Summary of the content on the page No. 1
English Français
Summary of the content on the page No. 2
Contents Installingthisnavigationsystem 21 IMPORTANTINFORMATION – Installationnotes 21 ABOUTYOURNEWNAVIGATIONSYSTEM – Partssupplied 22 ANDTHISMANUAL 3 – Installationusingthescrewholeson thesideof thenavigationunit 22 IMPORTANTSAFEGUARDS InstallingtheGPSantenna 23 PLEASEREADALLOF THESE – Installationnotes 23 INSTRUCTIONSREGARDINGYOUR – Partssupplied 23 NAVIGATIONSYSTEMANDRETAINTHEM – Wheninstallingtheantennainsidethe FORFUTUREREFERENCE 4 vehicle(ontherearshelf) 24 – Wheninstallingtheantennaoutsid
Summary of the content on the page No. 3
English Section IMPORTANT 01 INFORMATION ABOUTYOURNEW NAVIGATIONSYSTEMAND THISMANUAL ! The navigationfeatures of this product (andrear viewcameraoption ifpurchased) areintended solelytoaidyouin theopera- tionof your vehicle.It isnot asubstitutefor yourattentiveness, judgment andcare whendriving. ! Neveruse thisnavigation systemtoroute tohospitals, policestations,orsimilar facil- itiesinanemergency.Pleasecall theap- propriateemergencynumber. ! Donotoperatethisnavigation system(or therear viewcame
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Section 02 IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS automotiveaccessoriesmaybedangerousand PLEASEREADALLOFTHESE couldexposeyoutotheriskofelectricshockor INSTRUCTIONSREGARDING otherhazards. YOURNAVIGATIONSYSTEM ANDRETAINTHEMFOR FUTUREREFERENCE 1 Readthismanualfullyandcarefullybeforein- stallingyournavigationsystem. 2 Keepthismanualhandyfor futurereference. 3 Paycloseattentiontoallwarningsinthis manualandfollowtheinstructionscarefully. 4 Thisnavigationsystemmayincertaincircum- stancesdisplayerroneousinformationregard
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English Section ConnectingtheSystem 03 ! Makesurethatthecablesandwiresare Precautionsbefore routedandsecuredsotheywillnotinter- connectingthesystem ferewithorbecomecaughtinanyofthe vehicle’smovingparts,especiallythe WARNING steeringwheel,shiftlever,parkingbrake, Pioneerdoesnotrecommendthatyouinstall slidingseattracks,doors,oranyoftheve- yournavigationsystemyourself.Werecom- hicle’scontrols. mendthatonlyauthorizedPioneerservice ! Donotroutewireswheretheywillbeex- personnel,whohavespecialtraininga
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T T R R A A T T S S N N O O C Section 03 ConnectingtheSystem ! Toavoidshort-circuiting, coverthediscon- Beforeinstallingthis nectedleadwithinsulating tape.Itisespe- product ciallyimportant toinsulate allunused ! Thisproductisfor vehicleswith a12-volt speakerleads,whichifleftuncoveredmay batteryand negativegrounding. Checkthe cause ashort circuit. batteryvoltageof your vehiclebefore instal- ! Attachtheconnectors of thesamecolorto lation. thecorrespondingcolored port,i.e.,blue ! Toavoidshorts inth
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English Section ConnectingtheSystem 03 — Changethesourcefromradio (AMor FM)toanother source. — Turnthesource off — Turnoff theignitionswitch (ACCOFF) Connector Extensionlead ! If[AntCTRL]modeisset to[Power],the (for reversesignal) vehicle’santenna canbestowedorturned offonlywhentheignition switchisturned off(ACCOFF). ! Donotconnectthis leadtothesystemcon- trol terminalof externalpoweramps. ! Besurenot touse this leadasthepower Extension lead GPSantenna supplyleadfortheauto-antennaoranten- (for s
Summary of the content on the page No. 8
Section 03 ConnectingtheSystem Connectingthesystem 4 m (13 ft. 1 in.) The navigation unit Light gray 5 m (16 ft. 5 in.) Antenna jack Vehicle antenna RCA connector Blue WIRED REMOTE INPUT Please see the Instruction Manual for the Wired Remote 2 m (6 ft. 7 in.) Control Adapters (sold separately). IP-BUS cable 20 cm (7-7/8 in.) (supplied with hide-away XM tuner) Black Blue Red, white (AUDIO INPUT) Yellow (VIDEO INPUT) XM tuner (e.g. GEX-P920XM) 1 * (sold separately) *1 — When connecting your
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English Section ConnectingtheSystem 03 Microphone WARNING · To avoid the risk of accident and the potential violation of applicable laws, this product should never be used while the vehicle is being driven except for navigation purposes. Also Rear Displays should not be in a location where it is a visible distraction to the driver. · In some countries or states, the viewing of GPS antenna images on a display inside a vehicle even by DIGITAL OUT persons other than the driver may be illegal
Summary of the content on the page No. 10
Section 03 ConnectingtheSystem Connectingthepowercord(1) Yellow To terminal always supplied with power regardless of ignition switch position. Red To electric terminal controlled by ignition switch (12 V DC) ON/OFF. Orange/White To lighting switch terminal. Black (ground) To vehicle (metal) body. Note When a subwoofer is connected to this navigation system instead of a rear speaker, change the rear output setting in the Initial Setting. (Refer to “Operation Manual”.) The subwoofer output of
Summary of the content on the page No. 11
