Lynx Professional Grills 27" Free Standing Grill L27R-2 user manual

User manual for the device Lynx Professional Grills 27" Free Standing Grill L27R-2

Device: Lynx Professional Grills 27" Free Standing Grill L27R-2
Category: Gas Grill
Manufacturer: Lynx Professional Grills
Size: 6.46 MB
Added : 11/3/2013
Number of pages: 48
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Lynx Professional Grills 27" Free Standing Grill L27R-2 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Lynx Professional Grills 27" Free Standing Grill L27R-2. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1


Summary of the content on the page No. 2

A Mess Age to our Custo Mers… ou’ve just joined the world of L ou’ve just joined the world of L ou’ve just joined the world of Lynx ynx ynx Ycooks … a discriminating collection of cooks … a discriminating collection of cooks … a discriminating collection of cooks … a discriminating collection of amateur and pr amateur and pr amateur and pr amateur and professional chefs that take ofessional chefs that take ofessional chefs that take ofessional chefs that take outdoor cooking to a new level.

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

arningw REAd Th IS mAn UAL c AREf ULLY and completely before using your grill to reduce the risk of: 1) f ire ) Bur Bur Burn hazar n hazar n hazard, personal injury or pr d, personal injury or pr d, personal injury or property damage operty damage operty damage ) Ruined steaks or other unpleasant cooking experiences Ruined steaks or other unpleasant cooking experiences Ruined steaks or other unpleasant cooking experiences Ruined steaks or other unpleasant cooking experiences ) Unappr Unapprov

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

w w w A Arning 1) n ever use dented, rusty or damaged propane cylinders. nE vER store additional or empty pr pr propane cylinders in the grill cabinet or in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. opane cylinders in the grill cabinet or in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. opane cylinders in the grill cabinet or in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. do not stor stor stor stor stor stor stor stor stor store pr e pr e pr e pr e pr e pr e pr e pr e pr e propane cylinders

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

tA tA tA ble of Contents ble of Contents ble of Contents A Message to our Customers… .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... u se & CA CA CAre guidelinesre guidelines .............................................................. ..............................................................6 Lynx Grill Models .............................................

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

u se & CA CA CAre guidelinesre guidelines This use & care manual covers the Lynx grill models listed below. Some features and options will vary based upon the model that you purchased. lll ynx ynx g rill Models buil buil buil buil buil buil T- T- T- T-in in frees frees TA TAnding nding l 27-2 l 27f -2 l 27r -2 l 27fr -2 l 27Psr -2 l 27Psfr -2 l 30r -1 l 30fr -1 l 30Psr -1 l 30Psfr -1 l 36r -1 l 36Psr -1 l 36Psfr -1 l 42r -1 l 42Psr -1 l 42Psfr -1 l 54Psr -1 l 54Psfr -1 6

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

iM tttporporpor A A A Ant nt sA sA sA fety fety p re CA CA CAutionsutions Please rev Iew these ImPortant safety Pre Caut Ions before you use your gr Ill . 1) never leave the gr Ill unattended wh Ile Coo KIng . ) ensure all tie-down wires have been removed from the burners. ) Always use caution when operating the grill in a windy area. (see inde X: “g rilling in w indy Condi- tions” for further details.) ) Avoid wearing loose-fitting garments or long sleeves while grilling. They could igni

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

18) Portable l P cylinders: Always shut off the main valve on the l P cylinder after each use. 19) spiders and insects like to nest in the bur piders and insects like to nest in the bur piders and insects like to nest in the burners, venturis, valves and orifices of a grill, disrupting ners, venturis, valves and orifices of a grill, disrupting ners, venturis, valves and orifices of a grill, disrupting the gas flow the gas flow the gas flow the gas flow. This very danger . This very danger . T

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

u sing y our lll ynx ynx g rill rilling r rilling r rilling requir equir equires high heat es high heat es high heat sometimes with the lid closed challenges. W challenges. W challenges. We will r e will r e will reveal eveal eveal g for searing and low for searing and low for searing and low for searing and low, con , con , con , con- … achieving the best r … achieving the best r … achieving the best results esults esults how these featur how these features work for es work for tr trolled

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

before ea Ch l ighting y our g rill u se Before any use, always make sure that: w warn arn IIng ng  ... you do not smell gas ... you do not smell gas ... you do not smell gas 1) n ever attempt to light a bur ever attempt to light a bur ever attempt to light a bur ever attempt to light a burner if you smell gas. ner if you smell gas. ner if you smell gas. ner if you smell gas. befor before you light the grill. If e you light the grill. If ) Always keep the lid open (side-bur Always keep th

