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Occupancy Sensor
Hubbell Motion Sensing Switches
Hospitality Reference Guide
Sensors for an Energy Conscious World
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® H-MOSS Hubbell Motion Sensing Switches for an Energy Conscious World Table of Contents Introduction Hubbell’s Green Initiative ........................................................................................................ 3 Hospitality Solutions ............................................................................................................... 4 How to Select the Right Technology for the Proper Application ............................................ 5 Area Design Guid
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Backed by Hubbell Service and Support ® H-MOSS Occupancy Sensors are backed by Hubbell’s GreenWise™ sustainability initiative and superior service and support including: • V aluable online H-MOSS ROI worksheet for calculating energy savings • Detailed H-MOSS online e-lear ning courses that can be taken anywher e, anytime • Pr oduct selection guide for choosing the right H-MOSS Occupancy Sensor and technology • Online specification assistance thr ough spec wi
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Hospitality Solutions Turn the lights off to keep the lights on. Over 50% of a hotel’s electricity bill goes to keeping lights on, even when guests ar e away fr om their rooms. This results in substantial waste that r educes an establishment’ s financial efficiency and sustainability . W ith occupancy sensors, the waste can be eliminated without affecting customer comfort and convenience. Manual-on mode automates savings. Hotel guests are on the go and often away from their r ooms. As a r
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How to Select the Right Technology for the Proper Application Dual Technology Dual technology occupancy sensors combine both passive infrar ed (PIR) and u l t r a s o n i c ( U S ) t e c h n o l o g i e s f o r m a x i m u m r e l i a b i l i t y . B e c a u s e U S a n d P I R n e e d to both detect occupancy to tur n lighting on, dual technology sensors minimize the risk of lights coming on when the space is unoccupied—false triggering. Continued detection by only one
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Housekeeping Closets/Storage Areas Design Guide Frequently forgotten Closets and storerooms offer one the best environments for occupancy savings due to intermittent use. Furthermor e, people leaving these spaces ar e often carrying supplies or mer chandise, making tur ning of f lights difficult. People then move on to the task at hand. Going back to turn off lights is fr equently forgotten. Like r estr ooms, closets and stor er ooms ar e normally isolated, and it’ s difficult to determ
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Public Restrooms Design Guide Occupied or not? Restr ooms ar e typically occupied less than 50% of the day , and lights ar e often left on while no one is pr esent. Restr ooms ar e also isolated, making it difficult to determine if lights have been left on inadvertently . Significant savings can be achieved by systematically turning lights off when possible. Promote savings and health. ® H-MOSS sensors intelligently sense occupation and control lights accordingly so facility managers no l
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Ice Machine/Vending Machine Areas Design Guide Lighting When You Need It V ending ar eas typically have an ice machine and soft drink dispenser that do not require lights on 24 hours per day. The lights will need to be on when a guest steps into the vending area and shut down when the guest leaves. Key is to set the occupancy sensor to a minimum setting to prevent false-ons fr om the hallway traffic not entering the vending ar ea. Typical Layouts and Coverage Patterns Recommended Products P
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Contact Information For price and delivery contact your Hubbell Territory Manager Hubbell Technical Service phone: 1-800-288-6000 fax: 1-203-882-4852 Website: Layout Capabilities and Technical Support Hubbell representatives are available to answer all your questions and discuss any project—large or small. Sensor selection and layout services are available. Call 800-288-6000 for more info. Installation Instructions The following pages contain Installation Instruct
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® H-MOSS Motion Switching System Passive Infrared / Ultrasonic Occupancy Sensors Installation and Operating Instructions DESCRIPTION Wiring Diagram Range Diagram The H-MOSS® sensor is an intelligent self-adapting occupancy sensor that is designed to replace existing wall switches. SPECIFICATIONS Red • 1000 sq. ft coverage area (Models: AP1277 and AD1277) 120/277VAC Load 1 • 400 sq. ft. coverage area (Models: AU1277) Black • Single or Dual circuit 120/277VAC, 50/60Hz operation 50 ' • Electrical
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Air-Gap Override – If it is necessary to service the controlled Switch 2 – Auto/Manual B (Dual Circuit Versions Only) circuits without de-energizing them at the breaker panel (this is not Controls selection between Auto ON/Auto OFF Mode and Manual recommended as a standard procedure): ON/Auto OFF Mode for Circuit B. 1. Remove the sensor’s cover plate (see Adjustments section). Switch 3 – Photocell Mode 2. With the circuit(s) on, turn the air-gap switch to OFF (toward the Controls selection betw
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MD H-MOSS Motion Switching System Capteurs de mouvement à Ultrasonique / infrarouge passifs Directives de montage et mode d'emploi DESCRIPTION MD Diagrammes de câblage Diagramme de la portée Le H-MOSS est un capteur de mouvement auto-adaptatif intelligent conçu pour remplacer les commutateurs muraux existants. SPÉCIFICATIONS Rouge 120/277 VCA • Portée de 93 m² (modèles AP1277 et AD1277) Charge1 Noir • Portée de 37 m² (modèles AU1277) 15 m • Un ou deux circuits 120/277 VCA, 50/60 Hz • Caractéris
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Annulation manuelle – Actionner le(s) bouton(s) ON et OFF. Commutateur 1 – Auto/Manuel L'état des lumières correspondra à la dernière position des boutons Permet de choisir entre les modes Auto ON/Auto OFF et Manuel ON/ pendant la détection de mouvements. Le capteur passe en mode Auto OFF. Pour les versions à deux circuits, ce commutateur commande automatique lorsque la valeur inoccupée de la temporisation du le mode Auto/Manuel du Circuit A seulement. (Le mode Manuel ON/ capteur est atteinte.
