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There are memory-related error messages on the system LCD, or in the SEL. 1 Enter the System Setup program and disable the Redundant Memory option, if applicable. See "Using the System Setup Program" in your User's Guide. 2 Run the appropriate online diagnostic test. See "Using Server Administrator Diagnostics" in "Running System Diagnostics" in the Installation and Troubleshooting Guide. 3 Replace the memory module(s) identified by the diagnostics. See "Installing Memory Modules" in "Install
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Dell™ PowerEdge™ 2850 系统 信息更新 |
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注、注意和警告 注:注表示可以帮助您更好地使用计算机的重要信息。 注意:注意表示可能会损坏硬件或导致数据丢失,并告诉您如何避免此类问题。 警告:警告表示存在可能导致财产损失、人身伤害或死亡的潜在危险。 缩写词和缩略词 有关缩写词和缩略词的完整列表,请参阅《用户指南》中的“词汇表”。 ____________________ 本文中的信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。 © 2005 Dell Inc.版权所有,不得翻印。 未经 Dell Inc. 书面许可,不得以任何方式进行复制。 本文件中使用的商标:Dell、 PowerEdge 和 DELL 徽标是 Dell Inc. 的商标; Red Hat 是 Red Hat, Inc. 的注册商标; Microsoft 和 Windows 是 Microsoft Corporation 的注册商标; Intel 是 Intel Corporation 的注册商标。 本文件中述及的其它商标和产品名称是指拥有相应商标和名称的公司或其制造的产品。 Dell Inc. 对本公司的商标和产品名称之外的其他商标和产品名称不拥有任何专有权。
Summary of the content on the page No. 17 Page 15 Thursday, August 18, 2005 10:02 AM 本说明文件针对您的系统提供了有关以下主题的更新信息: 系统规格 ® ® 在 操作系统中启用视频硬件加速 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 纠正 操作系统安装过程中的平板显示屏视频问题 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 保持良好的背面板通风 ® 运行 ( 版)的系统上出现装入 驱动程序失败信息 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 usb-ohci 单个内存模块安装 组队限制 NIC 冗余电源设备指示灯代码更新 更改系统 和名称的 显示 ID LCD 状态信息更新 LCD 排除系统内存故障 系统规格 表 为《用户指南》中所列电源规格的更新信息。 1-1 表 电源规格 1-1. 电源 电压 100–240 VAC,50/60 Hz,9–4.5A -(48–60) VDC,12 A 在 操作系统中启用视频硬 Microsoft
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纠正 操作系统安装过程中 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 的平板显示屏视频问题 注:以下信息仅适用于系统上的 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 操作系统安装,这些系统上已连接 某些平板显示屏且在系统设置程序中已启用控制台重定向(默认情况下已禁用控制台重定向)。 已连接 CRT 显示器的系统,或要安装任何其他操作系统的系统均不受影响。 在某些条件下,一些平板显示屏上的图像可能会在安装 操作系 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 统的过程中滚动。这是由于在系统设置程序中启用了控制台重定向(默认情况下禁用控制台 重定向)所造成的。 控制台重定向功能用于从连接到系统串行端口的终端进行系统管理。当 Windows Server 2003 检测到已启用控制台重定向时,它会将安装屏幕优化为适合于 兼容终端的低分辨率文本 vt100 模式。一些平板显示屏无法同步为该模式。 要纠正这种问题,请重新启动系统,进入系统设置程序,然后禁用控制台重定向。如果需要, 在安装 操作系统之后,进入系统设置程序,并
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单个内存模块安装 如果仅安装了一个内存模块,则必须安装在插槽 或 中。该配置不支持 DIMM1_A DIMM1_B 双向交叉存取。有关内存模块的详细信息,请参阅《安装与故障排除指南》。 组队限制 NIC 如果将底板管理控制器 配置为使用第一个集成 访问系统,在某些情况下, (BMC) NIC (NIC1) 组队功能和 功能会受到影响,如表 中所示。 BMC 1-2 表 使用 对组队功能造成的影响 1-2. BMC NIC1 、 和 组队模式 和以太网通道组队模式 AFT ALB/RLB SFT IEEE 802.3ad 操作 影响 影响 创建组队之前 组队和 BMC 功能正常。 组队功能正常。由于丢失管理通信, NIC1分配给 BMC BMC 功能可能会受到影响。 在发生自适应的故障转移时, BMC 在发生自适应的故障转移时, 和 NIC1 会发出关于丢失管理通信的 BMC 和 NIC1 会发出关于丢失 警告信息。 管理通信的警告信息。 创建组队之后 组队和 BMC 功能正常。 组队功能正常。由于丢失管理通信, NIC1 分配给 BMC BMC 功能可
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Dell™ PowerEdge™ 2850 Systems
Information Update
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Dell™ PowerEdge™ 2850 Systems Information Update |
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Notes, Notices, and Cautions NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your computer. NOTICE: A NOTICE indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the problem. CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death. Abbreviations and Acronyms For a complete list of abbreviations and acronyms, see "Glossary" in your User’s Guide. ____________________ Information in this document
Summary of the content on the page No. 5 Page 3 Thursday, August 18, 2005 10:11 AM This document provides updated information for your system on the following topics: System Specifications ® ® Enabling Video Hardware Acceleration in the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Operating System Correcting Flat-Panel Display Video Problems During Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Operating System Installations Maintaining Proper Back-Panel Ventilation ® Failure to Load usb-ohci Driver Message on Systems Running Red Hat Ent
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Correcting Flat-Panel Display Video Problems During Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Operating System Installations NOTE: The following information applies only to Microsoft Windows Server 2003 operating system installations on systems that have certain flat-panel displays attached, and console redirection is enabled in the System Setup program (console redirection is disabled by default). Systems that have a CRT monitor attached, or systems that are having any other operating system installe
