Worth Data 5202D user manual

User manual for the device Worth Data 5202D

Device: Worth Data 5202D
Category: Barcode Reader
Manufacturer: Worth Data
Size: 2.46 MB
Added : 3/24/2013
Number of pages: 59
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Worth Data 5202D User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Worth Data 5202D. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

5202D Scanner
2D Omni-Directional Bar Code Scanner
Worth Data
2D Bar Code Scanner
USB & Serial Output
Owner’s Manual

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Warning: This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy. If not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, it may cause interference to radio communications. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device pursuant to Subpart J of part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference when operated ina commercial environment. operation of this equipment in a re

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

Table of Contents Introduction Chapter 1 Installation ..................................................................................................................1-1 Components of LZ520-2D Reader ................................................................................................................................1-1 USB Installation on a PC or Mac ................................................................................................................................

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Introduction Worth Data's LZ520-2D is a versatile bar code reader that can attach to any PC or Mac USB port. It can also be used as an external reader for the Worth Data T7000 series of RF Terminals or T5000 series of TriCoders. The USB keyboard interface provides bar code input data to any host computer program exactly as if the data had been typed at the keyboard, including function and control key support. LZ520-2D reader features include: • Bar codes The LZ520-2D automatically re

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

Chapter 1 Installation Components of LZ520-2D Reader In the event the shipping box shows damage on arrival, please note the damage on the carrier's receipt log. Open the box and inspect the contents for damage. If there is visible damage, or if the unit fails to work, contact us with the details of the trouble; we will be happy to send you a replacement. The contents of your LZ520-2D reader shipment should include the following: 1. An LZ520-2D reader with either USB or serial cable

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

Chapter 2 Configuration Configuration of the LZ520-2D Reader The LZ520-2D is configured using the setup bar codes found in Appendix A. Most commands are of the single entry type and only require a single command to enable or disable a feature or function. To change the configuration of a setting start by scanning the “Start Setup” bar code followed by the bar code for the setting(s) you wish to change and then the “End Setup” bar code. You will notice that once you read the “Start Set

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

Appendix A 1D Codes: Code Type Enabled by Default Additional Setup Info UPC yes page A-4 EAN yes page A-5 EAN-13 yes page A-5 EAN-8 yes page A-5 Code 39 yes page A-7 Codabar yes page A-8 Code 128 yes page A-10 Code 93 yes page A-11 Code 11 no page A-12 Industrial 2 of 5 yes page A-13 Interleaved 2 of 5 yes page A-13 S-Code yes page A-13 Matrix 2 of 5 no page A-13 Chinese Post Matrix 2 of 5 no page A-13 MSI/Plessey yes page A-14 UK/Plessey yes page A-15 POSTNET no page A-16

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

2D codes: Code Type Enabled by Default Additional Setup Info PDF417 yes page A-24 Micro PDF417 yes page A-25 Maxi Code yes page A-26 QR Code yes page A-27 Micro QR yes page A-28 Aztec Code yes page A-29 Aztec Runes no page A-30 Data Matrix (ECC 200) yes page A-31 Data Matrix (ECC 000-140) no page A-31 Codablock F no page A-32 Chinese Sensible Code no page A-33 All Codes no page A-34 Other Options: Item Setup Info Number of Characters page A-35 Composite Codes page A-36 S

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

Set to factory default: To set the scanner to factory defaults, scan one of the codes below. Set USB I/F and Reset All Settings to Default Set RS-232 I/F and Reset All Settings to Default Note: The RS-232 I/F setting applies to the LZ520-2D when used as an external scanner attached to portable devices such as the Terminal and TriCoder. Warning: These setup codes are for the LZ520-2D only. Do not use these codes to

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

UPC Start Setup End Setup [[ [[ UPC-A Settings: UPC-A, no leading zero, transmit check digit default F! UPC-A UPC-A, no leading zero, not transmit check digit F6 leading zero UPC-A, leading zero, transmit check digit check digit transmission F3 UPC-A, leading zero, not transmit check digit F5 UPC-E Settings: UPC-E, no leading zero, transmit check digit default F8 UPC-E UPC-E, no leading zero, not transmit check digit F: leading ze