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MR H-MOSS Motion Switching System Detectores de movimiento por Ultrasonic / infrarrojos pasivos Instrucciones de instalación y de uso DESCRIPCIÓN Diagramas de cableado Diagrama de distancias El detector H-MOSSMR es un detector de presencia autoadaptable inteligente, destinado a reemplazar los interruptores murales existentes. ESPECIFICACIONES Rojo 120/277 V~ • Cobertura de 93 m² de superfi cie (Modelos: AP1277 y AD1277) Carga1 Negro • Cobertura de 37 m² de superfi cie (Modelo: AU1277) • Funciona
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4. Para salir del modo de ensayo, oprimir cualquier botón. Nota: El detector Interruptor 2 – B automático/manual (sólo en versiones de saldrá automáticamente del modo de ensayo después de 1 hora. circuito doble) Controla la selección entre el modo Auto ON/Auto OFF y el modo Anulación manual – Oprimir el o los botones para encender o apagar Manual ON/Auto OFF para el circuito B. las luces de ON a OFF. Las luces se mantendrán en el último estado determinado por los botones mientras se detecte
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MD MR ® H-MOSS Motion Switching System H-MOSS Motion Switching System H-MOSS Motion Switching System Passive Infrared Occupancy Sensors With Microcontroller Capteur de mouvement à infrarouge passif avec microprocesseur Detector de movimiento por infrarrojos pasivos con microcontrolador Wall Switch Sensor Capteur mural Detector mural ATP1277I, ATP1277W, ATP1277GY, WS1277I, WS1277W ATP1277I, ATP1277W, ATP1277GY, WS1277I, WS1277W ATP1277I, ATP1277W, ATP1277GY, WS1277I, WS1277W Installation Instru
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Pre-installation Checklist Liste des points à vérifier avant le montage Lista de verificación previa a la instalación English Français Español 1. Check rating of sensor to make sure it is suitable for the application. 1. Sassurer que les caractéristiques nominales du dispositif conviennent à lapplication. 1. Asegurarse de que las características del dispositivo sean apropiadas para la aplicación. ATP & WS sensors are to be used with 120 or 277VAC, 60 Hz Capteurs ATP et WS à utiliser avec 1
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PIR CEILING MOUNT SENSORS CAPTEURS I.R. PASSIFS POUR PLAFOND DETECTORES I.R. PASIVOS PARA AL TECHO LVPR1500R LVPR1500R LVPR1500R Installation Instructions Directives de montage Instrucciones de instalación Français Español English DESCRIPTION DESCRIPCIÓN DESCRIPTION MD MR ® Les capteurs à infrarouge (I.R.) passifs H-MOSS LVPR1500R fonctionnent à la tension de ligne et se montent au plafond. Los detectores por infrarrojos (I.R.) pasivos H-MOSS LVPR1500R funcionan a la tensión de línea y se fi jan
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Français Español English SENSOR ADJUSTMENT COMMANDES ET RÉGLAGES DU CAPTEUR AJUSTE DEL DETECTOR For all controls, the maximum adjustment is clockwise (CW), and the minimum adjustment is counter- Pour toutes les commandes, le réglage maximum est dans le sens des aiguilles d’une montre (CW). Para todos los controles, el ajuste máximo es en el sentido de las agujas del reloj (CW) y el ajuste mínimo clockwise (CCW). To access the controls, remove the sensor cover by turning it clockwise. Allow for