Schumacher SC-8020A user manual

User manual for the device Schumacher SC-8020A

Device: Schumacher SC-8020A
Category: Battery Charger
Manufacturer: Schumacher
Size: 0.89 MB
Added : 8/2/2013
Number of pages: 40
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Schumacher SC-8020A User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Schumacher SC-8020A. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Model SC-8020A
For 12-Volt Batteries
Fully Automatic
Microprocessor Controlled
Battery Charger with
Engine Starter plus
Battery Tester and
Alternator Tester

Summary of the content on the page No. 2


Summary of the content on the page No. 3

iMpORTANT: READ AND SAVE ThiS SAFETy AND iNSTRUCTiON MANUAL. 1. iMpORTANT SAFETy iNSTRUCTiONS 1.1 SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS – This manual contains important safety and operating instructions for battery charger Model SC-8020A. 1.2 Do not expose charger to rain or snow. 1.3 Use of an attachment not recommended or sold by the battery charger manufacturer may result in a risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to per- sons. 1.4 To reduce risk of damage to electric plug and cord, pull by plug rather

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

2. pERSONAL pRECAUTiONS 2.1 Consider having someone close enough by to come to your aid when you work near a lead-acid battery. 2.2 Have plenty of fresh water and soap nearby in case battery acid contacts skin, clothing, or eyes. 2.3 Wear complete eye protection and clothing protection. Avoid touching eyes while working near battery. 2.4 If battery acid contacts skin or clothing, wash immediately with soap and water. If acid enters eye, immediately flood eye with running cold water for at l

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

4. ChARg ER LOCATiON 4.1 Locate charger as far away from battery as DC cables permit. 4.2 Never place charger directly above battery being charged; gases from bat- tery will corrode and damage charger. 4.3 Never allow battery acid to drip on charger when reading electrolyte spe- cific gravity or filling battery. 4.4 Do not operate charger in a closed-in area or restrict ventilation in any way. 4.5 Do not set a battery on top of charger. 5. DC CONNECTiON pRECAUTiONS 5.1 Connect and disconnect DC

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6.7 When disconnecting charger, turn switches to off, disconnect AC cord, remove clip from vehicle chassis, and then remove clip from battery termi- nal. 6.8 See OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS for length of charge information. 7. FOLLOW ThESE STEpS WhEN BATTERy iS OUTSiDE VEhiCLE. A SpARK NEAR ThE BATTERy MAy CAUSE BATTERy E xp LOSiON. TO REDUCE RiSK OF A SpARK NEAR BATTERy: 7.1 Check polarity of battery posts. POSITIVE (POS, P, +) battery post usually has a larger diameter than NEGATIVE (NEG, N, –)

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

Recommended minimum awg size for extension cords for battery chargers 8.2 AC input rating, AWG size of cord a Length of cord, feet (m) amperes But less 25 50 100 150 At least than (7.6) (15.2) (30.5) (45.6) 0 2 18 18 18 16 2 3 18 18 16 14 3 4 18 18 16 14 4 5 18 18 14 12 5 6 18 16 14 12 6 8 18 16 12 10 8 10 18 14 12 10 10 12 16 14 10 8 12 14 16 12 10 8 14 16 16 12 10 8 16 18 14 12 8 8 18 20 14 12 8 6 a If the input rating of a charger is given in watts rather than in amperes, the corresponding

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

9. ASSEMBLy iNSTRUCTiONS 9.1 Included with your battery charger are two cord wrap cleats for storage of the clamp cables. 9.2 To install, align the two tabs to correspond with the two receptacles and push until you hear a snap. 9.3 Wrap clamp cables after unplugging the power cord from the AC wall outlet and store your charger in a dry location. 10. USiNg EN gi NE START Your battery charger can be used to jump start your vehicle if the battery is low. Follow these instructions on how to use

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

remaining cool down time in seconds. It starts at 180 and counts down to 0. The ENGINE START LED blinks once every second. During the cool down period, no current is delivered to the battery. After 3 minutes, the ENGINE START LED will stop blinking and will light continuously, indicating that another crank cycle can be started. The digital display will change from displaying the countdown back to displaying the battery voltage. The CHARGING LED will then be lit. ENgiNE STARTiNg NOTES: • If

