IBM G Series user manual

User manual for the device IBM G Series

Device: IBM G Series
Category: Laptop
Manufacturer: IBM
Size: 1.34 MB
Added : 9/30/2013
Number of pages: 83
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IBM G Series User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to IBM G Series. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 12

® ® Created by IBM PC Institute IBM ThinkPad A22m (Spring 2001) - withdrawn Personal Systems Reference (PSREF) Type-model Processor MHz Mem Screen Disk Optical Spindles Modular Bay Comm Bay Wireless Preload Available 8 ® ® 2628-VTU Pentium III 900 64MB 14.1" XGA 10GB CD 3 spindle Ultrabay 2000 Intel eth/mod 802.11b Windows 2000 May 2001 2628-VSU Pentium III 900 64MB 14.1" XGA 10GB CD 3 spindle Ultrabay 2000 Intel eth/mod 802.11b Windows 98 SE May 2001 2628-WTU Pentium III 1GHz 128MB 14.1" XGA 30

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

® ® Created by IBM PC Institute IBM ThinkPad A22m Small Business - withdrawn Personal Systems Reference (PSREF) Type-model Processor MHz Mem Screen Disk Optical Spindles Modular Bay Comm Bay Wireless Preload Available 8 ® 2628-QUU Pentium III 800 64MB 12.1" SVGA 20G CD 3 spindle Ultrabay 2000 modem Windows 98 SE SB Apr 2001 2628-QVU Pentium III 800 64MB 12.1" SVGA 20G CD 3 spindle Ultrabay 2000 modem Windows 2000 SB Apr 2001 2628-T7U Pentium III 1GHz 128M 14.1" XGA 30G DVD 3 spindle Ultrabay 20

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

® ® Created by IBM PC Institute IBM ThinkPad A22p - withdrawn Personal Systems Reference (PSREF) Type-model Processor MHz Memory Screen Disk Optical Spindles Modular Bay Comm Bay Preload Available 1 ® 2629-U1U Pentium III 1GHz 128MB 15.0" UXGA 32GB CD-RW 3 spindle Ultrabay 2000 Modem Windows 98 SE Apr 2001 2629-U2U Pentium III 1GHz 128MB 15.0" UXGA 32GB CD-RW 3 spindle Ultrabay 2000 Modem Windows 2000 Apr 2001 ® 2629-UUU Pentium III 1GHz 128MB 15.0" UXGA 32GB CD-RW 3 spindle Ultrabay 2000

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

® ® Created by IBM PC Institute IBM ThinkPad A30 (Windows 98) - withdrawn Personal Systems Reference (PSREF) Avail Ultrabay Mini PCI CDC CDC Workhorse (W) or Preload date Type-model Processor Speed Memory Screen Disk optical Comm Bay ethernet Modem Global (G) model ® ® 2652-1BU Pentium III-M 933MHz 128MB 14.1” XGA 20GB CD-ROM Open 10/100 Modem Windows 98 SE No Oct 2001 2652-1AU Pentium III-M 933MHz 128MB 14.1” XGA 20GB CD-ROM Open None Modem Windows 98 SE No Oct 2001 2652-3BU Pentium III-M 1.0GH

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

® ® Created by IBM PC Institute IBM ThinkPad A30 - withdrawn Personal Systems Reference (PSREF) Ultrabay Mini PCI CDC CDC Small Bus Workhorse or Avail Preload Type-model Processor Speed Memory Screen Disk optical Comm Bay Modem ethernet software date Global model ® 8 ® 2652-13U Pentium III-M 933MHz 128MB 14.1” XGA 20GB CD-ROM Open Mod 10/100 Windows XP Pro No Nov2001 2652-14U Pentium III-M 933MHz 128MB 14.1” XGA 20GB CD-ROM Open Mod 10/100 Windows 2000 No Oct 2001 28 2652-1TU Pentium III-M 933MH

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

® ® Created by IBM PC Institute IBM ThinkPad A30 - Education - withdrawn Personal Systems Reference (PSREF) Ultrabay Ultrabay Mini PCI CDC Limited Avail Preload Type-model Processor Speed Memory Screen Disk optical diskette wireless/modem ethernet date warranty ® 8 32 ® 2652-1UU Pentium III-M 1.0GHz 128MB 14.1” XGA 20GB CD-ROM Diskette Wi-Fi /modem 10/100 Windows XP Pro 1 yr Apr 2002 2653-1UU Pentium III-M 1.0GHz 128MB 14.1” XGA 20GB CD-ROM Diskette Wi-Fi/modem 10/100 Windows XP Pro 3 yr Apr 200

Summary of the content on the page No. 1

IBM PC Institute
Personal Systems Reference
IBM ThinkPad Notebooks A, T, X, and G Series
2000 to 2005 - withdrawn
May 2005 - Version 291

