Makita FLASHLIGHT ML120 user manual

User manual for the device Makita FLASHLIGHT ML120

Device: Makita FLASHLIGHT ML120
Category: Home Safety Product
Manufacturer: Makita
Size: 1.45 MB
Added : 9/15/2014
Number of pages: 32
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Makita FLASHLIGHT ML120 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Makita FLASHLIGHT ML120. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

IJI 77Y5154t.
Rechargeable Flashlight
Lampe Torche a Batterie
111 Lampada a Batteria
Oplaadbare Acculamp
Linterna Recargable
Lanterna Recarregavel
Opladelig Lygte
Uppladdningsbar Ficklampa
Accu Lommelykt
Enava@opiipig ="!*a
MLI 20lML140

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

1 1 2 4 5 2

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

+7lL ML 120 ML140 12 V 0.7A 12 V 0.7 A @RBR &E*?& E3 m E53 E3 I - R;r 272 mm x 94 mm x 98 mm 272 mm x 94 mm x 107 mm If 0 7 4 '1 $3 t f, 0.3 ke 0.3 ke 3

Summary of the content on the page No. 4


Summary of the content on the page No. 5


Summary of the content on the page No. 6

ExDlanation of aenerat view 0 Battery cartridge 0 Screw 0 Ring 0 Set plate SPECIFICATIONS Model ML120 ML140 Bulb ...................................................... 12V 0.7A 12V 0.7A Dimensions (L x W x H) ...................... 272 mm x 94 mm x 98 mm 272 mm x 94 mm x 107 mm (10-11/16” x 3-11/16” X 3-7/8”) (10-11/16”~ 3-11/16” X 4-3/16”) Net weight ............................................ 0.3 kg (0.66 Ibs) 0.3 kg (0.66 Ibs) Due to the continuing program of research and developmen

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Charging Charge the battery cartridge with the Makita charger before use. To remove the battery cartridge, withdraw it from the flashlight while pressing the buttons on both sides of the cartridge. After charging, insert the battery cartridge into the flashlight all the way until it locks in place with a little click. (Fig. 1) NOTE: Battery cartridges 1200, 1201, 1202, 1202A can be used on ML120 if you install the set plate. Install the set plate on ML120 with the s

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

FRANCAS DescriDtif 0 Batterie 0 vis @ Bague @ Plaque de fixation SPECIFICATIONS Modele ML120 ML140 Ampoule ............................................... 12 V 0,7 A 12V 0,7 A Dimensions (L x W x H) .......................................... 272 mm x 94 mm x 98 mm 272 mm x 94 mm x 107 mm .............................................. Poids net 0,3 kg 0-3 kg Etant donne I’evolution constante de notre programme de recherche et de developpement, les specifications contenues dans ce man

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

MODE D'EMPLOI Batterie Batterie Batterie Battery Batterie 1200/1220 1201 1202/1202A/1222 1233 Duree de I Environ 100mn 1 Environ 130mn I Environ 150 mn 1 Environ 170mn I I fonctionnement Batterie Batterie Batterie 1433 1422 Duree de fonctionnement Environ 150 mn Environ 170 mn Angle de tete (Fig. 3) L'angle de t6te possede quatre positions de reglage au choix. Reglez selon vos preferences. Remplacement de I'ampoule (Fig. 4 et 5) ATTENTION : L'ampoule est tres chaude lorsqu'elle v

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

DEUTSCH Ubersicht @ Akku-Kassette @ Schraube @ Ring @ Halteplatte TECHNISCHE DATEN Modell ML120 ML140 Gluhbirne ............................................. 12 V 0,7 A 12V 0,7A Abmessungen (L x B x H) ........................................... 272 mm x 94 mm x 98 mm 272 mm x 94 mm x 107 mm Nettogewicht ........................................ 0,3 kg 0,3 kg ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ Wir behalten uns vor, Anderungen im Zuge der Entwicklung und des technischen Fortschritts ohne vorhenge Ankundig

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

BEDIENUNGSHINWEISE Laden Vor lnbetriebnahme die Akku-Kassette mit einem Makita-Ladegerat aufladen. Zum Entfernen der Akku- Kassette die Knopfe auf beiden Seiten der Akku-Kassette eingedruckt halten, wahrend sie aus der Akku-Lampe gezogen wird. Nach dem Laden die Akku-Kassette wieder bis zum Anschlag in die Akku-Lampe einschieben, bis sie horbar einrastet. (Abb. 1) HINWEIS: Zur Verwendung der Akku-Kassetten 1200, 1201, 1202, 1202A mit dem Modell ML120 mu8 die Halteplatte montiert werden.

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

ITALIAN0 Visione generale @ Gartuccia batteria 0 Vite @ Anello @ Piastra di fissaggio DATl TECNlCl Modello ML12O ML140 .................................................... Bulbo 12V 0,7 A 12V 0,7 A Dimensioni 272mmx94mmx107mm (L x A x P) ............................................ 272 mm x 94 mm x 98 mm Peso netto ........................................... 0,3 kg 0,3 kg Peril nostro programma di ricerca e sviluppo continui, i dati tecnici sono soggetti a modifiche senza preawiso.

