Sony MDREX1000 user manual

User manual for the device Sony MDREX1000

Device: Sony MDREX1000
Category: Headphones
Manufacturer: Sony
Size: 0.95 MB
Added : 2/21/2013
Number of pages: 2
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Sony MDREX1000 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Sony MDREX1000. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Type: Closed, dynamic
Stereo headphones
Driver unit: 16mm, dome type (CCAW)
Power handling capacity:
Features 200 mW (IEC*)
Operating Instructions
Impedance: 32 Ω at1 kH z
16 mm dynamic type driver units deliver aw ide frequency range and broader dynamic

Sensitivity: 108 dB/mW
Stereo Manual de instrucciones range, and reproduce accurate sound
Frequency response:
Driveruni t’sdi aphragmu tilizing Liquid Crystal PolymerF ilm forhig

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Español Especificaciones  Tipo: Cerrado, dinámico Auriculares estéreo Unidad auricular: 16mm, tipo cúpula(C CAW) Característícas Capacidad de manejo de potencia: 200 mW (IEC*) Lasunid adesa uriculares de tipodin ámico de 16mm en treganun ra ngode f recuencia
=> Impedancia: 32 Ω a 1 kHz amplio y unra ngodin ámicom ás ancho, y reproducen sonidos precisos. Deslizador Sensibilidad: 108 dB/mW Eldi afragma de la unidad auricularu tiliza unap elícula dep o

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