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

® ® IBM ThinkPad A20m - withdrawn Type-model Processor MHz Mem Screen Disk CD-ROM CommunicaBay Preload Avail 14 WINDOWS 98 PRELOAD 8 9 2628-11U Celeron 500 64MB 12.1" SVGA 6GB 24X-10X modem 98SE May 00 ® ® - Microsoft Windows 98 Second 2628-12U Celeron 500 64MB 12.1" SVGA 6GB 24X-10X modem 2000 May 00 13 ® Edition 2628-14U Celeron 500 64MB 12.1" SVGA 6GB 24X-10X Intel eth/modem 98SE May 00 • ThinkPad Utilities 2628-1TU Celeron 500 64MB 12.1 SVGA 6GB 24X-10X Intel eth/modem 2000 May 00 2628-

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

® ® IBM ThinkPad A20m (Summer 2000) - withdrawn Type-model Processor MHz Mem Screen Disk CD or DVD CommunicaBay Preload Avail 14 WINDOWS 98 PRELOAD 8 9 2628-1AU Celeron 550 64MB 12.1" SVGA 6GB 24X-10X CD modem 98SE Jun 00 ® ® - Microsoft Windows 98 Second 2628-1CU Celeron 550 64MB 12.1" SVGA 6GB 24X-10X CD modem 2000 Jun 00 13 Edition 2628-3AU Celeron 550 64MB 15.0" XGA 12GB 24X-10X CD modem 98SE Jun 00 • ThinkPad Utilities 2628-3CU Celeron 550 64MB 15.0 XGA 12GB 24X-10X CD modem 2000 Jun

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

® ® IBM ThinkPad A20p - withdrawn Type-model Processor MHz Mem Screen Disk DVD-ROM Communica Bay Preload Avail 14 WINDOWS 98 PRELOAD 8 9 ® ® 2629-61U Pentium III 700 128MB 15" SXGA+ 18G 6X-2X modem 98SE May 00 - Microsoft Windows 98 Second 2629-62U Pentium III 700 128MB 15" SXGA+ 18G 6X-2X modem 2000 May 00 13 Edition ® 2629-6SU Pentium III 700 128MB 15" SXGA+ 18G 6X-2X Intel eth/modem 98SE May 00 • ThinkPad Utilities 2629-6TU Pentium III 700 128MB 15" SXGA+ 18G 6X-2X Intel eth/modem2000 Ma

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

® ® IBM ThinkPad A21e (2628) - withdrawn Type-model Processor MHz Mem Screen Disk CD Comm Bay Design Modular bay Preload Avail 8 9 2628-C1U Celeron™ 600 64MB 12.1" SVGA 10GB 24X-10X CD modem Three spindle Ultrabay 2000 Windows 98 SE Oct 00 ® 2628-CXU Celeron 600 64MB 12.1" SVGA 10GB 24X-10X CD 3Com eth/mod Three spindle Ultrabay 2000 Windows 98 SE Oct 00 ® 2628-CSU Celeron 600 64MB 12.1" SVGA 10GB 24X-10X CD Intel eth/mod Three spindle Ultrabay 2000 Windows 98SE Nov 00 2628-C2U Celeron 600 64MB

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

® ® Created by IBM PC Institute IBM ThinkPad A30p - withdrawn Personal Systems Reference (PSREF) Small business Workhorse Avail Ultrabay Mini PCI CDC CDC Security Preload software date Type-model Processor GHz Memory Screen Disk optical Comm Bay ethernet Bluetooth Chip model ® 8 32 28 2653-6TU Pentium III-M 1.2 128MB 15” UXGA 48GB Combo 11b Wi-Fi /mod 10/100 Yes XP Pro Office XP SB No Nov 2001 2653-63U Pentium III-M 1.2 128MB 15” UXGA 48GB Combo Modem 10/100 Yes XP Pro No Nov 2001 2653-65U Penti

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

® ® Created by IBM PC Institute IBM ThinkPad A31 - withdrawn Personal Systems Reference (PSREF) Ultrabay CDC CDC Security Workhorse or Avail Preload Type-model Processor Speed Memory Screen Disk optical Mini PCI Ethernet Modem Chip date Global model ® 8 ® 2652-D3U Pentium 4-M 1.6GHz 256MB 15” SXGA+ 40GB DVD/CD-RW Open 10/100 Modem Windows XP Pro No Mar 2002 2652-D4U Pentium 4-M 1.6GHz 256MB 15” SXGA+ 40GB DVD/CD-RW Open 10/100 Modem Windows 2000 No Mar 2002 32 2652-D5U Pentium 4-M 1.6GHz 256MB 1

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

® ® Created by IBM PC Institute IBM ThinkPad A31 (April 2002) - withdrawn Personal Systems Reference (PSREF) Ultrabay Mini PCI CDC CDC Security Small Workhorse or Avail Type-model Processor Speed Memory Screen Disk optical wireless/modem ethernet modem chip Preload business date Global model ® 8 2652-C3U Pentium 4-M 1.6GHz 256MB 15” XGA 30GB CD-RW Open 10/100 Modem XP Pro W G Apr 2002 2652-C4U Pentium 4-M 1.6GHz 256MB 15” XGA 30GB CD-RW Open 10/100 Modem 2000 W G Apr 2002 32 2652-C5U Pentium 4-M