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

EAN Start Setup End Setup [[ [[ EAN Settings: not transmit EAN-13 check digit 7K EAN-13 and EAN-8 transmit EAN-13 check digit default 7L Check Digit not transmit EAN-8 check digit Transmission 7I transmit EAN-8 check digit default 7J disable ISBN conversion default JC EAN-13 and EAN-8 enable ISBN conversion JB ISBN Conversion enable ISBN if possible JL disable ISSN conversion default IO EAN-13 and EAN-8 enable ISSN

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

EAN Supplement Settings: EAN Symbologies Exclusive Enable Disable EAN no supplement (default enable) K5 S5 Y5F EAN with 2-digit supplement K6 S6 Y5G EAN with 5-digit supplement K7 S7 Y5H note: setting any symbology to exclusive will disable all other symbologies EAN-13 Supplement Settings: EAN Symbologies Exclusive Enable Disable EAN-13 no supplement (default enable) N/A KH KV EAN-13 with 2-digit supplement N/A KI KW EAN-13 with 5-digit supplemen

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

Code 39 Start Setup End Setup [[ [[ Code 39 Settings: Code 39 Exclusive Enable Disable Code 39 Enable/Disable (default enable) B3 C3 WC note: setting any symbology to exclusive will disable all other symbologies normal code 39 default E6 Full ASCII Conversion full ASCII code 39 E5 full ASCII code 39 if possible ,L not check CD default D2 Code 39 and check CD D1 It Pharmaceutical not transmit CD Check Digit (CD) E9 tr

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

Codabar Start Setup End Setup [[ [[ Codabar Settings: Codabar Exclusive Enable Disable Codabar Enable/Disable (default enable) B! C! WD note: setting any symbology to exclusive will disable all other symbologies enable only Codabar normal mode default IB enable only ABC code Codabar I5 ABC, CX Conversion enable only CX code I6 enable Codabar / ABC and CX I! not check CD default I8 check CD Codabar I7 Check Digit (CD) n

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

Codabar Settings Continued: minimum data = one character ID Codabar minimum data = three characters IC Minimum Digit minimum data = five characters default IG disable space insertion default Codabar IF Space Insertion enable space insertion IE Codabar disable inter-character gap check IJ Inter-Character enable inter-character gap check default Gap Check II A-9

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

Code 128 Start Setup End Setup [[ [[ Code 128 Settings: Codabar Exclusive Enable Disable Code 128 Enable/Disable (default enable) B7 C7 WF note: setting any symbology to exclusive will disable all other symbologies disable GS1-128 default PG Code 128 and GS1-128 (EAN-128) enable GS1-128 only KG EAN-128 Conversion enable EAN-128 if possible PH Code 128 and disable concatenation (FNC2 message append) default NQ GS1-128 (EAN-128) en

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

Code 93 Start Setup End Setup [[ [[ Code 93 Settings: Symbology Exclusive Enable Disable Code 93 (default enable) B6 C6 WE note: setting any symbology to exclusive will disable all other symbologies not transmit CD default Code 93 E[ Check Digit (CD) transmit CD EZ A-11

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

Code 11 Start Setup End Setup [[ [[ Code 11 Settings: Symbology Exclusive Enable Disable Code 11 (default disable) CMC CMD CMB note: setting any symbology to exclusive will disable all other symbologies not check CD CMG check 1 CD CMH check 2 CD Code 11 CMI Check Digit (CD) check auto 1 or 2 CD default CMJ not transmit CD default CMK transmit CD CML A-12

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

2 of 5 and S-Code Start Setup End Setup [[ [[ 2 of 5 and S-Code Settings: Symbology Exclusive Enable Disable Industrial 2 of 5 (default enable) K8 S8 Y5L Interleaved 2 of 5 (default enable) K9 S9 Y5M S-Code (default enable) N/A SB S: Matrix 2 of 5 (default disable) N/A BC CC Chinese Post Matrix 2 of 5 KF KT KU (default disable) note: setting any symbology to exclusive will disable all other symbologies not check CD defa

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

MSI / Plessey Start Setup End Setup [[ [[ MSI / Plessey Settings: Symbology Exclusive Enable Disable MSI / Plessey (default enable) B8 C8 WG note: setting any symbology to exclusive will disable all other symbologies not check CD 5B check 1 CD = mod 10 default 5C check 2 CD = mod 10/mod 10 MSI / Plessey 5D Check Digit (CD) check 2 CD = mod 10/mod 11 5E check 2 CD = mod 11/mod 10 5S check 2 CD = mod 11/mod 11 5T not t

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