505 271B 632 615 504 668 188 209 616 616 211 188 410 621 Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used on your specific engine. 5547--7 Assembliesincludeallpartsshowninframes. 10/07/2008 7 Not for Reproduction
Summary of the content on the page No. 8
20G400 972A 957 958 187 187A 187D 601 957A 601 601 DUAL AC ONLY DC ONLY 5--9AMP CIRCUIT 474 474A 474H 474C 190 NOTE: All stators use a No. 1119mounting screw. 526 NOTE: Theproperflywheelpartnumberand/orthealternatormagnetsizewill 878 determine the alternator type or output. See repair instruction manual 501 for additional information. 493 356G 318 334 892A 356J 333 493B 990A 851 697 813 309C 503 309A Illustrations cover a range of engines. Parts shown without corresponding text may not be used o
Summary of the content on the page No. 9
20G400 REF. PART REF. PART REF. PART NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION 1 794849 Cylinder Assembly 26 792026 Ring Set 78A 695724 Screw 2 698340 Kit--Bushing/Seal (Standard) (Flywheel Guard) (Magneto Side) (Used After Code Date Used on Type No(s). 05080900). 0100, 0110. 3 K391086S Seal--Oil (Magneto Side) -------------- Note ---------- 95A 690718 Screw 5 793305 Head--Cylinder 694004 Ring Set (Throttle Valve) 7 K ∆694872 Gasket--Cylinder Head (Standard) 97A 696387 Shaft--T
Summary of the content on the page No. 10
20G400 REF. PART REF. PART REF. PART NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION 188 690877 Screw 304 791478 Housing--Blower 501 698315 Regulator (Control Bracket) 305 691108 Screw Used on Type No(s). (Blower Housing) 0017, 0110, 0111. 190 692127 Screw 503 698318 Strap--Starter 306 697240 Shield--Cylinder (Fuel Tank) 309A 793524 Motor--Starter Used on Type No(s). 192 690083 Adjuster--Rocker Arm Used on Type No(s). 0017, 0111. 209 694867 Spring--Governor 0019, 0222, 0368. 504 6953
Summary of the content on the page No. 11
20G400 REF. PART REF. PART REF. PART NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. DESCRIPTION 615 694676 Retainer--Governor 836C 710023 Screw 1070 691058 Screw Shaft (Muffler Guard) (Flywheel Fan) 616 694675 Crank--Governor 842 691031 Seal--O Ring 1095 795200 Gasket Set--Valve (Dipstick Tube) 1100 791959 Pivot--Rocker Arm 621 692310 Switch--Stop 632 695917 Link--Throttle 847 695342 Dipstick--Tube 1119 691183 Screw (Nikki) Assembly (Alternator) 633B D690998 Seal--Choke/Throttle 851 692424 Term
Summary of the content on the page No. 12
Not for Reproduction