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

11.5 COMpLETiON OF ChARgiNg: • 12V Standard Battery: Charge completion is indicated by the CHARGED (green) LED; when lit, the charger has stopped charging and switched to the Maintain Mode of operation. • 12V AgM OR gEL CELL BATTER y: The CHARGED LED comes on when the battery is charged enough for normal use. After charging is complete, the CHARGED LED will be on and the voltage will be less than 14V. 11.6 MAiNTAiN MODE: When the CHARGED (green) LED is lit, the charger has started Maintai

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

12.1 DigiTAL DiSpLAy BUTTON Use this button to set the function of the digital display to one of the follow- ing: • BATTERy %: The digital display shows an estimate of the percent of charge of the battery connected to the charger battery clamps. • VOLTAgE: The digital display shows the voltage at the charger battery clamps in DC volts. • ALTERNATOR %: The digital display shows an estimated percentage of the output of the vehicle charging system connected to the charger bat- tery clamps as co

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

13. CONTROL pANEL g UiDE • 10 • SC-8020A CONTROL pANEL gU iDE MODE OF OpERATiON Digital Display Initial power-up, battery not detected O O 0.0 No battery or reversed battery detected User selected User selected User selected 0(%) or 0.0(V) User selected Battery tester activated O 0~100 Battery tester with charged battery O O O User selected 100 Battery tester with no battery O User selected 0 User selected Voltage meter activated O 0.0~17.0 Alterna

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

14. USiNg T hE BUiLT-iN BATTERy TESTER OVERViEW: This battery charger has a built-in battery tester that displays either an accurate battery voltage or an estimate of the battery’s relative charge based on the battery voltage and the Battery Council International scale. 14.1 TESTING SEqUENCE There are four basic steps required to use the SC-8020A as a battery tester: 1. Connect the battery clamps (see sections 6 and 7). 2. Connect the charger power cord to a 120V AC wall outlet (see section

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

• The CHARGED (green) LED will light if a charged battery is tested. • The CHARGING LED does not light in the battery test mode. • The CONNECTED LED lights when a properly connected battery is de- tected. • When the tester digital display is set to VOLTAGE, the CHARGED and CHARGING LEDs won’t light (it could be testing a battery or an alterna- tor). 14.7 iNiTiAL pERCENT CALCULATiON When a battery % is calculated for the first time after connecting a battery, the digital display will show thr

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

light under the following conditions. • The CHARGED (green) LED will light if the output of the charging system is at the normally desired level. • The CHARGING LED does not light in the alternator test mode. • The CONNECTED LED lights if the tester detects a connection. • When the tester digital display is set to VOLTAGE, the CHARGED and CHARGING LEDs won’t light (it could be testing a battery or an alterna- tor). 15.3 ALTERNATOR TESTiNg NOTES • The alternator percent display can range from 0

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

determine charging progress by selecting the BATTERy % mode. There are some important facts to keep in mind when charging a battery. • When the display indicates 77% charged, the battery has been charged enough to start most vehicles and has already been charged as much as by many other battery chargers. • When the display indicates 85% charged, the battery has already been charged at least as much as by most other battery chargers. • The battery % shown in tester mode is an estimate based on

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

and operate normally. 17.3 Completing an interrupted charge: If the charging process has been interrupted and restarted after the charger displays a battery % of 85 or more, the charger could go straight to Maintain Mode. However, if the original charge was started using the MEDIUM TO LARGE BATTERY rate, the charge can often be completed using the SMALL BATTERy setting. 18. MAiNTENANCE iNSTRUCTiONS The charger is designed and built with high quality materials requiring only a minimum amount

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

19. TROUBLEShOOTiNg PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION The battery is connected The charger is in tester Press the BATTERy and the charger is on, mode, not charger SIZE button to activate but isn’t charging. mode. charging and select a charge rate. Indicator lights are lit in you might have acciden- Make sure nothing is an erratic manner not tally activated a special touching the control explained in this manual. diagnostic mode. panel, then unplug the charger and plug it in again. The DIGIT

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

20. LiMiTED WARRANTy SChUMAChER ELECTRiC CORpORATiON, 801 BUSiNESS CENTER DRiVE, MOUNT pROSpECT, iLLiNOiS 60056-2179 MAKES THIS LIMITED WARRANTy TO THE ORIGINAL PURCHASER AT RETAIL OF THIS PRODUCT. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS NOT TRANSFERABLE. Schumacher Electric Corporation warrants this battery charger for five years from date of purchase at retail against defective material or work- manship. If such should occur, the unit will be repaired or replaced at the option of the manufacturer. It i

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

• 18 •

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