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

ISTRUZIONI PER L’USO Carica Caricare la cartuccia batteria con il caricatore Makita prima di usarla. Per rimuovere la cartuccia batteria, tirarla fuori dalla lampada a battaria premendo allo stesso tempo i bottoni ad entrambi i lati della cartuccia. Dopo la Carica, inserire completamente la cartuccia batteria nella lampada a batteria finche si blocca in posizione con un piccolo scatto. (Fig. 1) NOTA: Le cartucce batterie 1200, 1201, 1202, 1202A possono essere usate con il modello ML120 se

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

Verklarina van alaemene aeaevens @ Accu @ Schroef @ Ring 0 Stelplaatje TECHNISCHE GEGEVENS Model ML120 ML140 Gloeilampje .......................................... 12 V 0,7 A 12V 0,7A Afmetingen 272 mm x 94 mm x 107 mm (L x B x H) ........................................... 272 mm x 94 mm x 98 mm ....................................... Netto gewicht 0,3 kg 03 kg In verband met ononderbroken research en ontwikkeling behouden wij ons het recht voor bovenstaande technische gegevens te w

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

BEDIENINGSVOORSCHRIFTEN 0 p I a d e n Vo6r het gebruik dient u de accu met de Makita acculader op te laden. Om de accu te verwijderen, haalt u deze uit de acculamp terwijl u op de knopjes aan beide zijden van de accu drukt. Nadat de accu is opgeladen, schuift u de accu weer zo ver mogelijk in de acculamp totdat deze met een klikgeluid op zijn plaats vergrendelt. (Fig. 1) OPMERKING: Accu’s 1200, 1201, 1202, 1202A kunnen met ML120 worden gebruikt indien u het stelplaatje installeert. Instal

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

ESPANOL Explicacion de 10s dibuios @ Cartucho de baterias @ Tornillo @ Anillo @ Placa de fijacion ESPECIFICACIONES Modelo ML120 ML140 Bombilla ............................................... 12V 0,7A 12V 0,7A Dimensiones (largo x ancho x alto) ................................ 272 mm x 94 mm x 98 mm 272 mm x 94 mm x 107 mm Peso net0 ............................................ 0.3 kg 03 kg Debido a un programa continuo de investigacion y desarrollo, las especificaciones aqui dadas esta

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

INTRUCCIONES PARA EL FUNCIONAMIENTO Carga Cargue el cartucho de bateria con el cargador rapido Makita antes de utilizarlo. Para extraer el cartucho de bateria de la linterna, presione 10s botones a ambos lados del cartucho a la vez que tira de el. Una vez finalizada la carga, inserte el cartucho de bateria en la linterna metiendolo a tope hasta que quede bloqueado produciendo un chasquido. (Fig. 1) NOTA: Si instala la placa de fijacion podra utilizar 10s cartuchos 1200, 1201, 1202, 1202A

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

PORTUGUES ExplicagSo geral @ Cartucho da bateria 0 Parafuso @ Anel @ Placa de ajuste ESPECIFICAC~ES Modelo ML120 ML140 Ldmpada .............................................. 12 V 0,7 A 12V 0,7A Dimensbes (L x W x H) .......................................... 272 mm x 94 mm x 98 mm 272 mm x 94 mm x 107 mm Peso liquid0 ......................................... 0,3 kg 03 kg Devido a um programa continuo de pesquisa e desenvolvimento, estas especificapbes podem ser alteradas sem aviso pre

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

Bateria Bateria Bateria Bateria Cartucho da bateria 2oo,1 220 1201 1202/1202A/1222 1233 Tempo de [ Aprox. 100 min. 1 Aprox. 130 min. 1 Aprox. 150 min. I Aprox. 170 min. I funcionamento (Nota) Se utilizar na ML120 uma bateria com verificacao da caraa. a indicacao de caraa ndo indicara correctamente - a capacidade restante da bateria. ML140 Bateria Bateria Cartucho da bateria 1422 1433 I Tempo de funcionamento 1 Aprox. 150 min. I Aprox. 170 min. I Angulo da cabeFa (Fig. 3) 0 Lngulo

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

lllustrationsoversigt @ Opladeligt akku @ Skrue @ Ring . @ Holderplade SPECIFIKATIONER Model ML120 ML140 Paere .................................................... 12V 0,7A 12V 0,7A Dimensioner (L x B x H) ........................................... 272 mm x 94 mm x 98 mm 272 mm x 94 mm x 107 mm .................................................... VBgt 0,3 kg 03 kg Ret til tekniske Bendringer forbeholdes. Bemaerk: Tekniske data kan variere fra land til land. VlGTlGE SIKKERHEDSINSTRUK

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