English Section ConnectingtheSystem 03 The navigation unit RCA connector 26 cm (10-1/4 in.) Power cord Yellow/Black If you use equipment with a mute function, connect that equipment to the Audio Mute lead. If not, keep the Audio Mute lead free of any connections. Note Audio source will be set to mute or attenuate, while the following sounds will not be muted or attenuated. For details, see “Operation Manual”. — voice guidance of the navigation — incoming Ringtone and incoming voice of the
Summary of the content on the page No. 12
Section 03 ConnectingtheSystem Connectingthepowercord(2) Speed detection circuit lead 3 m (9 ft. 10 in.) Pink (CAR SPEED SIGNAL INPUT) Vehicle injection The mobile navigation system is connected here to detect the distance the Connector computer vehicle travels. Always connect the vehicle´s speed detection circuit. Failure to make this connection will increase errors in the location display. WARNING IMPROPER CONNECTION MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS DAMAGE OR INJURY INCLUDING ELECTRICAL SHOCK, AND
Summary of the content on the page No. 13
English Section ConnectingtheSystem 03 The navigation unit Extension lead (for speed signal) Power cord Violet/white (REVERSEGEAR SIGNAL INPUT) This is connected so that the navigation system can detect whether the vehicle is moving forwards or backwards. Connect the violet/white lead to the lead whose voltage changes when the shift lever is put in reverse. Unless connected, the sensor may not detect your vehicle travelling forward/backward properly, and thus the position of your vehicle
Summary of the content on the page No. 14
Section 03 ConnectingtheSystem Whenconnectingtoseparatelysoldpoweramp Subwoofer output (SUBWOOFER OUTPUT) 28cm (11 in.) RCA connector Rear output (REAR OUTPUT) 30cm (11-7/8 in.) Front output (FRONT OUTPUT) The navigation unit 30cm (11-7/8 in.) 30cm (11-7/8 in.) Blue/white To system control terminal of the power amp (max. 300 mA 12 V DC). Note You can change the RCA output of the subwoofer depending on your subwoofer system. (Refer to “Operation Manual”.) 14 En
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English Section ConnectingtheSystem 03 Power amp (sold separately) RCA cables (sold separately) Power amp (sold separately) Power amp (sold separately) System remote control Left Right Front speaker Front speaker Rear speaker Rear speaker Subwoofer Subwoofer 15 En
Summary of the content on the page No. 16
Section 03 ConnectingtheSystem Whenconnectingarearview Rear view camera (e.g. ND-BC2) To video output camera (sold separately) RCA cable Whenthis productisusedwith arear view camera, itispossibletoautomatically switch fromthevideotorear viewimagewhenthe gearshiftismovedtoREVERSE(R).Rear- Brown Viewmodealsoallowsyoutocheck what is (REAR VIEW CAMERA IN) behind youwhiledriving. 20 cm Violet/white RCA connector (7-7/8 in.) WARNING USEINPUTONLYFORREVERSEORMIRROR IMAGEREARVIEWCAMERA.OTHERUSEMAY Power
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English Section ConnectingtheSystem 03 Whenconnectingtherear Whenconnectingthe display externalvideocomponent The navigation unit Using“AV1Input”(AV1) The navigation unit RCA connector 15 cm (5-7/8 in.) 20 cm (7-7/8 in.) Yellow (REAR MONITOR OUTPUT) RCA connector Red, white RCA cables (AUDIO INPUT) Yellow (sold separately) (VIDEO INPUT) To video input RCA cables Rear display with (sold separately) RCA input jacks To video output To audio outputs Whenusingareardisplay External video connect
Summary of the content on the page No. 18
Section 03 ConnectingtheSystem Using“AV2Input”(AV2) CAUTION BesuretouseaCD-RM10(soldseparately)for The navigation unit wiring.If youuseothercables,thereisacase wherewiringpositiondiffers,imagesandsounds maybedisturbed. OK L : Left audio (White) R : Right audio (Red) L L Mini jack V : Video (Yellow) G R G V V R G : Ground Red, white CD-RM10 (sold separately) Yellow RCA cables (sold separately) To video output To audio outputs External video component (sold separately) ! Itisnecessarytoset[AV2
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English Section ConnectingtheSystem 03 Whenconnectingthe externalunitfeaturingvideo source The navigation unit Blue RCA connector 20 cm (7-7/8 in.) IP-BUS cable (sold separately) Black Yellow (VIDEO INPUT) T T To IP-BUS output RCA cable (sold separately) Pioneer external unit (sold separately) To video output ! Itisnecessarytoset[AV1Input]in[AV Settings]to[EXT]whenconnecting theex- ternalunit. (Fordetails,referto“Operation Manual”.) 19 En
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Section 04 Installation ! Makesurethatleadscannotgetcaughtin Precautionsbefore adoorortheslidingmechanismofaseat, installation resultinginashortcircuit. ! Pleaseconfirmtheproperfunctionof WARNING yourvehicle’sotherequipmentfollowing Pioneerdoesnotrecommendthatyouinstall installationofthenavigationsystem. orserviceyournavigationsystemyourself. ! Certaingovernmentlawsmayprohibitor Installingorservicingtheproductmayex- restricttheplacementanduseofthissys- poseyoutoriskofelectricshockorotherha- temi