Thule Cascade XT 676XT user manual

User manual for the device Thule Cascade XT 676XT

Device: Thule Cascade XT 676XT
Category: Automobile Accessories
Manufacturer: Thule
Size: 0.48 MB
Added : 10/28/2014
Number of pages: 8
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Thule Cascade XT 676XT User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Thule Cascade XT 676XT. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Made in U.S.A.
Fabriqué aux États-Unis
Hecho en EE.UU.
Model #676XT
Modèle nº 676XT
Modelo Nº 676XT
Model #677XT
Modèle nº 677XT
Modelo Nº 677XT
Model #678XT
Modèle nº 678XT
Modelo Nº 678XT

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

PARTS INCLUDED • PIÈCES INCLUSES • PIEZAS INCLUIDAS A B C D E part description part number qty. pièce description numéro de pièce qté. descripción pieza número de pieza cant. A Strap / sangle / correa 10169 2 B Key / clé / llave 2 C Quick-Snap / Attache Quick Snap / Acoplamiento rápido 14691 4 D U-Bolt / boulon en U / perno en U 43215 4 E Slide Strip (pre-installed) / Glissière / tira de deslizamiento 14011 4 • With the help of another person place box on 1 roof rack. • Demandez l’aide d’une au

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

5 Minimum bar spread = 23 ⁄8" or 600mm. • If crossbars are adjustable, set to 3 widest position which can be Distance minimale requise entre les barres = 60 cm, soit 23-5/8 po. accommodated by mounting slots. Distancia mínima entre las barras = 60 cm ó 23 5/8 pulg. • Si les barres transversales sont réglables, utilisez la position la plus large compatible avec les trous de fixation. • Si las barras transversales son ajustables, colóquelas en la posición más amplia que permitan los orifici

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

7 • Secure loads with supplied load straps. • Le chargement doit être maintenu en place à l'aide des sangles incluses. • Fije la carga con las correas de carga que se suministran. 8 • Make sure that loads are evenly distributed inside the roof box. Do not exceed the maximum permitted load of 110 lbs./50kg. for the box or the maximum permitted load for the roof as recommended by the vehicle manufacturer, as well of the maximum load of the load carrier. • Assurez-vous que le poids est bien répar

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

EXCHANGING LOCK CORES / CHANGEMENT DE SERRURE / CAMBIO DE CERRADURA 10 • In order to change the existing lock core to a different lock core number, follow steps 1–9 below. • Pour changer de serrure, suivez les étapes 1 à 9 ci-dessous. • Para poder cambiar los cilindros existentes por otros con número de cilindro diferentes, siga los pasos del 1 al 9 que se muestran a continuación. 11 • This box is designed with a patented dual side opening system, allowing you to open the box from either side, p

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

CARE & CLEANING OF THULE BOXES WITH ACRYLIC CAPPED SURFACES 13 SOIN ET ENTETIEN DES COFFRES THULE AVEC SURFACES RECOUVERTES D’ACRYLIQUE CUIDADO Y LIMPIEZA DE LAS CAJAS THULE CON SUPERFICIES RECUBIERTAS DE ACRÍLICO GENERAL CLEANING: NETTOYAGE GÉNÉRAL: LIMPIEZA GENERAL: • Clean with mild soap and lukewarm water. • Nettoyez avec du savon doux et de l’eau tiède. • Limpiar con un jabón suave y agua templada. • Use a soft damp cloth or chamois. Wipe surface gently. • Utilisez un chiffon doux ou une p

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

THULE RACK DIRECTIVES POUR DIRECTRICES PARA LOS GUIDELINES SUPPORT THULE PORTAEQUIPAJES THULE When using carriers and accessories, the user must Lors de l’utilisation de supports et d’accessoires, Cuando se usan portacargas y accesorios, el usuario understand the precautions. The points listed below l’utilisateur doit observer certaines précautions. Les debe entender las precauciones. Los consejos que tiene will assist you in using the rack system and will conseils ci-dessous visent à faciliter

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

THULE CAR RACK SYSTEMS LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY [EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2006] Register online at THULE garantit tous les systèmes de support de la marque THULE garantizará todos los sistemas portacargas de la marca THULE will warranty all THULE brand car rack systems and its THULE pour voitures et ses accessoires fabriqués par THULE THULE y sus accesorios fabricados por THULE mientras el accessories manufactured by THULE during the time that an tant que le pr

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