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

® ® IBM ThinkPad A21e (2655) - withdrawn Type-model Processor MHz Mem Screen Disk CD CommunicaBay Design Modular bay Preload Avail 8 9 ® 2655-21U Celeron™ 650 64MB 12.1" SVGA 20GB 24X-10X CD modem Two spindle Ultrabay™ 2000 Windows 98 SE Mar 01 2655-71U Celeron 650 64MB 12.1" SVGA 20GB 24X-10X CD modem Two spindle Ultrabay 2000 Windows 2000 Mar 01 ® 2655-23U Celeron 650 64MB 12.1" SVGA 20GB 24X-10X CD Intel eth/mod Two spindle Ultrabay 2000 Windows 98 SE Mar 01 2655-73U Celeron 650 64MB 12.1" SV

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

® ® IBM ThinkPad A21m - withdrawn Type-model Processor MHz Mem Screen Disk CD or DVD CommunicaBay PreloadAvail 14 WINDOWS 98 PRELOAD 8 9 2628-D1U Pentium III 700 64MB 12.1" SVGA 10GB 24X-10X CD modem 98SE Sep 00 ® ® - Microsoft Windows 98 Second 2628-D2U Pentium III 700 64MB 12.1" SVGA 10GB 24X-10X CD modem 2000 Sep 00 13 ® Edition 2628-DXU Pentium III 700 64MB 12.1" SVGA 10GB 24X-10X CD 3Com eth/mod 98SE Sep 00 • ThinkPad Utilities 2628-DWU Pentium III 700 64MB 12.1 SVGA 10GB 24X-10X CD 3

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

® ® Created by IBM PC Institute IBM ThinkPad A21m (Fall 2000) - withdrawn Personal Systems Reference (PSREF) Type-model Processor MHz Mem Screen Disk CD or DVD Communications Bay Preload Available 8 9 ® 2628-DSU Pentium III 700 64MB 12.1" SVGA 10GB 24X-10X CD Intel ethernet/modem Windows 98 SE Nov 2000 2628-DTU Pentium III 700 64MB 12.1" SVGA 10GB 24X-10X CD Intel ethernet/modem Windows 2000 Nov 2000 9 2628-ESU Pentium III 700 64MB 14.1" XGA 10GB 8X-2X DVD Intel ethernet/modem Windows 98 SE Nov

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

® ® IBM ThinkPad A21p - withdrawn Type-model Processor MHz Mem Screen Disk DVD Communication Bay Preload Avail 14 WINDOWS 98 PRELOAD ® 8 9 ® ® 2629-H1U Pentium III 850 128MB 15" UXGA 32GB 8X-2X modem 98 SE Sept 00 - Microsoft Windows 98 Second ® 13 2629-HXU Pentium III 850 128MB 15" UXGA 32GB 8X-2X 3Com eth/modem 98 SE Sept 00 Edition ® 2629-HSU Pentium III 850 128MB 15" UXGA 32GB 8X-2X Intel eth/modem 98 SE Nov 00 • ThinkPad Utilities 2629-H2U Pentium III 850 128MB 15" UXGA 32GB 8X-2X m

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

® ® IBM ThinkPad A22e - withdrawn Type-model Processor MHz Mem Screen Graphics Disk CD Comm Bay Design Modular bay Preload Available ® 8 9 ® 2655-25U Celeron™ 800 64MB 13.1" XGA ATI 15GB 24X-10X Modem Two spindle Ultrabay™ 2000Windows 98 SE Jun 2001 2655-75U Celeron 800 64MB 13.1" XGA ATI 15GB 24X-10X Modem Two spindle Ultrabay 2000 Windows 2000 Jun 2001 ® 2655-27U Celeron 800 64MB 13.1" XGA ATI 15GB 24X-10X Intel eth/mod Two spindle Ultrabay 2000 Windows 98 SE Jun 2001 2655-77U Celeron 800 64

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

® ® Created by IBM PC Institute IBM ThinkPad A22m - withdrawn Personal Systems Reference (PSREF) Type-model Processor MHz Mem Screen Disk Optical Spindles Modular Bay Comm Bay Preload Available 8 ® ® 2628-PTU Pentium III 800 64MB 15.0" XGA 10GB CD 3 spindle Ultrabay 2000 Intel eth/mod Windows 2000 Apr 2001 2628-PSU Pentium III 800 64MB 15.0" XGA 10GB CD 3 spindle Ultrabay 2000 Intel eth/mod Windows 98 SE Apr 2001 2628-P2U Pentium III 800 64MB 15.0" XGA 10GB CD 3 spindle Ultrabay 2000 modem Windo

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