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Congratulations! You have purchased the ultimate game enhancer management tool allowing you
to connect your PS2 to your PC in order to manage and store all your Game saves!! To get the
most out of your SharkPort, please visit us at to register your SharkPort
and receive all of the benefits of being a member and to get all of the hottest saves for the latest
SharkPort lets you back-up all the saves you have on PS2 Memory Card to your PC
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3. Windows will ask for a path to install the required USB drivers. The USB drivers can be found on the SharkPort PC CD inside the ‘FireLink Drivers’ folder. e) Starting-up the SharkPort Interface 1. Make Sure the USB Link Cable is connected correctly to your PC and PS2. 2. Insert the SharkPort PS2 CD into your console. 3. Press reset on your PS2 and let the software boot-up until it settles on the final main screen, this is the screen that has a flowing water effect in the background. 4. Turn o
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1. PC Panel – This panel displays all the saves and cheats you have stored on your PC. 2. Delete – Deletes highlighted saves from either the Memory Card or PC Panel. 3. Edit – Edit Group Folder Name or Save Description on the PC Panel. 4. Group – Creates new Group Folder on your PC. 5. Minimise – Minimises the Sharkport interface to the windows icon tray. If you want to close down SharkPort, right-click your mouse on the GameShark icon in your windows icon tray to select the close program functi
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17. PC Save information Panel – Displays Save information for currently selected save in the PC panel. 18. Copy -> Memory Card – Copies your selected saves/cheats over to your PS2 Memory Card. 19. Internet Connection – Opens the Internet Connection Panel, used to connect to the PS2 part of GameShark website to find new saves and cheat updates. 20. Saves – These are the actual saves stored on the PC 21. Group Folder – These are folders that contain the Saves and Cheat Files stored on the PC. 22.
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1. Highlight the Group Folder you wish to delete by clicking the mouse cursor on your chosen Group Folder. 2. Press the ‘DELETE’ key on your PC keyboard or use the mouse and click the ‘DELETE’ button. d) Renaming a Group Folder Follow the steps below to can edit existing Group Folder: 1. Highlight the Group Folder you wish to edit by clicking the mouse cursor on your chosen Group Folder name. 2. Use the mouse and click the ‘Edit’ button and a dialogue box will appear with the existing Group Fold
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4) MANAGING SAVES ON YOUR PS2 MEMORY CARDS SharkPort has several functions that allow you to keep your PS2 Memory Cards in good order. You can back-up & delete individual saves from your PS2 Memory Cards and even perform a full format function. Before you can use any of these functions you will need to know how to view the saves stored on your PS2 Memory Cards within the SharkPort interface. a) Viewing Saves Stored on your PS2 Memory Cards Follow the simple steps below to learn how to view the s
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d) Formatting your PS2 Memory Card To format your PS2 Memory Card, simply make sure you have the correct PS2 Memory Card selected then use your mouse to click the ‘Format Memory Card’ button. Your PS2 Memory Card will now be formatted. PLEASE NOTE: All saves store on the PS2 Memory Card will be lost forever after formatting, so make sure you want to do so or make a backup on your PC. 5) COPYING SAVES FROM PS2 MEMORY CARD TO PC Before you can copy saves to or from your PS2 Memory Cards, you need
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6) COPYING SAVES FROM PC TO PS2 MEMORY CARD Before you can copy saves to your PS2 Memory Card from the PC, you need to know how to view your PS2 Memory Card saves within the SharkPort interface. Refer to ‘Viewing Saves Stored on your PS2 Memory Cards’ section 4) a) above. a) Copying Saves Using the ‘Copy -> Memory Card’ Button 1. Use the mouse to highlight the save displayed in the PC Panel. 2. Now click the ‘Copy -> Memory Card’ button. 3. If the save already exists, you will be asked if you wa
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Multiple Cheat files can be stored on the PC and these can be managed with Group Folder Names in the same way as described with Game Saves. b) Copying a Cheat File to a PS2 Memory Card Copying a Cheat File to your PS2 Memory Card is achieved in the same way as you would with Game Saves. You can only have one Cheat file stored on your PS2 Memory Card at one time, when you copy any cheats into the Memory Card Panel, a dialogue box will appear giving you the option to merge or overwrite the Cheat f
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Once you have entered all your details and the Product Key, click on ‘OK’ and the Internet Connection Panel will slide out to the left. If you wish to change any of your details at later date such as your contact email address, click on the ‘CONFIGURE’ button found at the bottom of the Internet Panel. b) Internet Connection Panel Overview The Internet Panel looks like this: 1. Internet Panel – This panel will display the results of Internet searches. 2. Close – This button will close the Interne
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1. Use the mouse to click on the Search Icon in the bottom right of the Internet Panel and a search dialog box will appear as shown above. 2. Use the mouse to select either “Game Saves” or “Cheats” from the dropdown box for “Search Type”. 3. Enter the name of the game you want to search for in the “Game Name” box E.g. Tomb Raider. 4. Use the mouse to click on ‘OK’ and SharkPort will now perform an online search for your game name on the PS2 GameShark server. 5. Search results will be displayed i
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1. Exact – This search will only return results that match exactly with your search term. This option will return the least results. 2. Fuzzy – The search will return results that are similar, but not exactly the same as the search term you entered. This option will return the most results, and is the best option if you are unsure of a game save name. 3. Contains – The search will return results that contain one or more of the words in your Search Term. This option is also a good option if you
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Q: I own a copy of GameShark 2 V4 but I can’t seem to get SharkPort to communicate with it, why is this? A: GameShark 2 V4 must be in the main menu screen before starting SharkPort on your PC. A: Check you have connected your USB link cable up properly between your PC and PS2. Q: Why can’t I copy cheats to my PS2 Memory Card? A: You need to own a copy of GameShark 2 V3 or higher to make use of Cheat Files. Q: I can’t seem to copy large amounts of saves in one go, why is this? A: If you experienc
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A: Yes, although the cable is a USB1.1 device. Q: Can I plug the cable into a hub? A: Yes, although if you have any problems, try plugging it directly into a USB port on your PC and PS2. Q: I plug it into a hub and it seems to be intermittent/fail to work A: Although it should work through a hub, various factors could cause it to be unreliable. If you have any problems, try plugging it directly into a USB port on your PC and PS2. Q: Can I use a USB extension cable? A: Yes, although if you have a
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San Diego, CA 92108 Warranty Information To obtain warranty service within the warranty period: IN THE USA: Return product to the place of purchase or send the defective item postage prepaid with a copy of the sales receipt, return address and a brief description of the problems you are experiencing to: Mad Catz, Inc. ATTN: GameShark Support 7480 Mission Valley Road Suite 101 San Diego, CA 92108 Mad Catz, Inc. 7480 Mission Valley Road Suite 101 • San Diego, CA 92108 ©2003 Mad Catz, Inc. 7480 Mis
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