ADT Security Services ADT-UDACT user manual

User manual for the device ADT Security Services ADT-UDACT

Device: ADT Security Services ADT-UDACT
Category: Home Security System
Manufacturer: ADT Security Services
Size: 1.51 MB
Added : 6/16/2013
Number of pages: 68
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ADT Security Services ADT-UDACT User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to ADT Security Services ADT-UDACT. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

One Town Center Road
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Security Services Inc.
Phone: (561) 988-3600
FAX: (561) 988-3675
Universal Digital Alarm Communicator/Transmitter
Product Information, Installation,
Programming and Operation Manual
Document 50934
5/15/00 Rev:
P/N 50934:B ECN 99-402
© 2000 ADT

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

While a fire alarm system may lower insurance Fire Alarm System Limitations rates, it is not a substitute for fire insurance! An automatic fire alarm system–typically made up of smoke Heat detectors do not sense particles of combustion and detectors, heat detectors, manual pull stations, audible warn- alarm only when heat on their sensors increases at a prede- ing devices, and a fire alarm control with remote notification termined rate or reaches a predetermined level. Rate-of-rise capability–c

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

Adherence to the following will aid in problem-free Installation Precautions installation with long-term reliability: WARNING - Several different sources of power can be con- Like all solid state electronic devices, this system may nected to the fire alarm control panel. Disconnect all sources operate erratically or can be damaged when subjected to light- of power before servicing. Control unit and associated equip- ning-induced transients. Although no system is completely ment may be damaged

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

NFPA Standards, NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code ................................................................... 6 Underwriters Laboratories Documents ............................................................................................ 6 1.0 Product Description ................................................................................................................ 7 1.1 Product Features .........................................................................................

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

5.0 Reporting Formats ................................................................................................................. 38 Table 5-1: Data Reporting Structure ............................................................................... 38 Table 5-2: Letter Code Definitions................................................................................... 39 Table 5-3: Ademco Contact ID Reporting Structure ....................................................... 40 6.0 Compatib

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

This digital communicator has been designed to comply with standards set forth by the following regulatory agencies: • Underwriters Laboratories Standard UL 864  NFPA Standards 72 National Fire Alarm Code for Local, Remote Station and Central Station Fire Alarm Systems Before proceeding, the installer should be familiar with the following documents. NFPA Standards, NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code: • Central Station Fire Alarm Systems (Automatic, Manual and Waterflow) Protected Premises Unit.

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

1.0 Product Description The Universal Digital Alarm Communicator/Transmitter (ADT-UDACT) may be used with a variety of ADT control panels (refer to Appendices). The ADT-UDACT transmits system status to UL Listed Central Station Receivers via the public switched telephone network. The ADT-UDACT, which is compact in size, mounts internally in some panels or externally in a separate enclosure. EIA-485 annunciator communications bus and 24 volt (nominal) connections are required. Primary Phone L

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

Primary Phone Line Secondary Phone Line Modular Cables P/N MCBL-7 (Order Separately) Comm Fail Output (power-limited) 24VDC Power in (use power-limited 24 VDC source) (power-limited) EIA-485 Connector (use power-limited source) DO NOT USE Figure 1-1: ADT-UDACT Assembly Document 50934 Rev B 5/15/00 PN 50934:B 8 udactfea.wmf

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

1.2 Controls and Front Panel Switches CLEAR Digits 0-9 Indicators TEST A MODE B Up Arrow C DO NOTUSE Down Arrow D 1st EVENT E ENTER/STORE F Displays  EIA-485 - yellow LED  COMM. FAIL - yellow LED  KISS OFF - green LED  POWER - green LED  Four, Seven Segment Displays - red  Primary Phone Line Active - red LED  Secondary Phone Line Active - red LED  TEST - green LED Figure 1-2: Controls and Indicators The ADT-UDACT has been designed to be compatible with the ADT Unimode 2020/ 1.3 Compatibl

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

 For tone burst or touchtone type formats: Discern proper 'Ack' and 'Kiss-off' tone(s) - The frequency and time duration of the tone(s) varies with the transmission format. The ADT-UDACT will adjust accordingly.  Communicate in the following formats (refer to Section 6.0 for compatible receivers): 6 Tone Burst Types: 20 pps (3+1, 4+1, 4+2) 3 Touchtone Types: 4 + 1 Ademco Express 4 + 2 Ademco Express Ademco Contact ID The ADT-UDACT circuit board contains a CPU, o

