Summary of the content on the page No. 1
Camera Browser Interface
Bosch IP 200 Series Cameras FW5.50
en Software manual
Summary of the content on the page No. 2
Summary of the content on the page No. 3
Camera Browser Interface Table of Contents | en 3 Table of Contents 1 Browser connection 10 1.1 System requirements 10 1.2 Establishing the connection 11 1.2.1 Password protection in camera 11 1.3 Protected network 11 2System Overview 12 2.1 Livepage 12 2.2 Recordings 12 2.3 Settings 12 3 Operation via the browser 13 3.1 Livepage 13 3.1.1 Image selection 13 3.1.2 Status icons 14 3.1.3 Cameras with PTZ control 15 3.1.4 Cameras with alarm and relay I/O 16 3.1.5 System Log / Event Log 16 3.1.6 Savi
Summary of the content on the page No. 4
4 en | Table of Contents Camera Browser Interface 5.3 Network 26 5.4 Encoder 27 5.5Audio 27 5.6 Recording 27 5.7 System Overview 27 6 Advanced General Settings 28 6.1 Identification 28 6.1.1 ID 28 6.1.2 Naming 28 6.1.3 iSCSI Initiator extension 28 6.2 Password 29 6.2.1 Password 29 6.2.2 Confirm password 29 6.3 Date/Time 30 6.3.1 Date format 30 6.3.2 Device date / Device time 30 6.3.3 Device time zone 30 6.3.4 Daylight saving time 30 6.3.5 Time server IP address 31 6.3.6 Time server type 31 6.4 D
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Camera Browser Interface Table of Contents | en 5 7.2.2 Show alarm inputs 35 7.2.3 Show relay outputs 35 7.2.4 Show VCA trajectories 35 7.2.5 Show overlay icons 35 7.2.6 Show event log 35 7.2.7 Show system log 36 7.2.8 Allow snapshots 36 7.2.9 Allow local recording 36 7.2.10 I-Frame only stream 36 7.2.11 Path for JPEG and video files 36 7.3 Logging 37 7.3.1 Save event log 37 7.3.2 Save system log 37 8Camera 38 8.1 Installer Menu 38 8.1.1 Mirror image 38 8.1.2 Flip image 38 8.1.3 Main frequency a
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6 en | Table of Contents Camera Browser Interface 9.1.7 Standard definition video resolution 45 9.1.8 Expert Settings 46 9.1.9 Default 47 9.2 Encoder Streams 48 9.2.1 H.264 settings 48 9.2.2 JPEG stream 49 10 Recording 50 10.1 Storage Management 51 10.1.1 Device manager 51 10.1.2 Recording media 51 10.1.3 Activating and configuring storage media 52 10.1.4 Formatting storage media 53 10.1.5 Deactivating storage media 53 10.2 Recording Profiles 54 10.2.1 Recording track selection 55 10.2.2 Standar
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Camera Browser Interface Table of Contents | en 7 11.1.9 Decoder 62 11.1.10 SSL encryption 63 11.1.11 Auto-connect 63 11.1.12 Audio 63 11.2 Video Content Analyses (VCA) 64 11.3 Audio Alarm 65 11.3.1 Audio alarm 65 11.3.2 Name 65 11.3.3 Signal Ranges 65 11.3.4 Threshold 65 11.3.5 Sensitivity 65 11.4 Alarm E-Mail 66 11.4.1 Send alarm e-mail 66 11.4.2 Mail server IP address 66 11.4.3 SMTP user name 66 11.4.4 SMTP password 66 11.4.5 Format 66 11.4.6 Image size 66 11.4.7 Attach JPEG from camera 67 11
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8 en | Table of Contents Camera Browser Interface 12.4.4 Delay [s] 77 13 Interfaces 78 13.1 Alarm input 78 13.1.1 Name 78 13.2 Relay 78 13.2.1 Idle state 78 13.2.2 Operating mode 78 13.2.3 Relay follows 78 13.2.4 Relay name 78 13.2.5 Trigger relay 78 14 Network 79 14.1 Network Access 79 14.1.1 Automatic IP assignment 79 14.1.2 IP V4 address 79 14.1.3 IP V6 address 80 14.1.4 DNS server address 80 14.1.5 Video transmission 80 14.1.6 HTTP browser port 80 14.1.7 HTTPS browser port 80 14.1.8 RCP+ por
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Camera Browser Interface Table of Contents | en 9 14.2.4 Authentication (802.1x) 84 14.2.5 RTSP port 85 14.2.6 UPnP 85 14.2.7 TCP metadata input 85 14.2.8 Quality of Service 85 14.3 Multicast 86 14.3.1 Enable 86 14.3.2 Multicast Address 86 14.3.3 Port 87 14.3.4 Streaming 87 14.3.5 Multicast packet TTL 87 14.4 FTP Posting 88 14.4.1 JPEG posting 88 14.4.2 FTP server 88 14.5 IP V4 filter 89 15 Service 90 15.1 Maintenance 90 15.1.1 Firmware 90 15.1.2 Configuration 91 15.1.3 SSL certificate 91 15.1.4
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10 en | Browser connection Camera Browser Interface 1 Browser connection A computer with Microsoft Internet Explorer is used to receive live images from the camera, control the camera, and replay stored sequences. The camera is configured over the network using the browser. 1.1 System requirements – Network access (Intranet or Internet) – Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7.0 or higher – Screen resolution at least 1024 × 768 pixels – 16- or 32-bit color depth – Sun JVM installed The Web
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Camera Browser Interface Browser connection | en 11 1.2 Establishing the connection The camera must have a valid IP address to operate on your network and a compatible subnet mask. By default, DHCP is pre-set at the factory to ON and so your DHCP server assigns an IP address. With no DHCP server the default address is 1. Start the Web browser. 2. Enter the IP address of the camera as the URL. 3. During initial installation, confirm any security questions that appear. Note: If y
