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CONTENTS OBJECT OF THE GAME ........................2 MATCHES ........................................12 CHALLENGER .....................................................12 DEFENDER........................................................ 12 GAME SETUP ....................................3 CREATING A MATCH.............................................12 OVERVIEW ........................................................13 GAMEPLAY.......................................4 ROUNDS .......................
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OBJECT OF THE GAME Purchase Superstars to win Championships and dominate WWE. FOUR WAYS TO WIN 1) Be the first Manager to collect ALL four Raw Championships. 2) Be the first Manager to collect ALL four SmackDown Championships. 3) Be the first Manager to collect ANY 2 Raw Championships PLUS any 2 SmackDown Championships. 4) Timed Objective The game can be played with a predetermined time limit. The Manager who has the most assets at the end of the time limit wins. ASSETS ARE TOTALED AS FOLLOWS:
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GAME SETUP 1) Insert the DVD and select ‘Game Demo’ to watch an overview hosted by Jerry “The King” Lawler. 2) Decide who will be ‘The Commissioner’ (manages the bank). 3) Open the game board. Place $50,000 WWE Cash from the bank in the middle of the board. This is known as ‘The Vault’. 4) Each Player (Manager) receives 1 Legendary Manager Pawn and $150,000. ® Place the pawns on the WrestleMania square to begin the game. 5) Shuffle the Superstar deck and distribute 2 Superstar cards to each Man
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GAMEPLAY 1) Each Manager rolls 1 die to determine who starts the game. The highest roll goes first, with game play proceeding clockwise around the board. 2) At the beginning of a Manager’s turn, they have the option of drawing a WWEShop card OR a Superstar card BEFORE they roll to move around the board. See below for Purchasing a WWEShop/Superstar card. 3) Roll 1 die and move your Legendary Manager Pawn around the board. 4) Complete the task for the square you land on. PURCHASING A WWESHOP/SUPE
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GAMEPLAY PURCHASING A WWE SUPERSTAR Draw the top card from the Superstar deck. If you choose to purchase it, pay the ‘Cost’ value shown on the card to the Commissioner. Decide which brand the new Superstar represents (Raw or SmackDown) and place it below the ‘Active’ Superstar of the same brand (off of the game board). This Superstar is now on ‘Reserve’. The new Superstar remains with that brand throughout the game until it is sold. If you choose not to purchase the Superstar, return the card f
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GAMEPLAY TAG TEAMS Create a Tag Team when you have 2 Superstars from the same brand. Simply place an additional Superstar on the board when you make a ‘Switch’. ‘Active’ Tag Teams can only challenge other ‘Active’ Tag Teams from the same brand. If there is no other Tag Team to challenge when you land on Raw or SmackDown Main Event squares, your turn is over. You can force an opposing Manager to make a Tag Team by using a “Call Out Superstar” Chaos Card. NOTE: Tag Team Championships can only be d
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THE BOARD THE VAULT ‘The Vault’ collects WWE Cash as the game progresses. Managers place WWE Cash into ‘The Vault’ when FINED by a ‘Manager’s Solo Challenge’ OR when FINED by a Chaos Card. ‘The Vault’ is located inside the ring at the center of the board. The Commissioner must place $50,000 from the bank into ‘The Vault’ whenever it has been emptied. MONDAY: RAW You MUST challenge ANY other Manager’s ‘Active’ Raw Superstar of your choice to a ‘Match’. If you want to have a Match with a Superst
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THE BOARD THURSDAY: MANAGER’S GROUP CHALLENGE Every Manager participates in a ‘Group Challenge’. Each Manager answers the multiple-choice question by using a die. Managers place the side of the die face-up that matches their answer (1, 2, or 3), but keeps it covered with their hand until the end of the Challenge. At the end of the Challenge, all Managers show their answer at the same time by revealing their die. Each Manager that answers the Challenge correctly wins $10,000. FRIDAY: SMACK
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THE BOARD SUNDAY: PAY-PER-VIEW (PPV) Always ‘Switch’ your ‘Active’ Superstars when you PASS or LAND ON a PPV square. ® ® ® SUMMERSLAM, SURVIVOR SERIES, ROYALRUMBLE & WRESTLEMANIA, By landing on any PPV square, your ‘Active’ Raw OR SmackDown Superstar MUST challenge for a ‘Championship’. Before challenging for a ‘Championship’, decide which ‘Active’ Superstar from Raw or SmackDown will take the “Title Shot”. TWO WAYS TO TAKE A “TITLE SHOT” 1) SOLO CHALLENGE Decide which ‘Vacant (available) Champi