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

1.7 Specifications DC Power - TB1, Terminals 1 & 2 24VDC (nominal) filtered, nonresettable and power-limited. Voltage range is 21.2 to 28.2 volts. DC Power TB1 Terminals 1 (+), 2 (-) 40 mA in standby, 75 mA max. while communicating and 100 mA with the open collector output engaged and communicating. Data Communications - TB1, Terminals 3 - 7 EIA-485 serial interface, TB1 Terminal 3 = RS+, 4 = RS-, 5= Shield, 6 = Future use, 7 = Future use. Power-limited source must be used. Auxiliary Output -

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

If the control panel causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company reserves the right to temporarily discontinue service. Advance notification will be provided except in cases when advance notice is not practical. In such cases, notification will be provided as soon as possible. The opportunity will be given to correct any problems and to file a complaint. DO NOT CONNECT THIS PRODUCT TO COIN TELEPHONE, GROUND START, OR PARTY LINE SERVICES. When the control panel activates, premise

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

1.9.6 Clear Function: When the clear function is activated, it causes the ADT-UDACT to immediately stop transmissions, hang-up from the telephone network, clear out any messages that were waiting for transmission and reset. 1.9.7 Manual Test Function: The manual test function allows for a test report message to be sent to both Central Stations upon activation. Document 50934 Rev B 5/15/00 PN 50934:B 13

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

2.0 Installation and Wiring Mounting Options 2.1 General For information on mounting the ADT-UDACT in a specific fire alarm control panel, refer to the appropriate Appendix. Telephone Circuits 2.2 Output Circuits Provision to connect to two independent telephone lines is available via two telephone jacks labeled PH1 (Primary) and PH2 (Secondary). Telephone line control/ command is possible via double line seizure as well as usage of an RJ31X style interconnection. (RJ31X jacks must be ordered

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

Relay Driver The ADT-UDACT's open collector output on TB3, terminal 2 is provided for Communicator Failure and ADT-UDACT trouble. It can be used to drive UL listed relay MR-101/C or MR-201/C. The output is rated for 40 mA. The normal condition for the output is Off (deenergized). Communicator Failure occurs when the maximum number of attempts to reach both central stations has taken place or when both phone lines are disconnected. ADT- UDACT trouble conditions include loss of telephone line vo

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

SLC Loop to Fire Alarm Control Panel M300 Series Monitor Module Wiring in same room as ADT-UDACT All wiring to relay must be in the same room within 20 3.9K EOL feet of ADT-UDACT and in Resistor conduit. (included) NC ON Earth Grnd C Comm Fail 0 NO +24 VDC 18/24 115 230 ADT-UDACT MR-101/C (MR-201/C may be used) Note: M300 Series Monitor Module is used to supervise Normally Closed output of MR-101/C. On ADT-UDACT trouble and Comm Fail, MR-101/C relay contact will open causing the monitor module

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

Power-limited and nonpower-limited circuit wiring must remain separated in the 2.3 UL Power- cabinet. All power-limited circuit wiring must remain at least 0.25" away from any limited Wiring nonpower-limited circuit wiring. Furthermore, all power-limited circuit wiring and Requirements nonpower-limited circuit wiring must enter and exit the cabinet through different knockouts and/or conduits. A typical wiring diagram for the ADT-UDACT is shown below. Use power-limited source Power-limited cir

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

3.0 Programming Instructions Programming of the ADT-UDACT is possible at any time including while the Programming Mode ADT-UDACT is communicating with a Central Station. The ADT-UDACT has been designed for many different types of applications. After examining your specific application, review the programming options and choose the entries best suited for your system. The ADT-UDACT has a built-in programmer. All programming selections are stored in nonvolatile Electrically-Erasable Programmable

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

Throughout programming mode, the first three locations on the left of the display represent the memory address which can range from 00 to 208 (Alpha characters are not used). The last location (farthest right) represents the contents of the memory address. The first address displayed is shown below: 00_F (address)(data) 3.2 Switch Functions The Function of each switch in program mode is shown below: No function in this mode - Select operating mode - Increment memory address Address entry keys a

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

Primary Number Communication Format (16) One location is needed to select the Communication Format to the primary phone number. Address 16 is used for this purpose. The default (factory setting) for this address is 16_A, which is 4+2 Standard, 1800 Hz 'Carrier', 2300 Hz 'ack'. You may enter 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, C or E in place of the default, then press [ENTER/STORE]. When selecting the Format, note that Ademco Contact ID is the only format in the ADT-UDACT which identifies the specific zone or poi

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