Summary of the content on the page No. 12
12 en | System Overview Camera Browser Interface 2 System Overview When a connection is established, the Livepage is initially displayed. The application title bar displays three items: LIVEPAGE, RECORDINGS, SETTINGS. Note: The RECORDINGS link is only visible if a storage medium has been configured for recording. (With VRM recording this option is not active.) 2.1 Livepage The LIVEPAGE is used to display the live video stream and control the camera. 2.2 Recordings The RECORDINGS page is us
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Camera Browser Interface Operation via the browser | en 13 3 Operation via the browser 3.1 Livepage After the connection is established, the Livepage is initially displayed. It shows the live video image on the right of the browser window. Depending on the configuration, various text overlays may be visible on the live video image. Other information may also be shown next to the live video image. The items shown depend on the settings on the LIVEPAGE Functions page. Figure 3.1 Livepage 3.1
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14 en | Operation via the browser Camera Browser Interface 3.1.2 Status icons Various overlays in the video image provide important status information. The overlays provide the following information: Decoding error The frame might show artefacts due to decoding errors. If other frames reference this frame, they might also show decoding errors but won’t be marked with the icon. Alarm flag Shown on a media item to indicate an alarm. Communication error A communication error, such as a connec
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Camera Browser Interface Operation via the browser | en 15 Motion flag Indicates that motion is dectected. Storage discovery Indicates that recorded video is being retrieved. 3.1.3 Cameras with PTZ control For cameras where PTZ control is possible, the View Control panel is activated. Pan and tilt To control the pan and tilt of PTZ cameras: Click and hold the up or down arrows to tilt. Click and hold the left or right arrows to pan. Click and hold the center area to control both. Move
Summary of the content on the page No. 16
16 en | Operation via the browser Camera Browser Interface Pre-position To move the camera to a pre-position, click one of the buttons numbered one to six. To store the current position of the camera in a pre-position: 1. Position the camera. 2. Enter a pre-position number. 3. Click Set. 3.1.4 Cameras with alarm and relay I/O Depending on the configuration of the unit, the alarm input and the relay output are displayed in the Digital I/O panel next to the camera image. The alarm symbol is fo
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Camera Browser Interface Operation via the browser | en 17 3.1.6 Saving snapshots Individual images from the video sequence that is currently being shown on the Livepage can be saved in JPEG format on the computer's hard drive. Click the camera icon to save a single image. – The storage location depends on the configuration of the camera. 3.1.7 Recording video sequences Sections of the video sequence that is currently being shown on the Livepage can be saved on the computer's hard drive.
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18 en | Operation via the browser Camera Browser Interface 3.1.9 Audio communication Audio can be sent and received via the Livepage if the active monitor and the remote station of the camera support audio. 1. Press and hold the F12 key on the keyboard to send an audio signal to the camera. 2. Release the key to stop sending audio. All connected users receive audio signals sent from the camera but only the user who first pressed the F12 key can send audio signals; others must wait for the f
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Camera Browser Interface Operation via the browser | en 19 3.2 Recordings page Click Recordings to access the Recordings page from the Livepage or Settings page. The Recordings link is only visible if a direct iSCSI or microSD card has been configured for recording. (With VRM recording this option is not active.) Selecting Recordings All saved sequences are displayed in a list. A track number is assigned to each sequence. Start time and stop time, recording duration, number of alarms, and r
Summary of the content on the page No. 20
20 en | Operation via the browser Camera Browser Interface 3.2.1 Controlling playback The time bar below the video image allows quick orientation. The time interval associated with the sequence is displayed in the bar in gray. A green arrow above the bar indicates the position of the image currently being played back within the sequence. The time bar offers various options for navigation in and between sequences. – Change the time interval displayed by clicking the plus or minus icons. The