Worth Data 701 RF user manual

User manual for the device Worth Data 701 RF

Device: Worth Data 701 RF
Category: Barcode Reader
Manufacturer: Worth Data
Size: 2.4 MB
Added : 3/24/2013
Number of pages: 155
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Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

701 RF Terminal Users Guide
Worth Data Inc.

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interfere

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

Introduction The 701 RF Terminal is a low cost, easy-to-use radio frequency interactive terminal which communicates with PCs (or any computer) by serial port. This new terminal offers unprecedented power and ease of use, while maintaining compatibility with programs written for the older Worth Data Terminals. The list of fantastic features include:  Low Cost  Up to 3000 feet range (10 x the competition)  64 Terminals per Base Station  Spread Spectrum frequency hopping avoids interfe

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Table of Contents Chapter 1 Installation............................................................1-1 Components ............................................................. 1-1 Installation Sequence............................................... 1-1 Connecting the Base Station to a serial port............ 1-2 R/F Terminal Operation........................................... 1-4 Installing the R/F Terminal Utilities Software ........ 1-8 Chapter 2 RF System Setup.......................

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

Appendix D Firmware Upgrades.............................................D-1 Appendix E Code 39 Specifications........................................E-1 Appendix F Code 93 Specifications........................................ F-1 Appendix G Codabar Specifications ...................................... G-1 Appendix H Code 128 Specifications......................................H-1 Appendix I Interleaved 2 of 5 Code Specifications ............... I-1 Appendix J UPC / EAN Specifications

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

Chapter 1 Installation Components The components in your R/F Terminal system will vary according to the configuration of your system. Your R/F Terminal shipment should contain at least: • An R/F Terminal T701 or LT701 (unit includes keypad and display). If the R/F Terminal is an LT701 model, it will have an integrated laser scanner built-in to the body of the terminal. Each terminal is shipped with a shoulder strap, boot, and Setup Menu.  An optional Scanner – if you ordered the T701

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

power supply plugged in the base, you can perform a site test to be sure you have adequate coverage and the radios are working perfectly. (See Chapter 4). 5. Now connect the Base Station to the computer’s serial port. Be sure to turn OFF all handshaking on the COM port used; in Windows, go to Start Menu, Settings, System, Device Manager, Ports (COM and LPT). Now run one of the RF Terminal demo programs found on the Utilities CD-ROM. 6. Now run one of the demo programs to validate that eve

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

Configuring the Base station… After connecting the Base station to your serial port, you need to configure the serial settings on the Base station to match those required by your software. The default settings are:  9600 baud  No parity  8 data bits  1 stop bit  “None” protocol setting You may want to increase the baud rate for performance. If you want to change any or all of these settings, see Chapter 2 for details on configuring the Base station using the 700 RF Base Station

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

R/F Terminal Operation Using the RF Terminal keypad… The R/F Terminal is turned on by pressing the green ON/OFF button located in the upper left-hand corner of the R/F Terminal keypad. The R/F Terminal has a Shut Down Time feature that allows you to determine the length of time the R/F Terminal must be inactive before automatically shutting down to conserve battery power. When the R/F Terminal shuts down, simply press the ON/OFF button to resume operation. The keypad is custom design

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

Alkaline Batteries Detected, Recharge- ables Are Specified Do Not Recharge Battery Life Indicator The R/F Terminal detects low AA batteries and displays the following message: LOW BATTERIES Finish, Sign Off Change Batteries Hit Any Key_ At this point you have approximately 2 minutes of operational time to finish your transaction (or note where you are leaving off if in the middle of a transaction) and sign off. After 2 minutes, the R/F Terminal displays: CHANGE BATTERIES UNIT SH

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

4. If using rechargeable batteries, make sure that rechargeables are specified. See the previous page to quickly determine the setting using the Status key. 5. Replace the battery door and turn the reader on using the ON/OFF switch. 6. Sign ON and resume your application. Recharging the batteries 1. Be sure you have specified rechargeable batteries in the RF Terminal's Setup. If you ordered rechargeable batteries with a RF Terminal, Worth Data makes the change before shipping. See Bat

