Summary of the content on the page No. 1
User’s Guide
Navigation Device
Summary of the content on the page No. 2
Contents Choosing a destination you’ve What Do I Do First? ............. 4 used before .............................. 29 Make sure everything is OK ....... 4 Going Home .................................29 TRAX350 GPS navigation device ...4 Choosing a recent destination .....29 Windshield mount .........................4 Choosing a favorite location.........30 Included accessories .....................5 Confirming your destination .........30 Plug it in ..................................... 5 Ch
Summary of the content on the page No. 3
Tightening the bracket joint .........65 Customizing the Map screen ... 49 Changing the default map view Why is it that...? ..................... 66 (Map Orientation) .....................49 The POI icons disappear from Changing the Map Display Color 50 the map? ......................................66 Showing the Breadcrumb Trail ..51 The screen is blurry and hard Changing the POI icon Display ...51 to read .........................................66 I can’t find a location on the map .66 C
Summary of the content on the page No. 4
What Do I Do First? Make sure everything is OK If anything listed here is missing or damaged, call Customer Service (see back cover for contact information). P Po ow wer butt er button on TRAX350 GPS Not Notch f ch for windshield or windshield nA viGATion device moun mount br t brack acket et. . ► Press the power button to turn off the screen; the device stays on and can still give directions. ► Press the power button in and hold USB por USB port f t for or it for three seconds sof so
Summary of the content on the page No. 5
What Do I Do First? i ncluded ASS cce oRS ie DC (car) DC (car) adapt adapter er A Adhesiv dhesive e USB USB anchor anchor cable cable disk disk Plug it in ► Connect the power adapter to the power connector on the lower right side of the device. ► Plug the other end into your car’s cigarette lighter (or any standard 12 V DC outlet). ► Only use the power adapter that came with your device. Any other adapter might damage the device. ► Whenever it senses power coming in, the device turns
Summary of the content on the page No. 6
What Do I Do First? Choose your default language The first time you turn on the device, it asks you which language you want to use for menus and voice prompts. Choose from US English (eng ), Spanish (esp ), or Canadian French (fra ). (You can change the language anytime you want from the Settings menu; See page 55.) Set your time zone 1) From the main menu screen, select . 2) Select to open the System Settings screen: 3) In the time zone field, use the + and – buttons to select your
Summary of the content on the page No. 7
What Do I Do First? 5) Tap the button to go to the second screen. 6) In the time tforma field, choose 12 hr to use twelve- hour (am/pm) time or 24 hr to use twenty-four-hour (military) time. 7) Tap the button to go back to the Menu screen. Tap the button to go back to the Map screen. Enter your home location Next, enter the address you want to use as your “home” location, that is, the place you travel to and from the most. (This step isn’t actually required, so you can skip it if you wa
Summary of the content on the page No. 8
What Do I Do First? 4) Use the alphabet keypad to enter the name of the city (or unincorporated area) where your home location is. G Go back t o back to o T The number of cities he number of cities G Go t o to the o the the pr the pre evious vious in the da in the database tha tabase that t Ma Mapp scr screen een scr screen een ma mat tch y ch your en our entr try y. . B Back ack spac space e L Lett etters tha ers that don t don’ ’t ma t mat tch ch a name in the da a name in the databas
Summary of the content on the page No. 9
What Do I Do First? ► To switch back to letters, tap the abc button. ► Tap the ok button when you are finished. 5) When you tap ok (or if there are 5 or fewer city names that start with the letters you typed), the device goes to the Select City Name screen. Just tap the name of the city you want. 6) Enter the street name using the same process you used to enter the city name. When the device shows the Select Street Name screen, tap the name of the street you want. Enter numbered streets as
Summary of the content on the page No. 10
What Do I Do First? 10)Enter any name you want for your home location (the default name is HOME). 11)Tap the ok button when you finish. The device confirms that it saved your new home location, and you’re done. The PAyoff That probably seemed like a lot of work, but here’s why you did it: In the top left corner of the menu screen, there’s a home icon. Tap that icon, and the device plots a route from wherever you are right now to your home location. Get acquainted with the Map screen The M
Summary of the content on the page No. 11
