Craftsman 139.3043 user manual

User manual for the device Craftsman 139.3043

Device: Craftsman 139.3043
Category: Garage Door Opener
Manufacturer: Craftsman
Size: 13.43 MB
Added : 3/10/2014
Number of pages: 80
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Craftsman 139.3043 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Craftsman 139.3043. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Owner's Manual/ManualDel Propietario
ForResidentialUseOnly/S61opara usoresidencial
Model/Modelo 139.3043
Readandfollow all safetyrulesandoperating Leery seguirtodaslas reglas deseguridady
las instrucciones de operaci6nantesde usar
instructionsbeforefirst useof thisproduct.
esteproducto por primera vez.
Fastenthe manualnear thegarage doorafter
Guardareste manualcercade la puerta dela
Periodic checksofthe ope

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS Adjustment 27-29 Introduction 2-7 Introduction ........................................ 27 Safety symbol review and signal word review ............... 2 Program the travel ................................... 28 Preparing your garagedoor ............................. 3 Test the safety reversalsystem.......................... 29 Tools needed ........................................ 3 Test The Protector System® ............................ 29 Planning .............................

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

Preparingyourgarage door Before you begin: To prevent possible SERIOUSINJURYor DEATH: • Disablelocks. • ALWAYScall a trained door systems technician if garage • Removeany ropes connected to garage door. door binds, sticks, or is out of balance.An unbalanced • Completethe followingtest to make sure your garage door is garagedoor may NOTreversewhen required. balanced and is not sticking or binding: • NEVERtry to loosen, move or adjust garagedoor, door 1. Lift the door about halfway as shown. Relea

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Planning Identify the type and height of your garagedoor. Surveyyour Doyou have an access door in addition to the garagedoor? If garageareato see if any of the conditions below apply to your not, Model 139.53702 Emergency Key Releaseis required. See installation. Additional materials may be required. You may find it Accessories page. helpful to refer back to this pageand the accompanying Look at the garage door where it meets the floor. Any gap illustrations as you proceed with the installation

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

Planning(Continued) ONE-PIECE DOORINSTALLATIONS Without a properly working safety reversalsystem, persons • Generally,a one-piece door does not require reinforcement. If (particularly small children) could be SERIOUSLYINJUREDor your door is lightweight, refer to the information relating to KILLEDby a closing garagedoor. sectional doors in Installation Step 8. • The gap betweenthe bottom of the garage door and the floor • Dependingon your door's construction, you may need MUST NOTexceed1/4" (6 mm

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

CartonInventory Your garagedoor opener is packagedin one carton which Parts may be stuck in the foam. Hardwarefor assembly and contains the motor unit and all parts illustrated below. installation is shown on the next page. Savethe carton and Accessories will depend on the model purchased. If anything is packing material until installation and adjustment is complete. missing, carefully check the packing material. 0 3-Button Remote Control (2) Battery Smart Control Panel® Sprocketcover Trolley wi

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

HardwareInventory Separateall hardware and group as shown below for the assembly and installation procedures. ASSEMBLYHARDWARE _l] !!!!!!!!!1) Q Bolt 1/4"-20xl-3/4" (2) Lock Nut Lock Washer Nut 1/4"-20 (2) 3/8" (1) 3/8"(1) i i Spring/Trolley Nut (1) Spring Nut Label Master Link (2) Idler Bolt (1) 1o Trolley Threaded Shaft (1) INSTALLATIONHARDWARE 0 Handle Ring Nut 5/16"-18 (4) Carriage Bolt Wing Nut Fastener (3) 1/4"-20xl/2" (2) 1/4"-20 (2) F,,,,,,,,,,,D Lag Screw Hex Bolt Insulated 5/16"-9xl -5

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

ASSEMBLY STEP 1 Assemble the Rail and Install the Trolley To prevent INJURY from pinching, keep hands and fingers To avoid installation difficulties, do notrun the garage door away from the joints while assembling the rail. openeruntil instructedto do so. The front rail has a cut out "window" at the door end Outer (see illustration). Thehole abovethis windowis larger on the Trolley top of the raft than on the bottom. A smaller hole 3-1/2" (8.9 cm) Inner away is close to the rail edge. Rotate the

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

ASSEMBLY STEP 3 Install the Idler Pulley 1. Laythe belt beside the rail, as shown. Graspthe end with the hooked trolley connector and pass approximately 12" (30 cm) of belt through the window. Keepthe ribbed side toward the rail, and allow it to hang until Assembly Step 5. 2. Removethe tape from the idler pulley. 3. Placethe idler pulley into the window as shown. 4. Insert the idler bolt from the top through the rail and pulley. Tighten with a 3/8" lock washer and nut underneaththe rail until th

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

ASSEMBLY STEP 4 Install the Belt To avoid possible SERIOUSINJURYto fingers from moving 1. Pull the belt around the idler pulley and toward the trolley. garagedoor opener: The ribbed side must contact the pufley. • ALWAYS keep hand clear of sprocket while operating opener. 2. Hookthe trolley connector into the retaining slot on the trolley • Securely attach sprocket cover BEFORE operating. as shown. 3. With the trolley against the screwdriver, dispensethe remainder of the belt along the rail leng