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

Using the lighting r Using the lighting r Using the lighting rod, place a od, place a od, place a Prosear™ burner Cold weather lit lit match match in in fr front ont of of the the manual manual The Prosear™ burner, does w w w arn arn Ing : Pro P P Pane ane lighting tube for the burner not feature a manual lighting you wish to light. (See photo) tube. Extr Extr Extremely cold temperatur emely cold temperatur emely cold temperatures es es Push and tur Push and tur Push and turn the corr n

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

bA si C grilling Y Y Y Y Y You should keep the hood ou should keep the hood ou should keep the hood ou should keep the hood ou should keep the hood ou should keep the hood Pre-heat Ing ng ty Pes of Coo KIng closed as much as possible closed as much as possible closed as much as possible closed as much as possible closed as much as possible closed as much as possible during this type of cooking to during this type of cooking to during this type of cooking to during this type of cooking to re-

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

u sing t he p ro s eee A A A Ar™ r™ b urner cooking you should still pr cooking you should still pr cooking you should still pr cooking you should still pr cooking you should still pr cooking you should still pr cooking you should still pre- e- e- e- e- e- e- SAFETY PRECAUTIONS SAFETY PRECAUTIONS r rofessional ofessional heat the Pr heat the Pr heat the Pro o os s sear™ bur ear™ bur ear™ burner for ner for ner for P P P Prestaurant Lynx grill cooking grids are 2-3 minutes, or until it glows

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

u sing t he r otisserie b urner otisserie cooking pr otisserie cooking pr otisserie cooking pr otisserie cooking pr otisserie cooking pr otisserie cooking provides ovides ovides ovides ovides ovides Plug the motor power cor Plug the motor power cor Plug the motor power cord d d Swing the war Swing the war Swing the war Swing the warming rack up ming rack up ming rack up ming rack up Ran even delivery of heat to an even delivery of heat to an even delivery of heat to an even delivery of heat to

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

Slide the pointed end of the Slide the pointed end of the Slide the pointed end of the skewer into the motor and r skewer into the motor and rest est u sing t he sM oker b ox the other end on the rollers on the other side of the grill. rofessional chef’s far and double as a steamer box, P P Pwide set their r wide set their restaurant estaurant filling it with water instead filling it with water instead filling it with water instead filling it with water instead The notched cuisine apart by

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

Cle Cle Cle A A A Aning ning y our lll ynx ynx g rill ► Some household cleaning Some household cleaning Some household cleaning as Ecloth perform very well). STAIn LESS STEEL pr pr pr products ar oducts ar oducts ar oducts are not suitable for e not suitable for e not suitable for e not suitable for ► Allow the surfaces to dry Allow the surfaces to dry Allow the surfaces to dry stainless steel; be sur stainless steel; be sure to r e to read ead ynx pr ynx pr ynx products ar oducts ar oducts a

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

c lean it with hot soapy water lean it with hot soapy water lean it with hot soapy water Remove the racks and then the front. or an oven-style cleaning or an oven-style cleaning the briquette trays by lifting the briquette trays by lifting the briquette trays by lifting ) Angle the bur Angle the bur Angle the burner sideways ner sideways ner sideways product and re-install. the fr the fr the fr the front edge and pulling ont edge and pulling ont edge and pulling ont edge and pulling and lif

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

ProseAr™ burner t’s easy to keep your IProsear™ burner operating at peak performance. Just run it on “hi” with the hood open for 5 minutes after each use to burn away any food particles or drippings. Any ash accumulation on the burner surface can be removed with a light brush or vacuum … BUT WAIT Un TIL The burner is Cool! every 3 to 6 months, remove the burner (it’s held in place by a set-screw) and inspect the venturi (inlet) and orifice to ensure that they’re free of obstru

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

t roubleshooting y our lll ynx ynx g rill before you Call : Please check a few things before you call for service: ► Is there fuel supplied to the grill? ► is the main shut-off valve open? ► Are you using correct type of fuel? (l P or n atural g as) (see inde X: “g as r equirements” for further details.) ► is your pr s your pr s your propane cylinder empty? opane cylinder empty? opane cylinder empty? h ave you recently refilled the propane cylinder? if so, is the connection tight? con

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

A yellow flame on the main A yellow flame on the main A yellow flame on the main it is corr it is corr it is correctly set up for the ectly set up for the ectly set up for the  Wait a few seconds and bur burners indicates a lack of air ners indicates a lack of air. . type of fuel you ar type of fuel you are using. e using. relite a burner. But, if the air ar But, if the air ar But, if the air around the grill ound the grill ound the grill (see inde X: “r egulator Conver- ► bulk l P Cylin

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