Sony XL-2100C user manual

User manual for the device Sony XL-2100C

Device: Sony XL-2100C
Category: Indoor Furnishings
Manufacturer: Sony
Size: 1.27 MB
Added : 8/20/2013
Number of pages: 2
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Sony XL-2100C User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Sony XL-2100C. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

2-547-817-21 (2) UPOZORNĚNÍ Nederlands
- Před výměnou žárovky vypněte napájení a odpojte napájecí kabel.
De lampen XL-2100 en XL-2100C zijn ontworpen voor gebruik met de Sony LCD-
Povrch žárovky je velmi horký, počkejte tedy alespoň 30 minut, než
projectietelevisie "Grand WEGA". Voordat u de lamp vervangt, moet u de
žárovka vychladne.
gebruiksaanwijzing lezen die bij de Sony "Grand WEGA" is geleverd.
- Při vyjmutí žárovky dbejte na to, aby zůstala ve vodorovné poloze, jinak
by se mohla ro

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

English Danmark Português Specifications/Spécifications/Especificaciones/ Disposal of the used lamp Bortskaffelse af den brugte lampe Como deitar fora as lâmpadas usadas English Consult your Sony dealer for a replacing lamp. Da lampen indeholder kviksølv, skal den bortskaffes i overensstemmelse med den Como a lâmpada contém mercúrio, deite-a fora respeitando as leis locais. Consulte As the lamp contains Mercury, dispose of the lamp according to local laws. As the lokale lovgivning. Kontakt din S

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