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SC & SI Remote Interface Description
en SC & SI Remote
Interface Description
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SC & SI Remote Interface Description en | 2 Table of Contents 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................3 1.1 Purpose ..........................................................................................................................................3 1.2 Scope....................................................................................................................
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SC & SI Remote Interface Description en | 3 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this document is to describe the remote interface for system configuration and system installation. The document specifies the interface between the CCU and third party software. 1.2 Scope This document describes the remote interface for system configuration and system installation. It is meant for developers who want to use this remote interface to control/access system configuration and system inst
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SC & SI Remote Interface Description en | 4 2 System configuration and system installation 2.1 Introduction The System Configuration and System Installation Remote Interface is part of the DCN software which allows another controlling entity, not being the DCN Control PC, to use the System Configuration and System Installation applications. 2.2 Remote System Configuration and System Installation System Configuration (SC) is the application that monitors the hardware configuration of the
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SC & SI Remote Interface Description en | 5 Init Config Congress Download Maintenance Down Figure 1: CCU System modes Some remote functions are supported in more than one system mode, or in an other mode than the congress system mode. Bosch Security Systems B.V. | 2003 December | SC & SI Remote Interface Description
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SC & SI Remote Interface Description en | 6 3 System Configuration Functions 3.1 Introduction The system configuration functions described in this section are needed to query the set-up of the DCN- system from the CCU. The system configuration functions allow the remote controller to monitor any changes in the DCN system configuration. This chapter defines the set of remote functions for system configuration. 3.1.1 Remote function item explanation Each description consists of the followi
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SC & SI Remote Interface Description en | 7 Response structure from the function The function returns the following structure: WORD wNrOfInstances where: The value of the update use count for the SC application at the wNrOfInstances end of the function handling. It contains the number of times a remote PC has been connected over the same communication medium. E.g. the first time the function SC_C_START_DCN is called, it contains the value 1. Error codes returned SC_E_NOERROR Rela
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SC & SI Remote Interface Description en | 8 about the environment the CCU is functioning. The value is an ‘OR’ mask of the following settings: • SC_C_STANDALONE • SC_C_EXTENDED • SC_C_SINGLETRUNC • SC_C_MULTITRUNC • SC_C_MASTER • SC_C_SLAVE szSwVersion The current operating mode of the CCU in readable text. The string is zero (‘\0’) terminated. If e.g. it is a Single CCU running extended software, this string would read: “EXTENDED SingleTrunc Version”. byMajorVersionOfDownloadedSw
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SC & SI Remote Interface Description en | 9 3.6 SC_C_GET_CCU_CONFIG Purpose Retrieve information about all units connected to the congress network. This function returns for each unit connected its unit-number and type. Availability This function is available in CCU system mode congress. Parameter structure for the function The function requires the following structure as parameter: WORD wClusterIndex; where: wClusterIndex Determines which cluster is to be returned as response. Zer
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SC & SI Remote Interface Description en | 11 3.8 SC_C_STOP_DQS Purpose Indicate the CCU that the remote controller no longer requires to access the database inside the CCU. A call to this function does not clear the database. The database present remains active till the CCU is restarted or accessed by the database functions (after first calling SC_C_START_DQS). Note that: Upon communication loss this function will be activated, if SC_C_START_DQS was activated. Availability This functi
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SC & SI Remote Interface Description en | 12 1..MAX_CARD_CODE. This is the numeric code present on the identification card handed over to the delegate and which is to be used in combination with attendance registration and access control. lPin Delegate pincode. A numeric value in the range 1 111..55555 . PIN codes are used for attendance registration and access control, but do not have to be unique. wUnitNr The unit number that the delegate is assigned to by default. This unit number
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SC & SI Remote Interface Description en | 13 Availability This function is available in CCU system mode congress. Parameter structure for the function typedef struct { BOOLEAN bFirstCluster; BOOLEAN bLastCluster; SWORD iPinSize; SWORD iFillLevel; DQST_DEL_NO_SLINE DelCluster [DQSC_MAX_N_DL_DEL_REC]; } DQST_CCUDOWNLOADREC ; with DQST_DEL_NO_SLINE defined as : typedef struct { DWORD lDelId; DWORD lCard; DWORD lPin; WORD wUnitNr; SWORD iDeskLang; DWORD lVWeight; B
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SC & SI Remote Interface Description en | 14 Related functions SC_C_START_DQS SC_C_MAINT_CCU_DB SC_C_DOWNLOAD_CCU_DB SC_C_CCU_APPLY_ONE 3.12 SC_C_CCU_APPLY_ONE Purpose With this function it is possible to add or update just one record in the delegate database in the CCU. Note that using this function you can only add or update a record of an existing database on the CCU. You cannot create a database using this function. The delegateId as present in the structure is used to determi
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SC & SI Remote Interface Description en | 15 4 System Configuration notifications 4.1 Introduction This chapter defines the set of update notifications concerning SC send by the CCU. 4.1.1 Update Notification item explanation Each description consists of the following items: • Purpose A global description of the purpose of the notification. • Notify structure with this update The information passed with the update notification. 4.1.2 Unit/user event relations In the previous chapter
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SC & SI Remote Interface Description en | 16 Single-Multi System, i.e. a Multi CCU system but one or more of the Slave CCU’s configured to run in Single Mode Event Update Notification Continue with remote function Remote Controller connected to CCU-A, a CCU configured to run in Single CCU mode Switch On CCU-A SC_C_CCU_REBOOT SC_C_START_DCN Recommended before continuing: SC_C_GET_CCU_VERSIONINFO SC_C_GET_CCU_CONFIG SI_C_START_INSTALL and run installation as described in example-1 in
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SC & SI Remote Interface Description en | 17 4.2 SC_C_CCU_REBOOT Purpose Notifies the remote controller that the CCU has restarted. This notification is always send at start-up of the CCU and is the only notification message send by the CCU till the update request function SC_C_START_DCN is executed. This notification should be monitored to detect a restart of the CCU. The remote controller should take appropriate actions to restore the settings. Notify structure with this update The
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SC & SI Remote Interface Description en | 18 4.6 SC_C_DISCONNECT_SLAVE_CCU Purpose Notifies the remote controller that the master-CCU has lost connection to one of his slave-CCU’s. Along with this notification a list of all units connected to that slave is send. This notification tells the remote controller that the listed units are no longer available. Notify structure with this update The update comes with the following structure: typedef struct { BYTE bySlaveId; WORD wFillLev
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SC & SI Remote Interface Description en | 19 5 System Installation Functions 5.1 Introduction The system installation functions provide functionality to connect unit identification with the seat numbers used within the congress-hall. This process is also called seat-assignment. This chapter defines the set of remote functions needed for system installation. Each description is according to the definition given in section 3.1.1. 5.2 SI_C_START_INSTALL Purpose Start the installation mod
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SC & SI Remote Interface Description en | 20 Note that: Upon communication loss this function will be activated, if SI_C_START_INSTALL was activated. Availability This function is available in CCU system mode config. Parameter structure for the function The function has no additional parameters. Response structure from the function The function has no response parameters. Error codes returned SI_E_NOERROR SI_E_FAILED (another controller has the SI mode in use) Update Notification