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

ASSEMBLY STEP 5 Set the Tensionand Install theSprocketCover 1. By hand, thread the spring trolley nut on the threaded shaft until it is finger tight against the trolley. Do not use any tools. 2. Removethe screwdriver. 3. Insert a flathead screwdriver tip into one of the nut ring slots and brace it firmly against the trolley. 4. Tighten the spring trolley nut with an adjustable wrench or a 7/16" open end wrench about a quarter turn until the spring releasesand snaps the nut ring against the troll

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

INSTALLATION STEP 1 Determinethe HeaderBracketLocation Un.f!nished To prevent possible SERIOUSINJURYor DEATH: Ceiling _ BRACKETMOUNTCEILINGOPTIONALHEADERFOR Header Wall • Headerbracket MUST be RIGIDLYfastened to structural support on headerwall or ceiling, otherwise garagedoor Vertical Centerline of Garage Door might NOTreversewhen required. DONOTinstall header bracket over drywall. 2x4 Structural Suppo_s • Concrete anchors MUST be used if mounting headerbracket or 2x4 into masonry. • NEVERtry t

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

INSTALLATION STEP 2 Install the Header Bracket Wall Mount You can attach the headerbracket either to the wall above the garagedoor, or to the ceiling. Follow the instructions which will work bestfor your particular requirements. Do not install the header bracketover drywall. If installing into masonry,use concreteanchors(not provided). WALLHEADERBRACKET INSTALLATION • Centerthe bracket on the vertical centerline with the bottom Optional edge of the bracket on the horizontal line as shown (with t

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

INSTALLATION STEP 3 Attach the Raft to the Header Bracket 1. Position the opener on the garagefloor below the header bracket. Usepacking material as a protective base. NOTE:If the door spring is in the way, you will needhelp. Have someonehold the opener securely on a temporary support to allow the rail to clear the spring. 2. Position the rail bracket against the headerbracket. 3. Align the bracket holes and join with a clevis pin as shown. 4. Insert a ring fastener to secure. Header Wall Header

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

INSTALLATION STEP 4 Positionthe Opener To prevent damage to garage door, rest garagedoor opener rail Follow instructions which apply to your door type as illustrated. on 2x4 placed on top section of door. SECTIONALDOOROR ONE-PIECE DOORWITH TRACK A 2x4 laid flat is convenient for setting an ideal door-to-rail distance. 1. Removefoam packaging. 2. Raisethe opener onto a stepladder. You will need help at this Rail point if the ladder is not tall enough. 3. Openthe door all the way and place a 2x4 l

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

INSTALLATION STEP 5 Hangthe Opener To avoid possible SERIOUSINJURYfrom a falling garage door Three representativeinstallations are shown. Yours may be opener, fasten it SECURELY to structural supports of the different. Hanging brackets should be angled (Figure 1) to provide garage. Concrete anchors MUST be used if installing ANY rigid support. On finished ceilings (Figures 2 and 3), attach a brackets into masonry. sturdy metal bracket to structural supports before installing the opener. This bra

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

INSTALLATION STEP 6 Install the Lights To prevent possible OVERHEATING of the end panelor light 1. Pressthe releasetabs on both sides of lens. Gentlyrotate lens socket: back and downward until the lens hinge is in the fully open • UseONLYA19 incandescentor compact fluorescent light position. Do not removethe lens. bulbs. 2. Insert an A19 incandescentor compact fluorescent light bulb • DONOTuse incandescentbulbs larger than IOOW. (100 watt maximum), into the light socket. The lights will turn • D

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

INSTALLATION STEP 8 Fasten the Door Bracket Fiberglass,aluminum or lightweight steel garagedoors WILL Follow instructions which apply to your door type as illustrated REQUIREreinforcement BEFOREinstallation of door bracket. below or on the following page. Contactyour door manufacturer for reinforcement kit. A horizontal reinforcementbrace shouldbe longenoughto be securedto two or three vertical supports,A vertical reinforcementbrace shouldcoverthe height of the top panel, Figure 1 shows one piec

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

Fasten the Door Bracket (Continued) ONE-PIECE DOORS Please readand comply with the warnings and reinforcement instructions on the previous page. They apply to one-piece doors also. • Centerthe door bracket on the top of the door, in line with the header bracket as shown. Mark either the left and right, or the top and bottom holes. • Metal Doors:Drill 3/16" pilot holes and fasten the bracket with the 1/4"-14x5/8" self-threading screws provided. HARDWARESHOWN • WoodDoors:Drill 5/16" holes and use

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

INSTALLATION STEP 9 Pulley Connect Door Arm to Trolley i cm) min. __.),, Follow instructions which apply to your door type as illustrated Figure 1 below and on the following page. SECTIONALDOORSONLY Outer Trolley Make sure garagedoor is fully closed. Pull the emergency release Clevis Pin handle to disconnect the outer trolley from the inner trolley. Slide 5/16"x1" the outer trolley back (awayfrom the pulley) about 8" (20 cm) as shown in Figures 1, 2 and 3. Emergency - Release 1. Fastenstraight d

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