Init 08-1421 user manual

User manual for the device Init 08-1421

Device: Init 08-1421
Category: Indoor Furnishings
Manufacturer: Init
Size: 0.63 MB
Added : 8/10/2014
Number of pages: 2
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Init 08-1421 User manual - Online PDF
« Page 1 of 2 »
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Init 08-1421. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

File Cabinet Assembly Montage du classeur mobile Ensamblaje del gabinete del archivero
PARTS LIST � Liste des � Lista de piezas
Missing parts? Call 1-800-573-2860
Pièces manquantes? Appeler le 1-800-573-2860
Desk Parts 23
1 Assemble frame
¿Faltan piezas? Llame al 1-800-573-2860
28 Glass desk top (1)
Screws M6×12 mm (16)
L shaped wrench (1)
Monter la structure
29 Rear frame (1)

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

4 Attach top glass 24 5 Assemble bottom utility drawer 27 18 19 22 19 Fixation du dessus en verre Monter le dessous du tiroir de rangement 12 L shaped wrench (1) Screws M6×15 mm (2) Flat-tipped screws 18 Fije el panel de vidrio superior Clé hexagonale en L (1) Vis M6 × 15 mm (2) Ensamble la gaveta de uso general inferior 5/32" ×12 mm (2) Llave hexagonal con Tornillos M6 × 15 mm (2) Drawer handles (1) Bolts (8) Vis à bout plat 5/32 po forma de L (1) Poignée du tiroir (1

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