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

 The first line on the screen, R/F TERMINAL 3C1nnnx, gives the firmware revision number.  TERM ID: 0 refers to the current Terminal ID. The default setting is 0. Every Terminal must have a unique ID. R:nn refers to the version of the radio processor firmware.  Line 3 refers to the channel currently used by the R/F Terminal. USA CHANNEL: 0 refers to a Terminal set to channel 0. The second part of this line identifies the display lines. Possibilities are 6/4 (6 line terminal operatin

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

problems that may relate to range or interference.  Press NO to loop back to the SIGN ON? prompt. You can back-out of any mode or prompt by pressing the F1 key. For example, if you press YES at the SETUP MODE? prompt but really meant to press NO, press the F1 key to take you back to the menu. The F1 key on the R/F Terminal keypad works like the ESC key on the PC – it will usually get you out and back to the previous step. You can use the F1 key to exit and SIGN OUT when using a Two-Wa

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

you to download new R/F Terminal firmware from Worth Data into your R/F Terminal, Base or Relay. New firmware can be obtained on CD ROM directly from Worth Data or downloaded via the Web at: http://www.barcodehq.com/download.html Installing the Windows Terminal Loader Utility This program is for Windows 98, NT, 2000, XP, and ME: 1. Insert the CD into your CDROM drive. The "Hardware Utilities Installation" program should start automatically. If it does not, double click on the SETUP.EXE

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

Chapter 2 RF System Setup RF Terminal Setup The RF Terminal itself can be configured using the Terminal keypad or by using the bar coded Setup Menu. Even if you configure the RF Terminal using the keypad, you may need the bar coded Setup Menu to use as a reference. Most users do not need to change anything in the setup. The most commonly changed setup parameters are the Terminal ID (especially if you have more than 1 terminal) and the Channel (if you are adding an additional Base statio

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

Default RF Terminal Configuration Parameter Default Setting Parameter Default Setting Radio Terminal ID 0 Disabled MSI Code 0 check digit not transmitted RF Channel Code 39 Enabled Plessey Code disabled Accumulate Mode ON Label Code5 disabled stop/start chs not xmit Code 128 Enabled check digit disabled EAN/UCC 128 disabled Caps lock OFF Disabled Code 11 2 of 5 Code Disabled RSS-14 Disabled I 2 of 5 Code disabled Code 93 Disabled 6 digit code length Full ASCII disabled

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

More than one Setup Parameter can be changed before you scan END SETUP. For example, if you scanned START SETUP, then “Beep Tone”, then 3, then “Speaker Operation”, then 1, then END SETUP, this would change the beep tone to “high”, and turn the speaker "off". If you are using a Laser Scanner to setup the RF Terminal, the beam will often cover more than one bar code. Cover any adjacent bar codes before scanning, and then check the RF Terminal display to make sure the correct setting wa

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

The groups in the keypad Setup Menu contain the following setup parameters: Setup Group Parameter Setup Group Parameter RF Setup RF Terminal ID Date/Time Set Time 0 RF Channel 3 Set Date Security Code Date Format Skip opening screens Display of Year Battery Recharging or Not Bar Codes Code 3 of 9 4 1 UPC/EAN Code 2 of 5/I 2 of 5 Speaker Speaker Volume 2 of 5 Length 5 Headphone Volume Code 128 Beep Tone Codabar MSI/ Plessey Shut Down Time Other Cod

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

RF Terminal Setup Parameters Default settings are shown in bold type in this manual and are marked by a * on the bar code Setup Menu. The RF Terminal will typically require no setup changes except, Terminal ID (if more than one terminal) and enabling bar codes to be read other than UPC or Code 39. RF Terminal ID Default ID 0 Available ID's 0-9, A-Z, a-z, - =  Every terminal needs a unique Terminal ID. The default Terminal ID is always shipped as 0. If you have more than one RF Te

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