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WWE SUPERSTAR CARDS SUPERSTAR RANK Each WWE Superstar has a ‘Superstar Rank’ that is located in the top-right corner of the Superstar Card. This ‘Superstar Rank’ represents how many dice you start a ‘Match’ with (a Superstar Rank of 5 = 5 dice to start the ‘Match’ with). WEIGHT CLASS WWE Superstars are categorized by 3 different ‘Weight Classes’; Heavyweight, Cruiserweight, and WWE Diva. The ‘Weight Class’ is located above the ‘Cost’ and ‘Salary’ values on the Superstar card. A Superstar’s ‘Weig
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WWE SUPERSTAR CARDS WWE DIVAS AS VALETS WWE Divas can be used to assist Heavyweights and Cruiserweights in their ‘Matches’. After you have lost your last die, you can use a WWE Diva to interfere to avoid losing the ‘Match’. The WWE Diva must be from the same brand as the Superstar that is about to lose his ‘Match’. To use the WWE Diva as a ‘Valet’, place the WWE Diva card at the bottom of the Superstar deck on the board, and extend the ‘Match’ using extra dice. The number of extra dice you gain
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MATCHES - SETTING UP A ‘Match’ takes place when a Manager lands on a Raw, SmackDown, or PPV Square. CHALLENGER The ‘Challenger’ is the player whose turn it is. The ‘Challenger’ can choose ANY other Manager’s ‘Active’ Superstar (from the same brand) to create a ‘Match’. DEFENDER The ‘Defender’ is the player who is being challenged to a ‘Match’. CREATING A MATCH Before the ‘Match’ begins, the ‘Challenger’ has the option of playing a ‘Match Type’ Chaos Card, or a “Call Out Superstar” Chaos Card. Th
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MATCHES - HOW THEY WORK OVERVIEW Each Superstar starts the ‘Match’ with as many dice as their ‘Superstar Rank’. In a Tag Team ‘Match’, start with as many dice as the highest of the two ‘Superstar Ranks’. A ‘Match’ is broken down into ‘Rounds’. Each ‘Round’ consists of trying to remove one die from your opponent. A ‘Match’ is won when an opposing Superstar has lost all of their dice. ROUNDS At the beginning of each ‘Round’, the ‘Challenger’ ALWAYS determines if that ‘Round’ is played by rolling t
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MATCHES - USING WWESHOP CARDS DEFENDER WWESHOP CARDS - “Escape Attack”: Cancels any ‘Challenger’ card. - “Reversal”: Makes a ‘Challenger’ card work against the ‘Challenger’. This card cannot be used to reverse a “Foreign Object” card. PLAYING A ROUND BY ROLLING THE DICE Rolling the dice forces the ‘Defender’ to roll the dice. The Manager with the LOWEST TOTAL on their dice roll must remove 1 die. PAYOUT - AFTER THE MATCH A ‘Payout’ is the reward for winning a ‘Match’. The winner of the ‘Match’ i
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CHAMPIONSHIPS RAW CHAMPIONSHIPS - Heavyweights can challenge for any Raw ‘Championship’ except the ‘Women’s Championship’. - Cruiserweights can challenge for any Raw ‘Championship’ except the ‘WWE Championship’ or ‘Women’s Championship’. - Divas can only challenge for the ‘Women’s Championship’. RAW HEAVYWEIGHTS RAW DIVAS RAW CRUISERWEIGHTS SMACKDOWN CHAMPIONSHIPS - Heavyweights can challenge for any SmackDown ‘Championship’ except the ‘Cruiserweight Championship’. - Cruiserweights can challen
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WWESHOP CARDS NOTE: Place the WWEShop card back into the WWEShop deck when it has been used. SOLO DVD PASS This allows a player to take another ‘Manager’s Solo Challenge’ or ‘PPV Solo Challenge’ after answering incorrectly. This card can also be used to escape the penalty of a ‘Mayhem Message’ and take another ‘Solo Challenge’. TRAITOR This card can be used to steal a Superstar that is already in the possession of another Manager. Pay the opponent DOUBLE the ‘Cost’ value and take the Superstar
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WWE CHAOS CARDS HARDCORE MATCH - CHALLENGER/PRE-MATCH Use this card prior to any ‘Match’ to allow “Foreign Object” WWEShop cards to be played without having to roll for disqualification. “I QUIT” MATCH - CHALLENGER/PRE-MATCH Put your money where your mouth is! Managers roll their ‘Superstar Rank’ each ‘Round’. After each ‘Round’, the loser of that ‘Round’ puts $5,000 into ‘The Vault’ instead of removing a die. This continues until one player quits. Re-roll in case of a tie. The loser of the ‘Mat
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WWE CHAOS CARDS PAY-PER-VIEW - USE IMMEDIATELY If you PASS WrestleMania on your way to the Pay-Per-View, you must pay all your Superstars’ ‘Salaries’. You can never move backwards on the game board. Continue your turn for a “Title Shot”. YOU’VE BEEN FINED - USE IMMEDIATELY Pay the amount of WWE Cash indicated on the card directly to ‘The Vault’. FINANCIAL REWARDS - USE IMMEDIATELY Receive the amount of WWE Cash indicated on the card from ‘The Commissioner’. CALL OUT SUPERSTAR - CHALLENGER/PRE-MA