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NIC Teaming Limitations If you configure the baseboard management controller (BMC) to access the system using the first integrated NIC (NIC1), teaming functionality and BMC functionality are affected in certain situations, as shown in Table 1-2. Table 1-2. Effect of BMC Use of NIC1 on Teaming Functionality AFT, ALB/RLB, and SFT IEEE 802.3ad and Ether Channel Teaming Mode Teaming Mode Action Effect Effect NIC1 allocated to BMC Normal teaming and BMC Normal teaming functionality. before team i
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冗余电源设备指示灯代码更新 表 正确地列出了冗余电源设备指示灯代码。有关冗余电源设备的详细信息,请参阅 1-3 《安装与故障排除指南》。 表 1-3. 电源设备指示灯代码 指示灯 指示灯代码 开机 绿色表示电源设备正常工作。 故障 琥珀色表示电源设备有问题(风扇故障、电压错误等)。 电源存在 绿色表示电源设备有电,且系统已连接到电源。 更改系统 和名称的 显示 ID LCD 要更改系统 和名称的 显示,请按用户指南中所述进入系统设置程序,然后从主设置 ID LCD " " 菜单中选择 (嵌入式服务器管理)。然后,在打开的屏幕上, Embedded Server Management 选择 (用户定义的),并在 (用户定义的 字符串) User-Defined User Defined LCD String LCD 下:对于 (第 行)输入所需的系统 ,对于 (第 行)输入系统名称。 Line 1 1 ID Line 2 2 状态信息更新 LCD 表 列出了会出现的 状态信息的更新以及每则信息的可能原因。 信息是指记录在 1-4 LCD LCD 系统事件
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Redundant Power-Supply Indicator Code Update Table 1-3 correctly identifies the redundant power-supply indicator codes. See your Installation and Troubleshooting Guide for more information about the redundant power supply. Table 1-3. Power-Supply Indicator Codes Indicator Indicator Code Power-on Green indicates that the power supply is operational. Fault Amber indicates a problem with the power supply (fan failure, voltage error, etc.). Power present Green indicates that power is present at t
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Table 1-4. LCD Status Messages (continued) Line 1 Line 2 Causes Corrective Actions Message Message E0000 OVRFLW CHECK LOG LCD overflow message. Check the SEL for details on the events. A maximum of three error messages can display sequentially on the LCD. The fourth message displays as the standard overflow message. E0119 TEMP AMBIENT Ambient system temperature is See "Troubleshooting System TEMP BMC out of acceptable range. Cooling Problems" in your Installation and Troubleshooting Guid
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Table 1-4. LCD Status Messages (continued) Line 1 Line 2 Causes Corrective Actions Message Message E0780 PROC n PRESENCE Microprocessor is not installed Install a microprocessor in in socket n. socket n. See "Replacing a Processor" in your Installation and Troubleshooting Guide. E07F0 PROC n IERR Faulty or improperly installed See "Troubleshooting the microprocessor. Microprocessors" in your Installation and Troubleshooting Guide. E07FA PROC n THERMTRIP Specified microprocessor is out See
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Table 1-4. LCD Status Messages (continued) Line 1 Line 2 Causes Corrective Actions Message Message E0D76 BP DRIVE n Faulty or improperly installed See "Troubleshooting SCSI Hard hard drive or RAID controller. Drives" "Troubleshooting a RAID 1x2 DRIVE FAIL n Controller Card, " and SCSI CONNECTOR "Troubleshooting the Integrated RAID Controller" in your Installation and Troubleshooting Guide. EB107 PROC BUS ERR Faulty or improperly installed See "Troubleshooting the PROC INIT ERR microproces
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Troubleshooting System Memory The following procedure provides improved system memory troubleshooting techniques. Problem Faulty memory module. Faulty system board. System status indicator is amber. LCD error code or system beep code indicates a memory problem. Systems management software issues a memory-related message through the LCD display or systems management software. Action Memory-related beep code during system startup. CAUTION: Only trained service technicians are authoriz
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d Close the system. See "Closing the System" in "Troubleshooting Your System" in the Installation and Troubleshooting Guide. e Reconnect the system to the electrical outlet, and turn on the system and attached peripherals. f If there is no memory-related beep code, the memory module is not faulty. If the beep code reoccurs, the memory module is faulty and should be replaced. 7 Perform the following steps: a Turn off the system and attached peripherals, and disconnect the system from its elec