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DCN Next Generation
Simultaneous Interpretation
en Software User Manual
LBB 4172/00
Summary of the content on the page No. 2
About this manual Manual conventions This user manual is divided into five chapters. For clarity this user manual uses consistent styles, Chapters 1 and 2 provide background information; symbols and typographical conventions. They are: chapters 3 and 4 provide detailed user information as follows: i Note • Chapter 1 - Simultaneous Interpretation - General notes are contained within rules and containing a brief overview of the Digital indicated with this symbol in the left margin.
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DCN Next Generation Simultaneous Interpretation en | 3 Table of contents 4.1.1 Distribution status................................................. 16 1 Simultaneous Interpretation................................4 4.1.2 Interpretation status ............................................. 16 1.1 About Simultaneous Interpretation ..................... 4 4.2 Exiting simultaneous interpretation................... 16 1.1.1 What is Simultaneous Interpretation?................ 4 1.2 Interp
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DCN Next Generation Simultaneous Interpretation en | 4 procedures; normal operation and relay 1 Simultaneous Interpretation interpretation. 1.2.1 Normal interpretation When the floor language is familiar to all interpreters 1.1 About Simultaneous Interpretation it is input directly to all interpreter headphones, and each interpreter interprets the floor language into the 1.1.1 What is Simultaneous Interpretation? language they have been assigned. These languages The Simultaneous Int
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DCN Next Generation Simultaneous Interpretation en | 5 rather than the floor language can receive it using the active. In override mode, any microphone making a incoming channel selectors on their interpreter units. request to speak will automatically override the If the automatic relay facility is used, then the current active microphone and become active. If transfer interpretation is automatically fed to none is chosen all microphones are merged. These interpreters headphones instead o
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DCN Next Generation Simultaneous Interpretation en | 6 modules will not run without the appropriate 2 Getting Started installation or names file. Simultaneous Interpretation requires an ‘installation file’ in order to function correctly. It does not make 2.1 Starting Simultaneous Interpretation use of the information in the ‘names file’. 2.1.1 The Startup screen Selecting an installation- (and a names) file The Simultaneous Interpretation program is started For details on select
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DCN Next Generation Simultaneous Interpretation en | 7 A list of terms used in the help facility is given in 2.2.3 Keyboard This gives information on which keys on your alphabetical order. For more information on any keyboard can be used with the software. This term contained in the glossary: includes using keys to activate menu items, to move • Click on the required subject in the index. around in dialogue boxes, for short cuts, and to select options from the main window. To access th
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DCN Next Generation Simultaneous Interpretation en | 8 3.2 Assigning languages to channels 3 Preparing for a conference This facility allows you to specify a language for each of the simultaneous interpretation channels. The languages are output from the interpreters booths and directed to the conference participants, who 3.1 The interpretation windows access them by means of headphones connected to a The Simultaneous Interpretation main window gives channel selector unit, a contribu
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DCN Next Generation Simultaneous Interpretation en | 9 Selecting an existing language list Selecting a language This option allows you to select one of the three This option allows you to select a language from the existing language lists. The default language list is language list box. The selected language can then be English. To select another language list: assigned to a channel. The contents of the language lists are pre-determined • Click on the drop-down list box located above an
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DCN Next Generation Simultaneous Interpretation en | 10 insertion will still be highlighted in the language list The system searches for languages beginning with the box. letters you entered. The first corresponding language located will be highlighted. Once you have selected a • Click on the arrow-shaped ‘Insert’ push button. language (manually or using ‘Search’) you can then insert it into a channel (see paragraph 3.2). If no The selected language will be inserted in the free languag
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DCN Next Generation Simultaneous Interpretation en | 11 hand desk, so the desk-language assignment procedure will only be explained once. i Note The information relating to the selected desks Selecting a booth/desk for language assignment will be automatically displayed in the dialogue To specify which desk a language is assigned to, the box. The booth number and desk numbers will navigation grid situated on the right side of the also be displayed. dialogue box is used. Assign
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DCN Next Generation Simultaneous Interpretation en | 12 following options are available. The default setting is i Note ‘None’: At least one desk within the booth must have • Click on ‘Override’. This enables an interlock its B output selected. override between all booths (or desks if ‘Within Booth’ is selected). To configure the presently selected booth for ‘auto relay’: • Click on ‘Interlock’. This enables a microphone interlock between all booths (or desks if ‘Within • Click
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DCN Next Generation Simultaneous Interpretation en | 13 A tick mark √ indicates that this setting is enabled. It is possible to fill unused interpretation channels with the floor signal. To do so: • Select the ‘Floor distribution’ option from the ‘Settings’ menu. A tick mark √indicates that this setting is enabled. Figure 13 The ‘New’ dialogue box. The speak slowly signaling setting is to select if the This dialogue box contains a text box for entering speak slowly signal is rou
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DCN Next Generation Simultaneous Interpretation en | 14 Saving an interpreter configuration file under a new name This allows you to save the current interpreter configuration file under a different name. By doing so, the original file remains unaltered. To do so: • Select the ‘File’ menu and click on ‘Save As...’. The following dialogue box appears: Figure 14 The ‘Open’ dialogue box. This dialogue box contains a list box with existing interpreter configuration files. The name of t
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DCN Next Generation Simultaneous Interpretation en | 15 • Click on the name in the list. • Click on the ‘Channel-Language Assignment’ check box. • Click on the ‘Delete’ push button. A tick mark √ will appear in the box, indicating this Another dialogue box will appear, with the text: function is enabled. ‘Are you sure you want to delete file ’ i Note If you still want to continue: These functions are not mutually exclusive, so it • Click on the ‘Yes’ push button. is p
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DCN Next Generation Simultaneous Interpretation en | 16 4.1.2 Interpretation status 4 Monitoring Interpretations 4.1 Viewing system status Simultaneous Interpretation provides two windows for monitoring interpreter activities: the distribution status window and the interpretation status window. One of these windows is always present as the main window of Simultaneous Interpretation. The interpretation status window appears as default. To select the view status that is currently not d
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DCN Next Generation Simultaneous Interpretation en | 17 Permanently exiting Simultaneous Interpretation If you wish to exit Simultaneous Interpretation completely: • Select the ‘File’ menu and click on ‘Exit’. If you have requested to exit before saving an interpreter configuration file that has changed, a warning message with the following text is displayed: ‘Changes have been made to . Do you want to save?’ • Click on the ‘Yes’ push button to save the changed interpreter
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DCN Next Generation Simultaneous Interpretation en | 18 Bosch Security Systems B.V. | 2005 September | 9922 141 70363
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For more information please visit © 2005 Bosch Security Systems B.V. Data subject to change without notice September 2005 | 9922 141 703623