Vermont Casting Signature VCS4007 user manual

User manual for the device Vermont Casting Signature VCS4007

Device: Vermont Casting Signature VCS4007
Category: Gas Grill
Manufacturer: Vermont Casting
Size: 3.76 MB
Added : 10/23/2013
Number of pages: 7
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Vermont Casting Signature VCS4007 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Vermont Casting Signature VCS4007. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

GB002_1000-9723_2007_BBQ_Grill v3.qxp:114621 CFM-Brochure 3/15/07 1:36 PM Page 1

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

GB002_1000-9723_2007_BBQ_Grill v3.qxp:114621 CFM-Brochure 3/15/07 1:37 PM Page 2 Stainless Steel SIGNATURE SEAR The EXTRA DEEP FIRE BOX PLATES are bigger, and optimally contributes to heat retention and designed for heat distribution across Our double-walled lid panels and CAST creates a convection-style cooking the entire cooking surface. so food stays amazingly moist. IRON HOOD END CAPS help retain the heat for more efficient cooking and superior flavor retention. BRING OUT THE BEST IN FOOD

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

GB002_1000-9723_2007_BBQ_Grill v3.qxp:114621 CFM-Brochure 3/15/07 1:37 PM Page 4 | | SIGNATURE SERIES 5-BURNER GRILLS SIGNATURE SERIES 4-BURNER GRILLS A beautiful, polished stainless steel lid marks this Cast Iron and Stainless Steel, this 4 burner grill is a 5 burner grill as one of the most distinguished around. monument to modern grilling. The perfect size for Delivering superior flavor, outstanding heat retention, many different outdoor applications, this grill has 450 and remarkable effi

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

GB002_1000-9723_2007_BBQ_Grill v3.qxp:114621 CFM-Brochure 3/15/07 1:37 PM Page 6 | | SIGNATURE SERIES 3-BURNER GRILLS SIGNATURE SERIES LIMITED EDITION LIDS When you fit the amazing Signature Flavor Process Cooking System into a 3-burner grill, you know you have the best value in grilling around. 400 square inch primary cooking area and 150 square inches of secondary cooking Mica Black Porcelain Enamel space, NeverFail Electronic Ignition, Porcelain-Coated Available on 3-Burner Model: VCS3517

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

GB002_1000-9723_2007_BBQ_Grill v3.qxp:114621 CFM-Brochure 3/15/07 1:38 PM Page 8 | | SIGNATURE SERIES 5-BURNER BUILT-IN GRILLS SIGNATURE SERIES 3-BURNER BUILT-IN GRILLS The perfect way to complement your outdoor living, Vermont Castings Built-in gas grills are every inch a Vermont Castings Signature Series masterpiece. Each can be installed into a complete outdoor cooking center, with options that include built-in side burner and front door assembly. 600 square inches of primary cooking area

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

GB002_1000-9723_2007_BBQ_Grill v3.qxp:114621 CFM-Brochure 3/15/07 1:38 PM Page 10 | | SIGNATURE SERIES SMOKER SIGNATURE SERIES ACCESSORIES Cast iron griddle plate Just imagine what you can create with 1033 square GET A FEEL Replace one cooking grate with this Signature Series Grill Knife griddle and you've got the perfect outdoor Long wood handle, with sharp stir-fry surface. Great for pizza, bacon stainless steel blade and serrated tip. inches of cooking area and four adjustable oven-style &

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

GB002_1000-9723_2007_BBQ_Grill v3.qxp:114621 CFM-Brochure 3/15/07 1:38 PM Page 12 5-BURNER 4-BURNER 3-BURNER 5-BURNER BUILT-IN 3-BURNER BUILT-IN Stainless Steel Main Burners 54 3 5 3 Main Burners BTU’s 62,500 50,000 37,500 62,500 37,500 Primary Cooking Area (sq. in.) 600 450 400 600 400 Porcelain Coated Wire Warming Rack (sq. in.) 230 170 150 230 150 Total Cooking Area 830 620 550 830 550 Porcelain Coated Cast Iron Cooking Grates •• • • • Signature Sear Plates (Stainless Steel) •• • • • Never

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