What Do I Do First? If the device doesn’t have a lock on your location, the car icon will be gray. ► Tap the menu button to open the main Menu screen. WhAT do ThoSe S icon meAn ? Icon Name What it shows Tap it to... The current map Change the map Compass view, which way view is north Bring up the The current zoom bar and Zoom zoom level and change the scale zoom level Get more information POI The location and (name, address, (Point of type of various phone number) Interest) POI
Summary of the content on the page No. 12
What Do I Do First? ZoominG in And ouT There are 12 different zoom levels, ranging from 125 feet to 100 miles in the English system measurements or 50 meters to 200 kilometers in the metric system. ► The zoom icon shows the map scale and the current zoom level. The map scale unit is approximately ⅜ inch or 1 centimeter. ► Tap the zoom icon to bring up the zoom bar. E English nglish Metr Metric ic U Use f se for or Z Zoom out oom out syst system em syst system em vie viewing: wing: (k (k
Summary of the content on the page No. 13
What Do I Do First? c hAnGinG The mAP vieW Tap the asscomp icon to cycle through the three map views: North up view (2D): North is always at the top of the screen, and the car icon rotates to point in the direction you’re going. The asscomp icon’s needle (the red half) always points straight up. Heading up view (2D): (default) The direction you are currently going is always at the top of the screen. The car icon points up, and the map rotates as you change direction. The asscomp
Summary of the content on the page No. 14
What Do I Do First? You can set any of the three map views as the default view. (See page 49 for Map screen options.) c hAG n inG The volume Tap the volume icon to go to the Volume screen. ► Tap the + button to increase the volume or the – button to decrease the volume. ► Tap on to mute the audio completely. ► Tap ok when you’re done. Re -cenTeRinG The mAP Tap anywhere inside the map area to center the map on that location. This also gives you some additional options: G Go t o to the o th
Summary of the content on the page No. 15
What Do I Do First? ► Tap the mark button to open the Mark menu and set the current location as a destination, an origin, a favorite, etc. ► Tap the go button to plot a route to the current location. ► Tap to return to the map screen. ► Tap to go back to the previous screen. Getting more information This was enough information to get you started. If you want to know more about the device and how to use it, see these sections: To find out more about: See the section called: Entering destinat
Summary of the content on the page No. 16
How Do I Put It in My Car? Safety considerations ► Don’t install any device where it will block your view (including your mirrors!) while you’re driving. ► Keep your attention on the road! Don’t try to operate or focus on any device while you’re driving. If you have to concentrate on a device, pull off the road for a few minutes. ► Some states have rules about what kind of devices you can affix to your car’s windshield and where exactly you can put them. If you’re not sure if there are any
Summary of the content on the page No. 17
How Do I Put It in My Car? Attaching the windshield mount I Inser nsert the br t the brack acket hooks et hooks 11 in int to the not o the notches on the ches on the bott bottom of the de om of the devic vice e. . R Rota otat te the e the 22 br brack acket et head up head up... ... ...and snap ...and snap 33 the t the top op hook in hook int to o the not the notch ch on t on top of op of the de the devic vice e. . Page 17
Summary of the content on the page No. 18
How Do I Put It in My Car? AdjuSTG in The WS ind hield T moun Lif Lift the adjustmen t the adjustment t lock t lock to mo o mov ve the e the suc suction cup and tion cup and br brack acket et T The br he brack acket et piv pivots in all ots in all dir direc ections tions ► The adjustment lock keeps both the bracket and the suction cup locked into place. Lift the adjustment lock to change the position of the device. ► The suction cup joint pivots front to back, and the bracket joint pivot
Summary of the content on the page No. 19
How Do I Put It in My Car? Mounting on the windshield Make sure the device does not block your view of the road or your mirrors. Once you decide where you want the device, hold the suction cup in that position, then adjust the mount so you have the best view of the device. 1) Press the suction cup flat against the windshield. 2) Push the suction lock up (towards the suction cup) until it snaps into place. 3) Gently pull on the mount to make sure it is secure. If you have trouble gettin
Summary of the content on the page No. 20
How Do I Put It in My Car? Mounting on a flat surface If you want to put the device somewhere other than your windshield (or anywhere the suction cup won’t stick), you can use the anchor disk. Once you glue the anchor disk down, the windshield mount installs inside the disk just like it does on glass. When you’re deciding where to put the anchor disk, here are some things to keep in mind: ► The surface should be as flat as possible. If the disk is upside down or at a sharp angle, it might